Sunday, October 28, 2018

Habits make all the difference

Woo 5 lbs down! ok, 5 lbs is not a lot, but I am still happy with my accomplishment!

I am pretty typical-- been overweight since high school, struggled with depression (lost 30lbs, but then gained 50 after), ate lots of fast food (single, work a lot, and drive a lot), drank 2-3 sodas a day, attempted dieting and exercise before but quitting comfort foods cold turkey wasn't an attainable goal.

August: I decided I *needed* to make changes. Aside from being the heaviest I've ever been and being the most uncomfortable I've ever been, I also found out my blood pressure was a little higher than normal (still considered within normal range, doctor wasn't concerned, but I don't want to start having BP issues).

September: NSV-- dining out budget was $100 (because saving money is more motivational than my health lol). I ended up only spending $85, which included a pizza party for friends/family and one time going to dine in restaurant-- which means, most days, I brought my lunch to work and ate dinner at home! Now, the meals I ate at home, were not the best by any means, BUT my goal here was to form the habit of taking my lunch to work and eating at home. I realized by cutting fast food, I also ate much smaller portions AND I stopped craving sodas. I rarely drink soda any more!

Weight: (estimated) 218lbs

October: I randomly ran across the weight loss challenge, and I have gotten into the habit of tracking everything whether good or bad (weight, CICO), drinking more water (trying to drink half a gallon a day) and I'm starting to walk on my lunch hour (still need to work on that...only went 2x last week...). We are in week 2 of the challenge now, and this is (sadly) the longest I've kept up with anything.

Weight: 213lbs (on 10/14) to 208 (on 10/28)

November: NSV -- no spending on dining out. keep up with walks during lunch and hopefully start doing more exercise (though, one goal at a time.)

If there's anything to take away from my post, it's just to reflect on your habits. Taking small steps to change them can really make a huge difference! I know I have a lot to change still (and trust me, I know), but I finally feel like I am on the right track!

submitted by /u/iCan994
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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