Sunday, October 28, 2018

Struggling a month in.

A month ago I decided I was going to lose weight (not for the first time) after seeing a picture of myself that really showed me for the first time how big I’d gotten. I went out and bought scales, which showed me I was 17 stone 8. At 5’2, that equates to a lot of weight on a small frame. I also bought food scales, joined the gym and started logging what I ate.

For the first 2 weeks or so it was going really well. I was eating much less and a bit better, and I lost nearly half a stone.

Then I fell off the wagon after a night out with my team two weeks in. I had a takeaway, which in itself isn’t too bad on occasions. A couple of days later I made jam tarts, with the intention of eating a couple and saving the rest. I ate all 12 within a few hours and was so disappointed in myself.

I haven’t lost any weight in the last two weeks, and I feel like I’m failing. I went to the gym earlier, couldn’t complete the couch to 5k Run I was trying to do and gave up completely after half an hour. Then I went to the shop and bought a big bag of crisps and chocolate fingers, I’ve eaten nearly half of each.

One of the girls on my team has invited me to slimming world with her, to see what I think and I’m in two minds about going. I tried to talk to my mum about it, and she basically told me I shouldn’t bother and it’s a waste of time and money. I feel like I have no support in my weight loss from my family and I’m just going to end up failing and putting on more weight like I have done every time.

Has anyone else felt like this, and if so, how did you get past this because I’m really struggling at the moment?

TL:DR struggling to lose weight and scared of failing again.

submitted by /u/klstew142
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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