Saturday, October 27, 2018

Left leg amputee - looking to lose weight to help with prosthesis.

I am a 5’3 23 year old female and I lost my left leg to cancer when I was 15. If you’re curious my surgery was the rotationplasty.

Anyways. I’m on the heavier side. Certainly not obese but certainly not thin.

After chemotherapy I had gained a lot of weight from steroids and hated myself. I spiralled into disordered eating and dropped close to 70lbs within a year. It was a really toxic situation and I restricted a lot of foods from my diet. But I was thin and light on my prosthetic leg. My doctors and prosthetician told me this is an important aspect of being an amputee for full quality of life.

Once I started university I packed on lots of weight while still struggling with disordered eating including binging and purging (lots of laxatives). I would eat bags of trail mix and then just throw back handfuls of laxatives. It’s gross to think about it now.

Eventually I was able to overcome the weird eating habits (like eating bags of trail mix) and purging, but now out of uni I still struggle with emotional eating and proper exercise.

I am wondering if there are amputees that have gone through weight loss and what advice they may have to offer? I find it hard to do cardio as I have arthritis in the bones that support my prosthesis. Moreover, I do not know how to properly modify exercises that are meant for someone with two functional legs (i have stoppers on the back of my prosthesis that prevent me from properly squatting for example) I am also very self conscious of my leg when I go to the gym.

I hope there are some people out there who can relate? I am working on my mental health to help with emotional eating and my husband and I work together to make proper meals. I just need some support on the amputee side of things.

submitted by /u/jmillstew
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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