Sunday, March 17, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Monday, 18 March 2019

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Ashamed, but hopeful for the first time in a long time.

I've always been a big guy. Even when I was a boy I was the "fat boy." I was taught to use food as a coping mechanism, and not howdy did I have some stuff to cope for. I was sexually abused by an older boy as well as my father, my younger brother died, my house burned down, and I was put into a mental hospital after a suicide attempt. All before 18.

After each trauma my weight would balloon. I knew I was killing myself, but I was so depressed that I welcomed death. Four years ago my mother died, and I gained the most I ever had. Ballooning up to 642 pounds. I went to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack, and remember being so unbelievably shocked at that number. That's a fucking walrus, not a man. How did it get like this? I moped, whined, felt sorry for myself, and kept eating.

Then at the beginning of February something clicked on my brain. I'm only 30. I want to live to see my baby niece grow up. I want to travel, to fall in love, to see what the world has to offer outside of value meals and family packs. I started counting calories. Around 1500-1800 daily. I ONLY drink water with the extremely rare exception of hot tea. I avoid that as well because of the caffeine. I eat a ton of vegetables, salads, carrot sticks, yogurt with active cultures, and lean chicken meat. I have some sauces I use to mix things up, but my meals tend to be very basic and heavy on the vegetables.

I also knew that I had to start moving. I've been making sloths look like Usain Bolt for the past few years. Thing is, at my size it's really hard to move. That's an excuse. I'm not doing those any more. I bought a floor cycle, and am slowly building up time I spend on it daily. I use it with my arms for the same length of time as well. My goal is to have half an hour of cardio a day. I'm currently at 14 minutes.

It's only been about a month or so since I began my weight loss journey in earnest, but I have gone from 642 pounds to 605 pounds. I have an enormous stretch of road before me, and I know that I will make mistakes. But for the first time in forever, I have hope. I believe in myself, and I'm damn proud of the little progress I've already made. I see a weight loss specialist this coming Thursday who has had remarkable success with patients, and so I hope that together we can get me where I want to be.

This subreddit is so incredibly inspiring, and I hope you don't mind me popping in with updates, frustrations, and commiseration from time to time. Thank you for reading my wall of text. It means a lot to me.

submitted by /u/throwawayobesedude34
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When is it enough? Weight loss edition

I’m currently a 5’3, 124 lb female at 22 years old! I have weighed all the way from 114 to 152, and to this day I am still not happy with how I look! I love to weightlift and I eat quite a bit. I know how to track macros but I don’t think it’s the healthiest for my mindset at this point. Honestly, I remember when I weighed 150+ telling myself how “when I reach 125 again, wow will I appreciate my body....” But now, I still would like to get to 120 or lower. I want to be leaner, but will it make me happier losing any more body fat? Any advice on mental gains while trying to improve yourself physically? 🤷🏼‍♀️➡️ progress

submitted by /u/jaycracker
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I want to be attractive. There, I said it.

Five years ago, my weight loss journey started and I crushed it. I got from 240 down to 135 (I'm 5'6"). I looked freakin' amazing. I still had some body dysmorphia, but I remembered several times looking at myself in a mirror or seeing a picture and thinking, "man, I look hot." And I was hot. I felt hot. I felt seen in the world. I felt like I could say whatever I wanted and completely and fully be myself.

Then. Life. Bad decisions. A whole bunch of "meh, it doesn't really matter"s. And now, I'm forty pounds heavier than my lowest weight. I've started to dislike the way I look again. I've started to be treated like an overweight woman again. I hate it.

I have spent a lot of time thinking and self-talking. I kept telling myself "oh, I want to do this so I can be strong" or "I want to feel better" or whatever, whatever, whatever, and it never stuck.

And suddenly, it hit me.

I want to be attractive.

All my life I have wanted to be attractive, but I thought it was out of reach for me. All of a sudden, I remembered that I was attractive and how it made me feel. No, it didn't solve ALL my issues, but it did make me believe in myself. It did make me feel like I had worth. It did make me learn how to speak up for myself and not worry what people thought because lots of people would just like me arbitrarily because I was thin, not hate me because I was fat.

I used to feel guilty for wanting to feel attractive. I felt like I was doing my gender wrong, somehow betraying the little girl I once was who was so defeated by the looks-centered culture we live in. But now, I'm slowly coming to realize that there's nothing wrong with wanting to look good, with wanting to appeal to others, with wanting to be attractive to people. I want to be attractive again--and just writing that is SUPER motivating.

So if you're doing this to be strong, go you. If you're doing this to get hot, GO YOU TOO. BEING HOT ROCKS.

submitted by /u/CaptElizabeth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is eating 70 calories of white bread the same as eating 70 calories of whole grain bread in terms of weight loss?

This question is driving me absolutely insane because there is a MASSIVE variety of answers, especially on reddit. I’m asking - is a calorie a calorie?

I’m not asking how filling something is or how nutritious it is, I’m asking if you eat the same calorie of white and whole grain bread, will you lose the same amount of weight?

It seems there are 2 schools of thought on reddit: 1) people who believe that sugar consumed is not digested or “burned” as normal calories are but instead converted to fat 2) people who believe all calories are equal and often cite people who lost weight by eating junk food

Which is it? Why is there SO much confusion on this topic? I feel like this might be the #1 most important mystery to deconstruct since the entirety of weight loss is about CICO. How can we follow CICO if we can’t determine what “kind” calorie something is or how it will be used in the body?

submitted by /u/eurisa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

ADHD, College, & Loosing Weight

I'm not positive that this is the right place to ask but I was wondering if any of y'all have any tips to lose weight while managing ADHD and college.

For the past year or so I have been struggling to stay consistent with a 250-500 calorie deficit for more than 2 weeks at a time. Because my meds suppress my apitite, my issues aren't so much with cravings or hunger but rather that I find that, when I eat below maintenance calories, my already sub-par focus and ability to study or do course work is completely shot. So whenever assignments start piling up the dieting stops. This has led to very slow weight loss. I am thinking about just focusing on school now and trying to diet over the summer but I am interested in if anyone else has had similar experiences to me and if they have advice.


Additional info: I lift weights 3 times a week. And I track my weight and food religiously, so I know my TDDE is correct. I also make sure that I eat 3 meals a day with snacks in between.

submitted by /u/Time-Has-Come
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

over 500 down to 418 in 3 months

So my story starts april or may of 2018, I went to a weight loss clinic to see how much the program would cost (2500$) to expensive for me so I ended up not doing it. The one thing it did do though was make me realize how far I had fallen (que Fallen - Sarah McLachlan)

I went from around 299-310 most of my life up to 480 pounds which was the max on the scale and that still wasn't enough, I was most likely sitting anywhere between 500-510 which broke me completely, I couldn't believe how far I had let myself go.

so after about 3 weeks of clean eating after that I was back off the rails and binging day and night again, and at that point I kinda just said to myself "what ever your already broken no use trying to fix it" so I continued to eat like that until December this year. I ended up laying in bed thinking about all the things I was missing in life because of food, all the relationships I had lost because I was to ashamed to leave the house. I had become a shadow of my former self. I decided at that point that this wasn't about needing to self love my self because I hated myself, I hated how weak I was, I hated how disgusting I was, I hated how I destroyed myself for a few minutes of pleasure that food gave me. I decided I hated myself so much that I needed to kill that part of me off, I needed to change.

So I decided the first thing I needed to do was prove to myself I could say no to food. I successfully did a 3 day water fast and boy did it feel amazing. AMAZING I tell you, to realise that you CAN control yourself and from that point on I had no doubt I could do this. its now been 3 months and I have lost 80 pounds (best estimate as I was for sure over 500) I have stayed strict and its only getting easier, Take out?? sorry don't know her!...sugar?? sorry don't know her either!!! I now mostly live off water, veggies, fruit, and meat. I keep it simple, I take pro biotics to improve my gut health, drink a crap ton of water and make sure I get healthy fats. have I cheated? yup 2x I had a few slices of pizza on a movie night, and I also had a little bit of ice cream one night that's it.

The biggest change that I NEVER thought would leave was the feeling of "I need to binge" that feeling of needing to fill myself to a point I was sick, I thought I would have to live with that my entire life but I can honestly say I don't feel that way anymore, I no longer feel that need! and im so excited for what the future has in store for me!

Pictures! Before


I still don't see a difference but im not surprised I got a long ways to go but I do feel a lot better in everything I do! wish you guys all the best of luck!!

submitted by /u/Lights8027
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from loseit - Lose the Fat