Monday, March 18, 2019

9 More Air Fryer Recipes for Fried Food Lovers

If you haven’t tried an air fryer yet … what are you waiting for? Unlike other TV gadgets that say they slice and dice but don’t, the air fryer is the real deal: Using superheated air instead of oil, the countertop wonder turns out cripsy fried chicken, crunchy potato chips and other fried food favorites with fewer calories and fewer ingredients than store-bought or other homemade options. Meals like these Air Fryer Chicken Drumsticks use just three ingredients.

So get your hands on an air fryer and start making your favorite fried food for less the calories. Need a place to start? We’ve got you covered with PLENTY of delicious “fried” recipes right here on The Leaf.

11 Instant Pot Recipes You Need to Try This Instant

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Try these 9 no-sweat recipes (with zero guilt!) that are inspired by fried food favorites:

1. Air Fryer Crab Wontons >

Crab wontons

Calories per serving: 60

On Nutrisystem, counts as: 2 Extras

Wonton treats like these are a fried food takeout favorite, and they seem like they’d be impossible to replicate at home. But there’s a secret in your grocery freezer: Premade, pre-cut wonton wrappers. Fill them with a tasty combination of cream cheese, green onions, lump crab meat and a few spices, and you’ve got a pile of poppable snacks or a smart-portioned side dish that pair perfectly with other Flex Meals like the Asian Edamame Power Bowl. And at just 60 calories for two crab wontons, you can enjoy these creamy, crunchy favorites while staying on plan.

2. Air Fryer Baked Eggs >

baked eggs

Calories per serving: 81

On Nutrisystem, counts as: 1 PowerFuel

Omelets and other egg scrambles can be frustrating on a busy morning: There’s the pan to clean up, and the risk that in your morning rush, you might not cook the dish just right. This air fryer recipe solves both problems: The machine cooks the breakfast to perfection at the push of a button in just five to eight minutes, and you’ll eat it in the same ramekin you cook it in—so there’s nothing to clean up. It’s a tasty, flavorful breakfast to power you up for the day and keep you filled with protein and vegetable protein long into the morning.

3. Air Fryer Chili Potato Skins >

chili potato skins

Calories per serving: 151

On Nutrisystem, counts as: 1/2 SmartCarb, 1/2 PowerFuel and 2 Extras

Just because you’re losing weight doesn’t mean watching the game is accompanied just by carrot sticks. While it’s great to get your veggies in while cheering on your favorite team or binging your favorite new show—and The Leaf has recipes for amazing dips (try this popular Skinny Spinach Dip >) to accompany those vegetables—you can still enjoy indulgent favorites while staying on plan. Case in point: These chili-filled potato skins are just as delicious as calorie-filled fried food. Thanks to the air fryer, each skin—loaded with chili, cheese and sour cream—is just 151 calories.

Healthier Fried Chicken & 13 Other Amazing Air Fryer Recipes

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4. Air Fryer BBQ Potato Skins >

BBQ potato skins

Calories per serving: 143

On Nutrisystem, counts as: 1 PowerFuel and 2 Extras

Not a chili fan? These skins swap out the red for pulled pork and barbecue sauce and keep the cheese and dollop of sour cream. They’re simple to make: Just crisp the potato in the air fryer for five minutes while mixing the other ingredients—including store-bought pulled pork and sauce—in a bowl. Fill each skin once it’s cooked and top with sour cream for an appetizer experience that would be welcome fare in any sports bar … but at 143 calories, these are more than welcome in your weight loss plan.

5. Air Fryer Southwestern Egg Rolls >

Southwestern egg rolls

Calories per serving: 165

On Nutrisystem, counts as: 1 PowerFuel and 2 Extras

Many “diet” versions of your favorite fried food offer a teeny, tiny portion. Not so with these easy-to-make egg rolls: Each 165-calorie serving is six rolls, filled with chicken, cheese, vegetables and avocado. And with ready-to-use egg roll wrappers from the grocery store freezer, all that deliciousness couldn’t be easier to make. Just a few steps on the stove and 16 minutes in the air fryer, and you’re in crunchy, chewy appetizer heaven.

6. Air Fryer Pizza Rolls >

pizza rolls

Calories per serving: 67

On Nutrisystem, counts as: 2 Extras

There’s bad news about the pizza rolls you remember microwaving as a youth: They weren’t good. Try those same rolls as an adult, and you’re sure to be disappointed—and you’ll still burn your mouth on the boiling sauce inside. But these air fryer rolls have fewer calories and more flavor: Thanks to using real ingredients like actual mozzarella cheese, your favorite low-sodium pizza sauce, and turkey pepperoni, they’ve got the real flavor of pizza swaddled in each ready-made wonton wrapper. And thanks to the magic of the air fryer’s superheated air, they’re lower in calories, too. Just watch your mouth: You can still burn yourself on these healthier, tastier rolls!

6 Sneaky Ways You’re Ruining Your Veggies

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7. Air Fried Eggplant Parm Poppers >

parm poppers

Calories per serving: 221

On Nutrisystem, counts as: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel and 1 Vegetable

Three of these poppable “fried” snacks is just 221 calories, but they’ve got a whole day’s worth of flavor. Salty from Parmesan cheese, savory from eggplant cubes at the base, spiced up with Italian seasoning, and given a smooth finish from a dip in marinara sauce, each ball offers the full range of eggplant parmigiana flavors in a single bite. Prepare them before your next big gathering or hoard them all for yourself. The recipe makes three servings, so you can enjoy these snackable favorites tonight and then as a side with other meals tomorrow.

8. Air Fryer Mexican Pizza >

Mexican pizza

Calories per serving: 325

On Nutrisystem, counts as: 1 SmartCarb, 2 PowerFuels and 1 Extra

Get the gooey cheesiness you love from a Mexican pizza without worrying about burning it: The air fryer makes it easy. After browning some ground turkey with cilantro, green onion and spices, you’ll add it into the air fryer on top of a tortilla with spinach and cheese. In less than 10 minutes, your pizza is ready to be topped with salsa and avocado for a perfect Flex Meal you’ll love—and love to share. The recipe makes 4 servings, so cut it up and make this Nutrisystem-friendly meal something the whole family can enjoy together.

9. Air Fryer Orange Tofu >

fried food

Calories per serving: 103

On Nutrisystem, counts as: 1 PowerFuel and 1 Extra

If you don’t love tofu, get ready to change your mind: These air fried tofu cubes are crunchy and breaded from a panko breadcrumb and cornstarch coating and bursting with the flavors of orange, ginger, garlic, and soy sauce. They’re a surprising appetizer that your family or guests will love—and ask you to make again for your next get-together. Best of all, they fit right in with your healthy lifestyle: Each serving of orange tofu is just 103 calories, leaving plenty of room in your Flex plan for more of your favorite foods … or another serving of these tofu bites!

No time for cooking this week? Check out our menu filled with ready-to-go versions of your all-time favorite foods >

The post 9 More Air Fryer Recipes for Fried Food Lovers appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Stuck at the same weight for more than a year now

I am female, 5'6" and currently weigh around 148 lbs, at 29 % body fat. In 2017, I lost 22 lbs in a slow but steady way, counting calories each and every day, going to the gym 4-6 times a week, and it worked perfectly.

But at some point when I hit my current weight in early 2018, nothing has really changed anymore. Luckily, I was able to maintain my weight but I still kept trying to lose some more, my goal weight would be around 130 lbs.

I tried to live on somewhere between 1200-1400 calories from that point on (because losing weight at 1500 calories like before apparently didn't work anymore), changing my approaches and sometimes being successful, but then I let go a little bit and put the 4-6 lbs I had lost on again quickly.

I am trying to figure out what I have been doing wrong in the grand scheme.

My fitness trainer said I shouldn't eat below about 1400 calories a day. She says this is my BMR. But I feel when I eat around 1400 calories a day, nothing really changes. Or maybe the slip ups that didn't matter so much before now make that much difference?

I guess I am seeking for some inspiration how I can continue. I believe in calories = calories and it worked for me, but it seems to have stopped working now...?

Please send me all your weight loss tipps!!

submitted by /u/lisalovesmango
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Two questions: Am I supposed to feel hungry? How is TOPS?

As in the title:

  1. This may sound extremely stupid--sorry for the ignorance, I'm still learning. Am I supposed to feel hungry on a calorie deficit? I'm about 390 lbs 5'7, Male, and consume about 2500-2800 calories per day. My TDEE calculator suggests 3700 (due to light exercise and being on my feet) is my maintenance goal. So I'm at about 1000 calorie deficit, but going to bed I'm always very hungry, which can make it difficult to sleep. Is this normal at first? Does it go away after a week or so/do you get used to it?

  1. Has anyone tried TOPS weight loss support? Is it okay for men to join too? If I'm male in my mid-20s would that be strange or would I be welcome?

Thanks for any and all comments.

submitted by /u/becauseipromised
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Monday, 18 March 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Ashamed, but hopeful for the first time in a long time.

I've always been a big guy. Even when I was a boy I was the "fat boy." I was taught to use food as a coping mechanism, and not howdy did I have some stuff to cope for. I was sexually abused by an older boy as well as my father, my younger brother died, my house burned down, and I was put into a mental hospital after a suicide attempt. All before 18.

After each trauma my weight would balloon. I knew I was killing myself, but I was so depressed that I welcomed death. Four years ago my mother died, and I gained the most I ever had. Ballooning up to 642 pounds. I went to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack, and remember being so unbelievably shocked at that number. That's a fucking walrus, not a man. How did it get like this? I moped, whined, felt sorry for myself, and kept eating.

Then at the beginning of February something clicked on my brain. I'm only 30. I want to live to see my baby niece grow up. I want to travel, to fall in love, to see what the world has to offer outside of value meals and family packs. I started counting calories. Around 1500-1800 daily. I ONLY drink water with the extremely rare exception of hot tea. I avoid that as well because of the caffeine. I eat a ton of vegetables, salads, carrot sticks, yogurt with active cultures, and lean chicken meat. I have some sauces I use to mix things up, but my meals tend to be very basic and heavy on the vegetables.

I also knew that I had to start moving. I've been making sloths look like Usain Bolt for the past few years. Thing is, at my size it's really hard to move. That's an excuse. I'm not doing those any more. I bought a floor cycle, and am slowly building up time I spend on it daily. I use it with my arms for the same length of time as well. My goal is to have half an hour of cardio a day. I'm currently at 14 minutes.

It's only been about a month or so since I began my weight loss journey in earnest, but I have gone from 642 pounds to 605 pounds. I have an enormous stretch of road before me, and I know that I will make mistakes. But for the first time in forever, I have hope. I believe in myself, and I'm damn proud of the little progress I've already made. I see a weight loss specialist this coming Thursday who has had remarkable success with patients, and so I hope that together we can get me where I want to be.

This subreddit is so incredibly inspiring, and I hope you don't mind me popping in with updates, frustrations, and commiseration from time to time. Thank you for reading my wall of text. It means a lot to me.

submitted by /u/throwawayobesedude34
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When is it enough? Weight loss edition

I’m currently a 5’3, 124 lb female at 22 years old! I have weighed all the way from 114 to 152, and to this day I am still not happy with how I look! I love to weightlift and I eat quite a bit. I know how to track macros but I don’t think it’s the healthiest for my mindset at this point. Honestly, I remember when I weighed 150+ telling myself how “when I reach 125 again, wow will I appreciate my body....” But now, I still would like to get to 120 or lower. I want to be leaner, but will it make me happier losing any more body fat? Any advice on mental gains while trying to improve yourself physically? 🤷🏼‍♀️➡️ progress

submitted by /u/jaycracker
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I want to be attractive. There, I said it.

Five years ago, my weight loss journey started and I crushed it. I got from 240 down to 135 (I'm 5'6"). I looked freakin' amazing. I still had some body dysmorphia, but I remembered several times looking at myself in a mirror or seeing a picture and thinking, "man, I look hot." And I was hot. I felt hot. I felt seen in the world. I felt like I could say whatever I wanted and completely and fully be myself.

Then. Life. Bad decisions. A whole bunch of "meh, it doesn't really matter"s. And now, I'm forty pounds heavier than my lowest weight. I've started to dislike the way I look again. I've started to be treated like an overweight woman again. I hate it.

I have spent a lot of time thinking and self-talking. I kept telling myself "oh, I want to do this so I can be strong" or "I want to feel better" or whatever, whatever, whatever, and it never stuck.

And suddenly, it hit me.

I want to be attractive.

All my life I have wanted to be attractive, but I thought it was out of reach for me. All of a sudden, I remembered that I was attractive and how it made me feel. No, it didn't solve ALL my issues, but it did make me believe in myself. It did make me feel like I had worth. It did make me learn how to speak up for myself and not worry what people thought because lots of people would just like me arbitrarily because I was thin, not hate me because I was fat.

I used to feel guilty for wanting to feel attractive. I felt like I was doing my gender wrong, somehow betraying the little girl I once was who was so defeated by the looks-centered culture we live in. But now, I'm slowly coming to realize that there's nothing wrong with wanting to look good, with wanting to appeal to others, with wanting to be attractive to people. I want to be attractive again--and just writing that is SUPER motivating.

So if you're doing this to be strong, go you. If you're doing this to get hot, GO YOU TOO. BEING HOT ROCKS.

submitted by /u/CaptElizabeth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat