Wednesday, March 27, 2019


I’ve realized that an important part of adult life is having systems in place to deal with the big “inputs” of life. For example, two of the big items/concepts that we have to deal with are time and money. Long ago, I adopted a system for dealing with time (Google Calendar + Wunderlist for to-dos) and money (Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps + envelope system + online bill-pay). Now that those systems are in place, I would never *dream* of being without a system--if I ever decided to abandon those specific ways, it would only be to replace them with another system. Also, the systems I’ve got in place are successful while still being sustainable [I would be comfortable using my current systems forever].

This is not my first successful attempt at weight loss, but this is the first one where I’ve started to view food/drink as one of these big “inputs.” And I’ve got a system (LoseIt! app) that is successful and sustainable forever. Now that I’ve been tracking so consistently for three months, I’m getting to the point where I can’t imagine being “system-less” with this big input of my life, just like I can’t imagine being “system-less” with money or time.

And I also believe that our level of contentment in life is very closely correlated with our relationships with these big inputs: time, money, and food/drink.

I hope this has been helpful! Framing these big inputs in this way has certainly helped me!

submitted by /u/simplifykf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost no weight in March.

I'm sitting here at the end of March feeling quite foolish. Between January to the end of February I lost 22 pounds and was in first place at my gym's weight loss challenge. I'd completely cut out eating out and overeating and was responsibly snacking with net weight loss.

March... March though I just feel like I lost it. The motivation, the discipline. I continually found excuses to treat myself. I found just as many excuses to console myself when things didn't go the way I wanted. I'm staring at a calendar I've covered in red on almost every day that I gave in and broke any semblance of CICO. I've felt very alone in this struggle. I've felt very disappointed in myself, and hopeless, and just gross as well. I started this month at 228 and everytime I dipped to 227 I just came right back up. I thought 220 would be a piece of cake. Same with winning the weight loss challenge. But I let failure and fear defeat me.

But I didn't gain weight this month. I maintained. I kept going to the gym almost every day, including days when it was the last thing I wanted to do on Earth. I kept having the self control to know when I absolutely had to stop eating if I didn't want to lose my progress.

I'm stuck halfway between who I was, skipping the gym, eating out daily, ashamed to wear a t-shirt in public and depressed by even facial pictures of myself... and who I want to be. But right now I know I have healthy habits I can stick to long term. I know I have a committed workout routine that is good for me. I know I'm so much happier with who I see in the mirror than I did before. And I know I can be who I want to be because I already have been. And that will lead to me looking how I want to look, too.

submitted by /u/Nihilistic_Dizzy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

100 pounds of weight loss & still feeling insecure. (Support)

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post this here but I need some support. This community has been incredibly supportive and loving.

I'm a little disappointed right now. I've lost damn near 100 pounds but insecurity still lingers. At this point, it's not even my body. It still pops up every so often but now, it's just a feeling. It's hard to brush off because it materializes without anything to be insecure about. I'm not insecure about my body anymore. I had the confidence of a wet paper bag a year ago.

Now, it seems like it attacks my worth. I thought losing weight was fix this but I suppose that's silly. Now I feel like, sure. I'm healthier, I think I'm cuter. But what if I'm not interesting? Not enough? What if weight-loss doesn't change anything? I thought 95% of my self esteem related issues were because of how heavy I was. That's not true. I feel a LOT better but still feel like I'm lacking.

I have 6 pounds to go from 100. I hope that seeing my scale drop below 200 for the first time since I've been an adult will eat some of the insecurity up. I'm not sure how to fight the rest of this battle. I know how to keep losing weight but I don't know how to feel better mentally. I'm trying really hard to stay proud of my progress because I know if I let these insecurities get to me, I'll stop trying and gain the weight back.

submitted by /u/BabyGirlR
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss plateau

I am getting discouraged guys! I don't know what happened. I have lost almost 50 lbs since early December and it was coming off pretty easily and regularly. However, I just got a gym membership a couple weeks ago and have gone every day but one since getting it and since then I have been fluctuating +/- a couple pounds but haven't actually lost any since. I walk/run on the treadmill and burn between 500 and 600 calories. I eat 1200 calories a day pretty strictly (only 1 cheat day a week but not every week). Do I need to up my calories since I am working out or what? I don't know what to do! Please help! Thank you!!

submitted by /u/peachbasketcatchitup
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sharing this journey

Hello, so I'm 31, male, 6', SW 336 CW 326 GW 300, as of right now. I'm setting smaller goals to try and make them easier to attain and so my goal weight is subject to change.

So what this post is about is I'm just looking for someone to share this weight loss journey with, even though there's this subreddit I would just like something more 1 on 1. Right now I'm trying to do the keto diet and also weight lifting. I've been doing this for about 1 and a half to 2 months now.

I live in Minnesota so if I could find someone from around there to maybe hit the gym with that would be awesome as well, though it would just be a bonus.

We could also act as accountability buddies during our journey and have someone to rant to and whatnot.

I wasn't sure where else to post this so I'm just doing it here for right now. I know I could share with the whole subreddit but I'd just prefer to do it 1 on 1 if possible.

submitted by /u/andacanaver
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Egg Freezing–How the Injections At Home Are Going

The next step in how the process of egg freezing works – this is all about the shots. I mentioned in my last video that I thought the shots I was going to have to give myself where going to be super easy – like an epi-pen. I thought they’d be automatic and I’d just click it into my stomach super quick and easy and be on my lil way.

Yeah… no.

It was a lot more complicated than that.

But it was do-able.

egg freeze how i'm doing the injections

I think the fact that I assumed it would be so easy but then realizing it was a real injection made it more difficult. My expectations were incorrect and that led me into this process a little more overwhelmed than if I knew from the start it would be a real shot with real measurements and real needles.

Note: No one straight up told me it was going to be an epipen style injection. I saw that some of the shots are available in a pre-measured and ready to go injection like an epi-pen in my research. And I always assume medicine and technology are moving fast and updating faster so if I see something online – tech or in this case medicine is already a step ahead. I don’t know why I think that… maybe wishful thinking? Well, at least I have an optimistic mindset – right?!

The point is – I had to give myself REAL shots with REAL needles. And I had to mix some of the injections with liquid and/or mix them together to get the right dosage. So I was combining multiple liquids and vials of medication and carefully filling up the shots for the prescribed dose. Then, cleaning off my stomach with a little alcohol wipe and giving myself the injection.

I’ll go into more detail on the step by step process of the injections soon. But for now I wanted to share a short video of me actually doing one of the injections for anyone that’s curious or wants a peek at what it’s like. I wish I would have had a video like this to watch before I started the injections and then I might have had more realistic expectations. Maybe.

egg freezing injections at home

Egg Freezing – How the Injections Are Going…


Want more? Check out the other posts in this series…

Egg Freezing Series:

Egg Freezing Day 1

Egg Freezing Week 1 Update

Egg Freezing Week 2 Update

and now I’m covering how the injections are going!

Egg Freezing Journey ivf step by step (1)

Please be sure to follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for the latest updates and posts!

Thank you!

Got any questions? Ask! Or Let me know what I should post about next!

Leave a comment below or email:


Note: I’m freezing my eggs and sharing the process through a series of blog, social media and video posts. I’m sharing MY journey through real time video updates and check-ins, but please remember I’m not a medical professional. These posts are not intended to be suggestions or advice for anyone – they’re just a documentation of my egg freezing experience. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, routine or doing any medical procedures.

The post Egg Freezing–How the Injections At Home Are Going appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Question about stagnant weight loss

Hello all, about a month & a half ago I was 362 lbs, I went from eating 4K+ calories per day to 1.2-1.5k per day, water as my only beverage, and fast walking 3.5 miles at the gym every day which burns off half my calories for the day (sometimes more!) Today I am 313 lbs and I’m very proud of this, however I’ve been this exact weight for 9 days now. I’m just curious as to why there was a sudden halt in my progress? Am I doing something wrong? I’m so used to seeing a pound gone every 1-2 days so this seems like a pretty long time to be the same weight, especially for someone my size where shedding is so easy. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/ugh_finethen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat