Sunday, August 11, 2019

[SV] My jeans fit again!!

22/F/SW 256/CW 241/Goal 210/GW 165

I really started focusing on weight loss in January. I started at 256 pounds , the heaviest I’ve ever been. When I was 13, I gained 60 pounds to tip 200 in the year following my mom’s death and it just kept climbing.

Freshman year of college, I had some great friends and a dietician and student personal trainer and I lost 40 pounds and hit 202. Second deepest depression I’ve ever hit came and I gained it all back +11. I was up to a size 1X/2X plus size and a 16/18 pant. I hated myself.

I moved away from my hometown and yoyo’d between 250 and 256. Come January, I’m tired of feeling shitty both physically and mentally. By June I had lose 30 pounds! I was so excited to be able to buy jeans at my work and not have to order them!

Since then, I gained 20 back. Instead of letting myself feel like shit again, I started working on it again. I walk around more at work, watching what I eat (kind of), and not snacking. I drink sugar-free RedBulls instead of the regular. Of that 20 I gained back, I’ve lost 5 again and I can fit into the jeans I’ve bought at work (except one pair!!)!

If you’ve stuck around this long, remember that weight loss can come with some setbacks - it’s normal. Don’t let it suck you in! You can do this! Next stop, 210 pounds, final stop, 165! I’m ready to move from obese to overweight to healthy BMIs.

Thanks for all the motivation!

submitted by /u/alyxi33
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you deal with the selfishness of weight loss?

Our weight loss efforts require a certain investment of time, effort, and cost. It's not just a personal sacrifice either -- it also imposes a level of burden and inconvenience onto family, friends, and co-workers.

Things like:

  • having to spend more on healthy food options, on medications or treatments, on exercise services and equipment
  • having to prepare and eat different things than everybody else and/or requiring them to also eat or not eat certain things
  • difficult to eat at certain restaurants or participate in certain events
  • taking extra "me time" to take care of yourself

If you've got great support (or have nobody in your life to care about) then these are non-issues.

Personally, I lost a bunch of weight several years ago despite these issues. But they probably contributed to my failed maintenance (no blame; I'm ultimately responsible for my own failures).

But my weight loss did feel selfish. I did it for me, which is very uncharacteristic because I usually put everybody else far head of myself. After I hit my goal, friends and family seemed happier that I could return to "being normal" again, even though my normal lifestyle means neglecting myself and putting the weight back on.

If/when this second weight loss plan succeeds, I don't think I could/should be "normal" and selfless again. Thankfully, I'm seeing more signs this time that people are okay with this.

submitted by /u/7sins-sloth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Slowly and steady losing weight , or not?

Hello everyone.

I decided to lose weight since the beginning of May. My approach is CICO and avoiding unhealthy / high carbs food. I cut off the sugar, fast-food, beer intake.

Daily I eat around 1700, max 2000 calories , mostly veggies, meat, fish, and some integral bread, and for a month I do 20-30mins cardio mostly daily.

In these months I got down from 125,5kgs (276lbs) to 118.5kgs(261lbs) , my goal being under 100kgs (220lbs) .

While I try to be confident in my progress and weight loss, I am not sure if I am really on the right path or , if it's too slow.

I wasn't very strict with myself, from time to time I'd even drink some beer or eat sugary-shit.

So, am I on the right path and, is there any good advice regarding CICO and my approach?

submitted by /u/RichChiggaJr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone in here lost 100+ lbs (or 50kg+) and NOT had problem with loose skin?

I'm on a journey where I'm going to lose 100 lbs. I'm terrified of having loose skin when I'm done. I really don't wanna get skin removal surgery after I'm done with the weight loss.

So has anyone who lost about 100 lbs NOT gotten lose skin? How? Is it genetic? Can you prevent it somehow (pills, creams, voodoo magic)?

Any tips or stories are welcome!

submitted by /u/drum_playing_twig
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

SV and NSV: My 6 month journey!

I'll start this post with my body info: F/30/5'4" SW: ~200 lbs CW: 156 lbs GW: 127 lbs. I've been on my journey for almost 6 months now.

I've struggled with my weight most of my life. The first half of my life, I definitely had an eating disorder. I was terrified of getting fat and barely ate. I was around 110 pounds from age 11 until I was 18. I became pregnant at 18, and by the time I had my daughter at age 19, I was 150 pounds. I was so ashamed of myself, but I never really did anything to fix it. Every now and then I'd go through kicks where I'd try to exercise a bunch and get discouraged a few weeks into it because I wasn't losing any weight. I didn't have internet access back then, and had no idea how to begin losing weight properly.

Six years ago, I was pregnant with my second daughter. I only craved fruit, vegetables, chicken, and sauerkraut, and worked 40 hours a week through the whole pregnancy. I actually lost weight the entire time I was pregnant with her. She was always at a healthy weight and the doctor said everything was fine. It was crazy! A month after I had her, I was down to 127 pounds and felt fantastic about myself!

About a year after I had her, I noticed some clothes getting tight. Some not fitting at all. Went through some really upsetting personal life stuff, depression settled in, and once my youngest was around 2, I was already back up to 150-160 pounds. Cue my youngest being age 4, and I'm avoiding my scale at all costs, but know I have to be pushing 200.

It was hard to get out of bed. Like seriously hard. I'd be winded from rolling over and getting myself seated upright. Every fucking morning I'd have to put my fitted sheet back on my mattress. God that was so annoying. I'd feel winded just from walking down the hall in my apartment. How on earth was everything just so hard? I was tired all the time, and I couldn't sleep well. Nothing I owned fit me; everything was too small, even all those giant clothes my aunt and cousin gave me when they got too big for them. I think that upset me the most. I didn't want to go anywhere because the only clothes that sort of fit me looked so trashy, and I refused to buy new, bigger clothing. That would make it too real, ya know? I had zero confidence. I was embarrassed for my husband to see me naked. My sex drive totally crashed. I hated shaving. It was so hard to reach anything, not to mentioned I'd get out of breath trying. When did I have so much leg to shave? How on earth am I suppose to shave my crotch when I can't even see the damn thing?! I couldn't play with my kids at the park. Just pushing them on a swing was tiring. All these other parents are running around with their kids, some are even starting giant games of tag at the park, and I'm over here red faced just pushing my kid on a swing. I couldn't squat down, I couldn't cross my legs anymore, I couldn't sit cross-legged. My ass hangs out of chairs. I couldn't quite reach the buckled for my seat belt without a struggle. Getting in and out of the car sucked. I was totally ashamed of my entire existence and my depression was devouring me.

Last February rolled around, which was a big deal for me. February 15th was my year anniversary for quitting smoking. I'd spent the first half of the month reading the sidebar of r/loseit and digging through every post on r/progresspics sorted by new. The info I learned and the motivation I gained from everything really put a kick start in my journey. I can't thank both of these communities enough!

I decided CICO was the way to go for me. I bought a food scale and started counting calories on February 18th. The scale I had at the time was awful and I'm not really sure my starting weight. It may have been over 200, honestly. A week into it, I bought a digi body scale and weighed in at 197. I started walking in my apartment, back and forth in my hallway. 20 minutes the first few days, slowly increasing the amount. I'm sure you're thinking, that must have been so boring, walking up and down your hallway. But it was cold outside, and I didn't want any witnesses to what i was doing anyways. I remember trying to do situps and crying because there was just so much fat in my way that I just couldn't do it! In high school I could do 60 situps a minute. Goddammit how could I let myself go like this?!

I learned quickly that was I eating way too much of really shitty foods, I couldn't believe how high calorie everything was. I stopped eating some of my favorite foods altogether, just to avoid the desire to binge on them. I would load of my plate with a lot more vegies than anything else, because those are low calorie and filling, and I dont want to be hungry. I kept my calorie count below 1800. I'm still doing that, actually.

Before too long, walking down the hall went from 20 minutes to an hour, to walking at least 10k steps a day. It was getting easier. I bought some 8 pound hand weights and started using them. I'd throw in some squats. Some low impact jumping jacks. I'm still easily winded, but it's starting to feel good. About a month and a half in, I found some low impact cardio workouts on YouTube and I'd do that a couple times a week. Three weeks into that and I could complete the half hour videos without pausing. The weight was coming off, I could see it already. Clothes are fitting better, my confidence is coming back. My daily walks in the hall started the addition of 30 seconds of jogging every few minutes. Jogging?! I couldn't believe I could do that! A whole minute? Oh wow, I jogged 10 whole minutes one day! No way!

I've went through periods of time where I couldn't exercise because I pissed off my herniated disc in my lumbar spine, but never stopped counting those calories. The weight would come off slower as a result, but that's okay! I knew I'd get back to it when I could. Over this summer, I've been experimenting with lazy CICO, just to see if I can manage eating meals I prepare often without spending forever calculating what I can eat from, say my homemade lasagna, because I'm not going to lie, I fucking hate math. I think I was underestimating at first because my weight stalled for awhile. I still track everything but I'm not weighing all of it. So I started overestimating certain things and now it's my weight loss is getting back on track.

My youngest started kindergarten last Tuesday. Now I have five days a week where I can have time to myself to really focus on exercise like I've been wanting. After dropping her off at school, I go to a park nearby and walk around the pond. Thursday I decided about half way into my walk that I should run here and there. Friday, I decided there were going to be two spots around the pond where I'd run from point A to point B, and I would make myself do it the whole walk until I met my step goal of 11k. It wasn't exactly the easiest thing, since I've never been a runner, but it wasn't super hard, either. And I was SHOCKED when I checked my fitbit later and saw that I ran a total of 47 minutes. SAY WHAT?! NO FUCKING WAY! And I felt great after! Barely even winded after just a moment or two of rest. Felt like I could do it again, if my shins weren't killing me, haha.

Most of my clothes are hanging off of me and look trashy, but it's trashy in a good way this time. I've picked up a few outfits here and there, but I'm waiting to lose more before going clothing shopping for real. I've lost over 40 pounds in 6 months. I remember thinking I'd never be able to accomplish this. I remember wanting to succumb to that stupid voice in my head that said you can't, don't bother, you're fat and worthless and you need to accept it. I'm glad I didn't listen to it. I basically spring out of bed now. I can chase my kids around all day at the park and love every minute of it. I'm fitting back into old clothes and throwing out those fat clothes my relatives passed down to me. I feel beautiful and confident and my sex drive is back.

When my motivation was lacking, I'd dig through posts here, and on r/progress pics. I'd make a projected weekly weight sheet based off of my personal weight loss data, so I could see where I might be in a few months. I'd take weekly photos, weekly measurements. I'd encourage people online and ask a lot of questions. I'd remind myself that no matter what, this time will pass anyways, I might as well keep pushing forward even if it seems like nothing is changing.

I still have 30 pounds to go until my goal weight, but I will get there. And you will, too! Don't give up on yourself, you'll be so happy and proud of yourself in a few months! I didn't think I could, but I did. Persistence is key. Don't compare yourself to others, only to your past self. Progress, not perfection! I have faith in you, even if you don't.

Bonus: Here's some of my progress pics from the last month!

Thanks for reading this long-winded rant about my journey, whoever you are. I hope I was able to help someone, and feel free to ask me anything! ♡

submitted by /u/smw89
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The scale number does not always show weight loss.

Just a reminder for everyone, the number on the scale does not always show if you lost weight or not. Last year I did a 12 week weight loss program in which indeed I did lose 30 lbs. I'm 4'11 so that is a big loss for me. Anyway, afterwards I started back the school year and gained about 16 lbs back. So I tried to workout this summer again, but this time I'm doing cardio and lifting weights with a personal trainer. I am also eating healthier again. Unfortunately, when I weighed myself I didnt see the number on the scale go down. Not like last year that I would see it weekly. So I told my trainer and he said that the number does not always match your weight loss.

I started to measure myself instead. I took measurements of my body, legs, arms, tummy, and neck. As of yesterday, I actually gained 2 lbs from when I started to workout with a trainer, but come to find out that I lost 3 inches on my stomach, gained 1/2 inch on my arms, and 1/2 inch on my thighs. My clothes are fitting better. My fat is turning to muscles! I can actually see and feel them.

Just wanted to share with you guys. I know everytime I got on the scale I would get discouraged, so letting you know that there are other ways to see progress.

Lets keep on losing!

submitted by /u/lilsandypebble
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

6 months of Progress 273>204 = 69 lbs lost. what happened, and what I did

Progression through the 26 weeks

Height: 5 feet 9 inches ; 176 cm
SW: 273 lbs ; 123.8 kg
CW: 204.0 lbs ; 92.55 kg
GW1: 202 lbs ; 91.6 kg (this transitions me from Obese to Overweight BMI-wise)

I started the journey on Jan 29 this year, but started calorie counting on Feb 1 with MyFitnessPal
I did not know my weight until Feb. 9, where I weighed in at 273 lbs

why/how I 'became Obese'/'reached that weight':
I was always overweight, but was never obese before 2012 I started to get depressed back in 2009, I broke down around 2011, thats when I also got professional help
didn't know back then that antidpressants can make you gain weight (and didn't really care back then, I was young)
I think that turned me into a very quick eater, and that caused me to overeat, cause I eat until I "feel" full

this was me back in 2011 and 2012

I lost weight before, in 2013, I went from 245 lbs to 205 lbs in around 8 months
I didn't track calories back then, and I was still eating so much, but I was very active in Muay Thai, I spent almost 4 hours a day, 6 days a week
I loved it, I loved kicking things (I used to train TaeKwanDo and BaJiQuan when I was younger)

life happened (college), and I slowly drifted away from Muay Thai
I decided to lose weight again around 2015, but kept delaying cause I'm confident I can lose it again
I kept delaying and delaying
and then, there I was, back in Jan/Feb 2019, 270+ lbs

What pushed me to start the journey to lose weight:
what pushed me over the edge
it was very trivial
I woke up, I was hungry, and there was no cooked rice available and just thought:
"hmm, I think now is a good time to start dieting again"

that was what pushed me over the edge
the reasons why I'm on that edge was:

I found this subreddit
I was a reddit user since ~2013, but never seen this subreddit until I saw this post in the /r/all last year
ever since I found this post, I started lurking lose it every now and then, until January 29, when I started lurking the sub everyday

I also found this post from /r/Documentaries
there was something about this that irked/hit me

What I did to get to this point:
Calorie Counting is a big eye-opener for me

I liked to snack back then, my favorite was these cheese wafers, I can down a 3 packs every day
when I started counting, I found at that their calories per serving was 42 for 2 sticks, cool
but 1 pack has 14 sticks, with me eating 3 packs of those a day, that's easily around 900 calories
and those cheese wafers are not the only snacks I ate in a day, I also drank Soda
I used to drink 2 12oz(355ml) of Soda a day
all that snacking progressively stopped when I started looking at nutrition facts

didn't do any specialized diet, just made sure that I'm below my daily caloric goals
used MyFitnessPal to track, set it to sedentary, at 1lb loss a week

I also started progressively eating clean
when I started, I just eat what I ate back then, but I was portioning it
ate mostly canned foods in my first few weeks cause they were easy to track
around 2nd week of june, I started meal prepping, and also tracking macros and from that point til now, I have been eating unprocessed food (except for breakfast)

When I get the feeling of hunger, I always think that its "hunger" for water, most of the time it is
(can't really say it's thirst, kinda hard to explain)
I drink water, after a while if the hunger wanes, thats good, if not, I eat
I don't really follow a schedule on when I'm gonna eat (unless I'm at work)

with all this, I have found deeper appreciation for food
I took it for granted, cause I always eat, I didn't feel hunger back then
now I do, Food is great
when I started tracking macros, I found an even deeper appreciation for vegetables, specially legumes
Legumes are very nice, they have protein and fiber
I also changed from White Rice to Black Rice, that much fiber is nice
Phantom Poop from that point on

Subreddits that helped me on food

google also helped a lot when I'm searching for calories

Physical Activity
I didn't do much physical activity on february
I started walking on march
just walking, no goal distance, whats important is that I walk
started tracking my walks around 3rd week of march with "strava"

Started to do training on Apr 09
the routine I have all came from reddit
I don't go to the gym (yet)
it's not that I hate going to the gym
but I don't think I'm strong enough to really take advantage of going to the gym

My routine was full body weight at the start
Push-up > Squat > Dips > Deadlift > Row > Calf Raise
I progressed and now, some of my exercise now have added weights
I also added Grip Training, and Static Stretching for cooldown (didn't do those when I was starting)
my routine looks like this nowadays

subreddit that helped me on physical activity
/r/fitness (check out their wiki)

also, this article is a good read

this has been repeated in this sub many times
"motivation is fleeting, discipline is reliable"
don't let motivation be your only fuel
set up a habit/routine
there are lots of times that I don't feel like training, it was discipline to follow my routine that pushes me through those days

as for my mindset on my weight loss
I always believed in equivalent exchange
for me, this is kind of a punishment?
and this "punishment (kinda)" is an exchange for the laziness that amounted from my weight gain
like payment for the past (living life easy before, now I'm working hard)
now that I started it, I personally want to be more "athlete-like" after shedding these fat/weight

Where I go from here
I'm still technically obese BMI-wise, there's still a long way to go
but I've already set my eyes on where I want to be fitness-wise

My end goal is to be around 12%-15% body fat with an FFMI of >22

might reach it, might not reach it, but at least it's something to look forward to :)

Miscellaneous things that I used:
Measuring Cup Set (Food Prep)
Food Scale (Food Portioning)
Weighing Scale (Weight monitoring)
Microwaveable Food Containers (Meal Prep)
Slow Cooker

Gloves (for training)
Resistance Band
Dumbbell (just 1 handle, and free weights)
Foam Roller
Yoga Mat

I hope this post can help someone on their journey

sorry for the long read

and thank you loseit community
good luck to everyone on their journey

also, thank you /u/CailanJade
if I didn't see that post at that time
I might have never seen /r/loseit

submitted by /u/pabpab999
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from loseit - Lose the Fat