Monday, May 11, 2020

Really Struggling Right Now

I’ve been pretty stressed about the pandemic, and finals and work (essential worker) have just been adding to it. It gets harder and harder to stay motivated in my weight loss when I constantly feel on the verge of a breakdown. For the last 10 years of my life food is what I have used to comfort me and unfortunately, I’ve found myself starting to fall back into my old habits. I havent lost any significant amount of weight for the last two months, but I’m at least glad to be maintaining.

It’s also hard because the two big things that were motivating me have been postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19. I was supposed to have a doctors appointment a few weeks ago and wanted to be able to tell my doctor I had lost weight. My family was also supposed to go on a trip to California in July and I honestly just wanted to look better when I saw my extended family for the first time in years. Now that these things aren’t happening I’ve been trying to find new things to keep me motivated, but I just haven’t been able to convince myself it’s even worth it anymore.

submitted by /u/tiredofnow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

2020 has been the wake up call I needed

F, 25, 5'6", SW: 273, CW: 254, GW: 159

  1. It didn't start well. In early January I somehow fractured my foot, and the doctors missed the fracture on the x-rays when I first went to the urgent care. I ended up walking around on a broken foot for two more weeks before demanding a second opinion. So then I was in a boot for 6 more weeks. It's amazing how much you appreciate your body once it breaks down on you. I realized at 25, I'm supposed to be at the peak of my health. But even before my foot fracture, I had trouble just running up and down the stairs at work a couple times a day. I didn't move more than I absolutely needed to. I hid from pictures, hated how I looked, and was always self-conscious. It was time to change.

I decided to start simply. CICO, using the food tracking app Lose It. Starting weight, 273 pounds. Goal rate of weight loss, 1.5 pounds per week. I decided against 2 pounds per week rate simply because the calorie allowance seemed a lot less than I felt I'd be able to maintain long-term. With as much weight as I plan to lose, I know it's a marathon, not a sprint. Goal weight, 159 pounds.

The first few weeks were rough. I suddenly was eating a lot less than I was used to, and my stomach wouldn't let me forget it. Instead of munching on some chips or such when the afternoon munchies hit, a hard candy (Werther's Caramel candies for the win) let me get a small sugar boost while also satisfying the need to eat something, at the expense of far less calories. Light mozzarella string cheese sticks are my go-to for a higher protein snack. My best investment was a small food scale. It has made tracking so much easier and a lot more accurate, especially when I cook homemade meals which are far more common now than ever before.

As of yesterday, May 10th, I have tracked my food intake for 75 days in a row! I have lost a total of 19 pounds! I am 1/6 of the way to my goal! I am feeling great about the progress I am making, as slow and steady as it is, and I felt the need to share. Wishing everyone all the best in their own weight loss journeys!

submitted by /u/Kyalia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just a friendly reminder that someone's 5lbs to lose is sometimes your 50.

During a virtual meet up of friends we discussed weight loss (some off us are trying to lose, some not). As one friend expressed her desire to lose 5lbs, another interjected saying she "was ridiculous, doesn't need to lose any weight." (she is overweight). Not at any point did the friend who wants to lose 5lbs express an insecurity of her weight, but would feel "her best" if she was 5lbs less, get a little learner. In no way did the friend who interjected have a right to decide what "thinner" friend should do with her body or why she should or should not lose it (and could have cooled it on the eyerolls). I have lost a tremendous amount of weight before (and gained, obviously), and understand how hard it is to lose weight the thinner you get or are. And that there is a severe misconception of being thin = healthy self-image. An unfortunate myth. So, with that, please understand that everyone's start and finish is unique. And regardless of amount of weight wanting to lose or gain, it's a challenge for all of us.

I know this was written rather corny-like, but I had to.

submitted by /u/driedkitten
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

10 Superfoods That Help You Lose Fat

Superfoods have earned their stellar reputation as superstars of the food world by being nutritionally dense and rich in nutrients. But what if those foods could help you to lose weight and belly fat in addition to delivering their powerful nutritional benefits? The good news is that many of them do!

Research Reveals the Top 25 Superfoods

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Here are 10 superfoods to add to your diet for their nutritional and weight loss benefits:

1. Jalapeno Peppers

lose fat healthy superfoods for weight loss

Jalapeno peppers are rich in minerals and nutrients, making them a surprising superfood that many people don’t think of. It’s the alkaloid capsaicin in jalapenos that gives them their spicy flavor and is also responsible for their potential weight loss benefits. According to Bioscience Reports, capsaicin is correlated with a decreased risk of obesity. It’s been shown to increase fat oxidation and energy expenditure in study subjects. If you love all things spicy, then jalapenos will be a welcomed superfood to try.

Whip up these Jalapeno Poppers for a fun snack to attack cravings. Learn five more surprising benefits of spicy food here! >

2. Salmon

salmon healthy superfood for weight loss

Packed with omega-3 fatty acids and protein, salmon’s nutritional benefits help make it a superfood. Research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce the risk of cardiac problems. Eating salmon regularly may also help speed up weight loss for men, according to a study in the International Journal of Obesity. Many salmon recipes also happen to be relatively low in calories, making it a lean option that can be prepared in many delicious ways. Check out these mouthwatering salmon recipes. >

3. Spinach

lose fat healthy superfoods for weight loss

Loaded with nutrients, dark leafy greens like spinach provide essential vitamins for to skin, bone and immune system health benefits, says Healthline. Spinach is also incredibly nutrient dense. A cup of raw spinach has just seven calories but provides more than 56 percent of your recommended daily allowance for vitamin A and all of your daily vitamin K, says Healthline. On top of all that, researchers at Lund University in Sweden found that spinach boosted weight loss by 43 percent and reduced food cravings by up to 95 percent. This Creamy Spinach Stuffed Chicken recipe is an easy way to fit spinach into a Flex meal.

How to Eat More Leafy Greens

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4. Pomegranate

lose fat healthy superfoods for weight loss

Pomegranates are rich in vitamin C, potassium and fiber and are thought to help with heart disease and cancer prevention, says Healthline. While there’s a lot of focus on pomegranate juice—which does have more antioxidants than individual seeds—eating the seeds whole gives you the benefit of fiber and added vitamins and minerals. Fiber can help keep you full longer and support weight loss. A study, published in Food and Chemical Toxicology, found that giving obese and insulin resistant mice pomegranate seed oil for 12 weeks decreased body weight, body fat and improved peripheral insulin sensitivity.

Embrace those pomegranate benefits! There are some really great ways to fit pomegranates into your day. Get inspired by these delicious recipes. >

5. Almonds

almonds healthy superfood for weight loss

With lots of nutrients delivered with a satisfying crunch, almonds make a “superfood snack” or a great addition to meals. They can easily be tossed into salads, cereals and yogurt or incorporated into cooking. A study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, found a link between daily almond consumption and weight loss—specifically belly fat. On the Nutrisystem plan, almonds are a PowerFuel, which are foods that offer high-quality proteins while also containing essential amino acids and healthy fats.

6. Flax Seeds

lose fat healthy superfoods

Flax seeds are a nutrient-dense and fiber-rich “superseed.” Flax seed recipes are usually easy to make and are packed with superfood benefits. They can be tossed into a variety of dishes to ramp up their nutrition power. Flax seed also contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, says Healthline. This helps to ensure healthy and gradual digestion that keeps you fuller longer. It is this digestive superpower that is likely to help assist with weight loss.

9 Seeds You Need to Be Eating

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7. Blueberries

lose fat healthy superfoods

While most berries are good for you and can be considered superfoods, blueberries are said to be one of the best, particularly when it comes to their ability to help you lose stubborn belly fat. According to the University of Michigan, research shows that blueberries may help to burn belly fat because of their high antioxidant content.

While blueberries are tasty to eat on their own, there are also many great ways to cook or bake with them to increase your consumption. The naturally sweet goodness of blueberries makes them a healthy alternative to many sugar-laden desserts—a common healthy diet downfall. Be sure to check out these 10 reasons you need to eat more fruit like blueberries! >

8. Avocado

avocado healthy superfood

Here at The Leaf, we love avocados! Avocados are rich in potassium as well as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are “healthy fats” essential to a weight loss plan. That’s because your body needs fat to help you feel full and satisfied after eating, to provide quick-burning energy and to aid in the absorption of vitamins and minerals that you consume. As a “whole food” source of healthy fat, avocados have that power. People who regularly eat avocados have significantly lower body weight, BMI (body mass index), and waist circumference, and higher HDL (good cholesterol levels) than people who don’t eat the fruit, according to a study published in Nutrition Journal.

There are many great ways to use avocado that you may never have thought of. It can be a healthy substitute for mayo, a topping for salads, a baking ingredient for cookies or brownies and even a base for pudding. It’s creamy texture and versatile nature help it to shine as a superfood to help you lose fat. Here are more superfood facts about avocados! >

9. Black Beans

lose fat healthy superfoods

Black beans are packed with potent plant-based nutrients that are believed to help protect against cancer, says Medical News Today. They’re also an inexpensive and easy-to-cook-with food that can be incorporated into many different dishes. For those looking to drop some pounds and lose fat, some of the best news is that consuming beans was linked to “reduced body fat percentage” in a study, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Another study, published in BMC Proceedings, shows that certain compounds in the beans might help to strengthen the body’s insulin resistance and protect against obesity.

How to Eat More Beans

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10. Apples

lose fat healthy superfoods

As the saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But what if it could keep the pounds away, too? Apples are rich in weight-loss-friendly fiber and help slow the digestion of food. This helps you to feel fuller with fewer calories. For these reasons, they can definitely play a vital role in your efforts to lose fat.

Apples are one of the most versatile fruits, with so many different ways to cook and prepare them. Try them out in this unique Instant Pot Apple Cake. Of course, apples are also delicious and nutritious all on their own or sliced with peanut butter. Check out this awesome video from The Leaf and learn five reasons to eat more apples! >

The post 10 Superfoods That Help You Lose Fat appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Losing weight is a double negative, and I think it puts into perspective what lifestyle change really means

By double negative I don't mean canceling, I mean that you need to be at a negative from your life style twice.

Hypothetically if we take CICO as a hard fact- If you have a relatively healthy diet and eating around 2,000 calories every day lets just say that is maintenance for you. If you eat 2200 calories, for a little while you'll gain weight. To lose that weight at the same slow and steady rate, you need to double it. Now you need to eat 1800 calories.

I made this little chart that helped me visualize caloric deficit.

It was easier for me to understand that I couldn't just stop eating the foods I added into my diet that caused me to gain weight, I had to stop eating them AND change what I was already eating, It is two fold.

So weight loss really isn't only about eating less calories, it's also about how much less in calories than your maintenance. I know it probably seems really obvious to some people, but thinking about it in this context of "double" allowed me to be A LOT kinder to myself, and be ok with a slow progress. Slow progress has allowed me to enjoy cooking, love eating, and not slip into disordered eating and giving up. Sometimes I say "it is ok you slipped a little today. You're just not losing weight today, but you can focus on it again tomorrow."
It makes me appreciate maintenance days. It also puts into perspective that I have lost 15lbs twice as fast as I gained (it crept up on me the past year and a half from *harmless* drinking out with friends, snacking, and binging from grad school stress), so even though it feels slow I need to acknowledge I've been workin' overtime to get there!

Visualizing the calorie difference is really what helped me understand how hard it can be to lose weight, but also realize it is more than possible. Diligence is rewarded, albeit slowly some times.

Hope this helps someone as much as it helped me!

submitted by /u/jumpingnoodlepoodle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anybody have advice for maintaining good eating habits and avoiding fast food and excessive sweets?

I have been having this problem since I started my weight loss journey at 13 years old. I’m 15 now, and I’ve been staying the same weight because even though I would work out for an hour everyday, I would eat horribly. A few months ago I decided enough was enough and put my self through healthy eating and walking to school every day. I actually managed to lose 2 pounds and became 208 pounds. I was even going to join my school’s tennis team. But then COVID 19 hit and school was cancelled and suddenly my healthy eating schedule was destroyed. I haven’t gained any weight and recently started to count calories, but even when I try to get myself back on healthy eating, I keep failing and find myself agreeing to eating fast food or junk, and when I log it into my calorie counter app I disappoint myself every time. I joined this thread because you guys seem like experts on weight loss. Can you help me out?

(Female, 15, 208lb btw)

submitted by /u/sophta111
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Key To Learn from the Bad Runs to Get Better and Run Faster

Learn from the Bad Runs to Get Better and Run Faster – Quick Tip Run Report for Monday – What are you doing? TIP: It’s discouraging to have a bad run (or several bad runs). And it can be hard to figure out what’s causing it. Try to observe your running, fueling & life without ... Read More about Key To Learn from the Bad Runs to Get Better and Run Faster

The post Key To Learn from the Bad Runs to Get Better and Run Faster appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat