Monday, June 29, 2020

I can see my collarbones

15 F, 201 lbs, 5’0 (previously 214)

I thought it would take a lot more pounds to actually see my bones. Almost every week my family comments on how much weight I lost and I never believed them. I guess I just saw my overall body and not the little areas they have been noticing, so I just shrugged their compliments off, until one day I woke up and looked in the bathroom mirror, and I saw these long bumps being flexed in the mirror whenever I moved my arms. I didn’t think calorie counting would work so well and fast for me, so I was appalled. I thought, since I’m on the shorter side, I would have to lose a lot more to even see a glimpse of them. I guess the last two years of working out but eating whatever I want and still expecting weight loss kind of clouded my expectations. That was about a week ago. Every so often I’ll catch them in the mirror in the right lighting. Now? My collarbones are all I can notice every time I look in the mirror. I can’t ignore them even if I tried. Honestly I couldn’t imagine such a early and proud milestone.

submitted by /u/sophta111
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

In the midst of a 3 day nonstop eating binge and I just don't think I can do it.

I'm F, almost 30, 5'6" and approx 160 lbs. I carry it decently well and have a good muscle base from years of lifting but I'm not happy. Especially because I'm getting married in 3 months and have just eaten probably 3000 calories in an afternoon working from home binge.

I had 2 YEARS to lose literally anything before the wedding and I just can't. I can't stop eating. I'll do well for a week or two then fall off the wagon for a month. I've tried different systems for meal planning, calorie tracking, and nothing sticks. But nothing has ever stuck, even outside of weight loss. All of the planners, calendars, organization systems I've ever tried have failed to help me get control of my life.

I've been in therapy for years and my therapist is hesitant to "diagnose" me with anything because she isn't eager to pathologize things that can be worked through with cognitive behavioral therapy, as opposed to medication. But I strongly suspect, through a lot of independent reading, that I may have ADHD. It manifests in a lot of ways, my job, the state of my apartment, etc., but also the binge eating, eating as entertainment, eating as a means of procrastinating tasks, etc.

(ADHD is a lack of dopamine, which drives the brain to seek constant stimulation, hence the distractibility and the difficulty doing things that arent "fun". Eating releases dopamine, so ADHD often goes along with problems overeating.)

I'm just feeling so discouraged. I feel so... helpless, but I feel like a whiner saying it that way.

I've flip flopped on my habits and stayed at this weight for years. I had 2 years to lose weight for my WEDDING, which I should think would be motivation enough for anyone, right? And I couldn't even lose what, 10 lbs? 5 lbs? Nothing. I just dont believe I can do it anymore. I held onto hope for like 6 years that I could get back to a comfortable weight if I could just get X right, but this clinches it. If I couldn't do it for my wedding, I just don't believe I can do it.

I'd love it if someone with ADHD weigh in (no pun intended). Is there anything else I can try? Should I talk to my doctor and pursue medication? I'm just so so tired of failing.

submitted by /u/tworkingonit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Many many NSV! What I’ve noticed after 50lbs weight loss...

I’m making this post because when I first started my weight loss journey I loved reading through this subreddit and seeing all the positive things that weight loss had brought to people’s lives - it gave me something to look forward to and push me to my goals!

  1. Things fit! The event that prompted this post was a surf trip. When I arrived, the main wetsuit sizes available were a women’s 10 and 12 (UK), and my heart dropped when I heard this. I was convinced I wouldn’t fit, but I put on a 12 and it was a perfect fit! I used to be a size 18 so it would’ve been a whole different story last year. It was so nice not to have to ask for another one and actually be a “normal” size.

  2. No-one thinks I can’t exercise. On that surfing trip and on a really long hike with my family lately, I wasn’t the least fit. If I got tired or out of breath at a similar time to everyone else, and there was no suggestion that I was unfit if I wanted to have a break. Before the weight loss I’d get judgmental or silent looks, most likely thinking I was too overweight to be able to exercise a lot.

  3. Getting cat-called/more people hitting on me. A negative and positive outcome of weight loss... Now on runs I get creepy comments from men in vans - which is annoying in itself but a tiny part of my brain thinks that this happened a lot less when I was obese. On the other hand I get a lot more looks from people out on the street. I’m gay and a lot more women give my that knowing look. I’m loving it.

  4. Clothes aren’t for hiding my body. I’ve moved back home from university temporarily and have been trying on old clothes from about 5/6 years ago. Whilst putting it on I was getting worried it was too short or too tight, but it’s not! And if it is tight or short it’s in a good way!!! I’m not trying to hide a muffin top or my thighs and actually enjoying having them out for the first summer in years.

  5. Being naked is nice. I live near the sea normally (Cornwall) and have been skinny dipping a few times recently with my pals. I don’t have to worry about them judging me for my body. I still have stretch marks and a little belly but I just don’t care. It’s made it easier to do fun and spontaneous things.

So many small things that combine to eventually make you realise all that work is worth it. This is not me saying that you need to lose weight to be happy (and it’s a shame society isn’t more accepting of heavier people) but it’s certainly come with some perks for me.

(Just for background: 50lbs lost over about 18months using CICO and running a lot, SW:208lbs CW:158lbs GW:140lbs F/21/5’7”)

Let me know if you have questions or have had similar experiences.

submitted by /u/lottcross
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking at MFP history and realizing why all of my previous weight loss attempts failed

I've been using MFP on and off (emphasis on off) to log calories for about 6 years. Every once in a while I'd start a "diet" (ie cutting calories), I'd stick with for a week or so then quit or have a ton of cheat days. I always felt like calorie cutting was sooo restrictive and I never got to eat very much.

Well, I looked at some logs from 3+ years ago and I completely realize why. I was eating the same kind of junk as always (pizza, burgers, breads, fries, beer, ice cream), but in tiny quantities or eating nothing for breakfast/lunch then all my calorie budget at dinner. No wonder I never could keep it up for long.

Now I've been on a 1200 calorie diet for almost a month and it's working! I'm eating more protein and filling foods (egg, chicken, fish, nuts). I'm eating actual meals (who was I kidding ever calling a Starbucks Frappuccino "breakfast?") and I still have budget for an occasional beer or ice cream. It's so much easier and I don't feel hungry. I think this time I've made the mindset changes that are going to help me be successful long term. :)

submitted by /u/WhalliamShakespeare
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30lbs down and terrified of going back into the office!!! Help!!

I am 30lbs down, 222lbs to 192lbs, and have lost the bulk of that weight during the coronavirus lockdown.

None of my work colleagues have seen me for four months, and I haven’t told anyone I am watching what I eat. This is for two reasons - firstly, I don’t like talking about dieting or my weight, and secondly, my colleagues have form for being a bit bitchy about others losing weight.

I know many of them have gained weight during lockdown, and I am terrified of them noticing my weight loss when I go back to work. I’m sure there will be comments and I’ll get grilled on it. 30lbs isn’t a massive amount, but I’m only 5’5 so it is definitely noticeable now!

Has anyone come out of lockdown a bit lighter, or have any tips for deflecting unwanted weight loss questions?!?

submitted by /u/rosie803
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV - I started focusing on my health, not my looks, and suddenly my too-small dresses fit

Hi all!

I just wanted to share an NSV that surprised me today. Like many of you, I’ve tried and failed many times to lose the weight that has piled on over the years. After college, I started gaining a steady 4 lbs/year due to an office job and no exercise + all the delivery I could order, until I was ~40+ heavier and just entering obesity territory. As a 5’1” shorty, it was much more noticeable on me than most, and I just weighed myself last month at 166, my heaviest ever.

I liked to tell myself that I carried my weight well, and since I could still fit into petite sizes, smalls, and mediums (despite hugging and puffing over the zippers and sometimes feeling like 10lbs of potatoes in a 5lb sack), I told myself it was fine, I was just “thicc.” So, I got a big promotion last summer and ordered myself a bunch of size 6 Anthropologie dresses as a treat. Y’all, I could not fit into a single one: some I couldn’t even shimmy up my hips, and none came even close to buttoning or zipping. I was so ashamed, I didn’t even return them, I just hid them in my closet.

Recently, I decided to make a change: instead of focusing on weight loss for my figure and good looks (still a +, tho), I decided to do it for my health. I wanted to become strong again, I wanted to lower my resting HR and be able to do crow pose in Yoga again. I bought myself a good mat, booted up Yoga with Adriene and Fightmaster Yoga HIIT on YouTube, and did two every day, without excuses. I also downloaded My Fitness Pal and shot for 1,300 cal a day, since I was doing about an hour of cardio and strength work + 10,000 steps a day.

Yesterday, after one month, I finally did it: I was able to hold an unmodified crow pose with my feet balanced off the floor for around 5 seconds! I was so proud of myself that I almost cried. This morning, I pulled out one of those old, untouched dresses from the “shame corner” in my closet on a whim, and dear reader: it not only shimmied up my thighs but zipped up with room to spare. It FIT. And so did the other two.

I have a serious history of disordered eating, so most of my progress will be determined by fitness and clothes fit goals. I can’t tell you the exact poundage I lost, or the macros I eat (lots of shirataki noodles tho). But I can tell you how absolutely radiant I felt as sweat poured off my brow and my arms shook like reeds while I lifted up my strong, deserving body for 5 seconds last night in bakasana. And I can tell you how worth it all the hard work was, and how worth it all the hard work will be to come.

submitted by /u/ladyjerry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1: 32/F 5’5” CW: 158 GW: 120-130

I’ve gained 50 lbs over the last 2 years, due to a combination of thyroid disease, consuming too much wine, poor eating habits, and lack of exercise.
2 years ago I was an avid runner, very controlled with my diet, and in the best shape of my life. But my marriage hit the skids and I lost the motivation to take care of myself. Everything seemed pointless and I maintained a poor sense of self worth.

I really need to make some changes- like immediately- before I dig myself into a deeper despair of unhealthiness.

One of the major changes I need to make is to abstain from my daily bottle of white wine. No one should drink that much. And I shouldn’t be drinking daily. I imagine, much of my bloat is due to the hooch.

I have a treadmill so there’s no excuse to not be running. I know how to eat a well balanced low carb diet, and I need to stick with that for more than a day.

I think, in order for me to stay motivated and be successful in weight loss is to do some major work on my mental health. In addition to food tracking I want to mood track. Anyone see a journal like this on amazon?

So here’s to the beginning of my journey. raises a can of seltzer water

submitted by /u/InvisibleBlizzard
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from loseit - Lose the Fat