So - the data says that most people who lose weight gain it all back - and some more - in several years.
Here’s my data and plan:
I went from 216 to 180 in 2000-2003, but was back at 200ish or so soon, went down again to 196 in 2008 when I ran 3x/week and biked a lot - but two kids later (and I’m a dad) and some injuries later - I’m sitting at 230 today. (Lost 5 lbs since the beginning of the month).
(Also at 230lbs since I started powerlifting - and those guys are all about gainzz - drank a lot of whole milk - I didn’t get the memo that the program was for 17yr olds who needed to go from 140lbs to 200lbs for football). :-(
In any case - since the data says most people regain - I figured I should do something about that first rather than forcing myself to lose a lot of weight.
Since I’m sort of on the CICO camp - here’s my plan:
Look at maintenance calories at my goal weight. Those are about 2200 or so.
My current maintenance calories are 2700.
So then I figured I should have a glide path where I’m close to 2200 or more calories always.
This puts me at 2.5-3 years to go from 230 to 160ish. I’m hoping that three years of 2200 calories will give the body time to adjust. In fact - I’m starting with a 500cal a day deficit, but will taper it down to just a 100calorie a day deficit in year three. Talk about slow weight loss then!
Thoughts? Comments? The key here is that I built the plan with the person I was going to be in mind, to help that person maintain weight - since that is even more challenging - and if not taken care of - makes the weight loss journey moot.
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from loseit - Lose the Fat