Saturday, September 12, 2020

I sit here typing this after losing 116 pounds and gaining a huge amount of fitness

I sit here typing this after losing 116 pounds and gaining a huge amount of fitness. I did this through vigorous daily exercise (up to 3 hours every 24 hour period) and a balanced, calorie-restricted diet.

My great concern now is keeping it off. I have lost weight before, and gained fitness before, but nothing to this level. What's the ticket to keeping the weight off? Daily exercise isn't an issue for me. I have been doing that for over 30 years, although I did ramp it up a great deal during my weight loss period.

It's my eating. I was a grazer. Is the key to carefully plan out a bunch of menus and then eat 3 meals/day? To be obsessive about weighing myself? Do I sorta have to deal with weight gain as a disease that I'll have to watch/control for the rest of my life? Thank you.

submitted by /u/EyeTappaKeg
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

180 Days - Down 56 Pounds - Anecdotal Experience of How I Did It

TLDR: I lost 56 pounds in 5.5 months. I did it by making lifestyle changes regarding nutrition and fitness. I describe specifics about my lifestyle changes.

I have been following this sub for the last month or so, and I have seen common themes regarding many of the posts that can be sorted by “new”. One of the common themes is that people who struggle with weight loss, CICO, and fitness want specific information on what they can do to ensure that they can shed their unwanted and undesired pounds. Without getting involved with all of the theatrics and self-indulgent dramatics associated with my own success story, I want to share what I did to lose approximately 56 pounds in 5.5 months. This post contains timelines and specifics regarding nutrition and exercise, and I hope that it inspires many of you to develop a plan that works for you. With that said, prepare for a long post.

WARNING: What worked for me may not necessarily work for you. This entire post is anecdotal, but it may provide the much-needed well-rounded explanation that someone needs to inspire her/him to initiate or continue her/his own lifestyle change. I am NOT advocating to the reader of this post to follow my personal nutrition and fitness regimen. Consider this post as strictly informational in intent.

The keys to weight loss: Motivation, Dedication, Consistency, and a Desire for a Permanent Lifestyle Change with Respect to Nutrition and Fitness

I cannot teach you how to get motivated, and I cannot teach you how to remain dedicated to your cause. Anecdotally, my motivation and dedication came from walking up the stairs to get a Coca-Cola and then getting out of breath after doing so when weighing 177 pounds. I immediately looked at myself in the mirror and became disgusted with my looks. To put it simply, a light switch was turned on in my head. Once the light was on, it never turned off.

It is important that I provide context on where I came from so that you know where I currently stand.

Current Age: 31

Height: 5’5”

Starting Weight: 177 pounds

Starting date of weight loss journey: March 16, 2020 (180 days ago)

Pant size before weight loss journey: 35

Shirt size before weight loss journey: Large but bordering on extra-large.

Number of calories consumed each day before weight loss journey: 3,000 to 4,500 calories per day

  • Daily eating habit: Example 1 - 120 mL of coffee creamer (302 calories) + 1000 mL coffee (pretend this is negligible) + Texas Roadhouse Ribeye Steak (810 calories) + Texas Roadhouse Loaded Baked Potato (530 calories) + Texas Roadhouse Side of rice (200 calories) + 5 Texas Roadhouse Rolls (1,100 calories) + 33% of entire Texas Roadhouse Texas Blossom (566 calories) + 4 Coca-Colas (560 calories) = 4,068 calories.

  • Daily eating habit: Example 2 - 120 mL of coffee creamer (302 calories) + 1000 mL coffee (pretend this is negligible) + 3 Popeye’s Chicken Sandwiches (2070 calories) + 3 Coca-Colas (420 calories) + 2 slides of Dutch Apple Pie with Ice Cream (800 calories) = 3,592 calories.

  • Daily eating habit: Example 3 - 120 mL of coffee creamer (302 calories) + 1000 mL coffee (pretend this is negligible) + Cheddar’s Artichoke Dip (500 calories ) + Cheddar’s Monte Cristo (1,122 calories) + Cheddar’s French fries (470 calories) + 4 Coca-Colas (560 calories) = 2,954 calories.

  • Daily eating habit: Example 4 - 120 mL of coffee creamer (302 calories) + 1000 mL coffee (pretend this is negligible) + 3 Pizza Hut Personal Pan Pepperoni Pizzas (1,770 calories) + 3 Coca-Colas (420 calories) + 2 slices of peanut butter pie (340 calories) = 2,832 calories.

  • I would only eat one meal per day, and the meal would occur at dinner time around 7:00 P.M. or 8:00 P.M.. However, coffee (with a significant amount of Coffee Mate creamer) was a staple throughout the entire day.

  • I never was someone who snacked throughout the day or at junk food. However, all meals were fast food or takeout.

  • I have never and did not consume alcoholic beverages or partake in drugs of any kind other than caffeine.

Fitness lifestyle before losing weight: Less than 2,000 steps per day while working from home entirely on a computer. Exercise was nil. I could not walk one tenth of a mile before losing my breath, aching in my legs/feet, and miserable.

Stool Information (WARNING: THIS MAY BE TOO MUCH INFORMATION, but this is important to provide further context regarding my health 6 months ago): Diarrhea after every meal. Sometimes the diarrhea would begin 20 minutes while eating the meal, which would cause me to temporarily pause my meal to use the rest room. The diarrhea was usually pure liquid and yellow, dark brown, or black in color. This was a daily occurrence.

Medical information: Resting heart rate = 89 beats per minute. Blood sugar fluctuations were extreme (absurd lows and ridiculous highs) throughout the day. My father has diabetes (currently takes insulin shots), and I knew that I was in the pre-diabetes stage or already had diabetes. Also, my face and back acne were out of control (even at age 31); I had massive boils on my back that were incredibly painful and filled with what seemed to be unlimited puss. Blood pressure and cholesterol were perfect. I was not taking medicine at the time.

Number of hours of sleep per night: 8 to 9 hours

Stress level: No stress, no anxiety, and a clean mental, emotional, and spiritual state. However, I was disgusted with myself when I looked into the mirror. I was disgusted with myself.

Current Weight: 121 pounds

Current pant size (U.S.): 30, but bordering on a size 29.

Current shirt size: Small

Number of calories consumed each day: 1,500 to 1,800

Disclaimer: I knew nothing about CICO, was aware that diets are not usually the best strategy for losing weight while changing an entire lifestyle, and I did not follow /r/loseit, /r/CICO, or /r/fitness. I honestly used “common sense” to shed most of the weight that I had acquired. So, I was not tracking every single calorie that I consumed, but I did remain mindful of an overall sense of calories that I was consuming during the day. First and foremost, I eliminated all calories that I drank. I made it a mission to myself to never “drink my calories”. So, like a light switch, no more Coca-Colas. No more McDonald’s/Starbucks frozen coffee drinks. However, as you will soon learn, I did hold on to my personal coffee creamer in reduced amounts for a short period of time.

  • Daily eating habit: Example 1 - Oatmeal with water and brown sugar (200 calories) for breakfast + 500 mL black coffee throughout the morning + fruit salad for lunch (between 120 and 170 calories) + Plain hamburger on a bun (700 calories) + bowl of green beans (100 calories) + water all day = 1,200 calories

  • Daily eating habit: Example 2 - Oatmeal with whole milk (300 calories) for breakfast + 500 mL black coffee throughout the morning + fruit salad for lunch (between 120 and 250 calories) + Shrimp Alfredo (800 calories) + water all day = 1,350 calories

  • Daily eating habit: Example 3 - Oatmeal with whole milk (300 calories) for breakfast + 500 mL black coffee throughout the morning + fruit salad for lunch (between 120 and 250 calories) + Roast Beef (500 calories) + Baked potato (250 calories) + Gravy (150 calories) + water all day = 1,450 calories

Disclaimer: I originally reduced the amount of coffee + creamer than I drank each day. Rather than two “Yeti” cups per day, I began to drink two normal sized coffee mugs per day. After two weeks or so of that amount, I reduced my intake to one normal sized mug per day while consuming as much water as possible. After 1 month of this process, I began drinking my coffee completely black. I upped by black coffee in take to three to four regular coffee sized mugs per day, but I enhanced the flavor on occasion with cinnamon. As of now, I prefer to drink my coffee black (I LOVE LOVE LOVE the flavor of “Chock Full of Nuts” regular coffee).

Nutritional observation: I did not experience the “fast food crash” that occurs when you try to decrease fast food intake. However, within approximately one month of eating healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables, I began noticing that my body CRAVED new types of foods that I never would have considered eating: Green beans, sweet potatoes, pinto beans, greens, and tomatoes. I wanted those flavors and that satisfactory feeling of being full after eating those foods even if they are low in calories (other than pinto beans). I no longer craved carbohydrates, sweet desserts, or fried foods. To this day, I am disappointed when my dinner meals do not include some kind of high-volume low-calorie vegetable such as green beans. Since April, I have not even THOUGHT about eating a pizza or a Popeye’s chicken sandwich.

Other daily diet information: Again, I do not necessarily measure out the calories associated with everything that I eat. However, I ensure that the portions I eat are not absurdly large, and that I eat enough to get “full” without being miserable. I eat until I am comfortable. I rarely go back for “seconds” when I finish my plate unless my “seconds” are an additional tomato or bowl of green beans. I also do not eat when I am bored or when I am not hungry. I have yet to have what is known as a “cheat day”. However, I have been known to eat SMALL portions of a dessert or a couple of M&M’s when I want to treat myself. I currently have no cravings for sweet food other than fruits. I still do not drink alcohol, I do not snack throughout the day, and I do not eat when I am bored. Now that I am in maintain mode, I may be eating an extra 200 calories or so per day, but I have not really changed my nutritional intake my a significant amount. I have adopted this new lifestyle without any issues at all.

Stool Information (WARNING: THIS MAY BE TOO MUCH INFORMATION): Bowel movement every three to five days. Dark brown in color. Solid. Incredibly healthy based on what I have read online. These solid logs can be quite long, however, and have been known to stop up the toilet on multiple occasions. I am still adjusting to make this process a bit more akin to what typical humans experience on a daily basis.

Medical information: Resting heart rate = 43 beats per minute. Blood sugar is stable at all times at normal levels. Face acne is gone. Boils on my back are gone. All acne is dried up and no longer active. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels are perfect. I am still not taking any kinds of medicines. Furthermore, I am not taking any vitamin supplements. Miscellaneous health information: I never experienced the headaches or fatigue associated with weight loss and nutritional lifestyle changes until approximately 4 months into the weight loss process. I did notice that my body was tired throughout the working day, but I REALLY experience fatigue at approximately day 140. I am not sure what the issue was, but I felt like a zombie the entire week. I had already established a daily routine with food intake and the types of food that I eat, but it was almost like my body was trying to tell me that I had lost enough weight and it was time to enter maintenance mode. At this point, I went from 177 pounds to approximately 120 pounds.

Fitness lifestyle after losing weight: AT LEAST 15,000 steps per day (at one time) while losing weight, but I tried to hit 25,000 steps per day (at one time) if at all possible. While maintaining weight, I still strive for a minimum of 12,000 steps per day (at one time). All other steps do not count in my head.

Did I experience the dreaded “plateau”?: Of course! I assume that we all do. However, my plateaus would only last for approximately 1 to 1.5 weeks. The first plateau occurred when I wanted to go from 140 pounds to 139 pounds, and this seemed like it took forever to happen. The second plateau occurred when I wanted to go from 130 pounds to 129 pounds. This was a shorter plateau. To ensure accurate tracking of the plateau, I weight myself each morning at 6:20 A.M. after peeing (or defecation) while completely naked. I only weight myself once per day.

Number of hours of sleep per night: 8 to 9 hours

Stress level: No stress, no anxiety, and a clean mental, emotional, and spiritual state. I am “over the moon” with myself now that I have entered maintenance mode.

How did I do it? More specifics!

Nutrition: This is the major component of weight loss. Exercising is excellent for many health reasons, but nutrition is the key to truly lose weight and shed unwanted pounds. Trust me. I cannot emphasize enough that I echo the sentiment that you cannot “outrun a bad diet”. Are you serious about dropping weight and shedding the pounds? Change your nutritional lifestyle and do it immediately. When you initiate the change, you HAVE to remain consistent, stubborn, and dedicated. Do cheat meals work with other people? Yes. Are my strategies the only strategies for weight loss? No. However, you have to be dead-set and serious about nutrition before weight loss can occur. There are no ifs, ands, buts about it. You can try to blame your emotional state. You can blame your mental status. You can blame your financial situation (I eat less food now AND what I eat is cheaper than eating out). You can blame any underlying health issues. You can blame anything that you want to blame. I am not judging you, and I am not making any kind of statements about how you need to live your own life. I want YOU to be HAPPY. However, if you are still reading this post, you are most likely not happy or were at a place where you were not happy. Do something about it. I promise that it is worth it.

  • March 16: I decided that fast food was no longer an option. I also decided to cut out all fast food and large portions of food from my nutritional intake. Exercise: Cardio only. I realize that strength training and weightlifting would be beneficial to me, but I was more concerned at becoming heart healthy and able to run without getting out of breath. Furthermore, I began my weight loss journey the day that my state enacted coronavirus lockdown protocols. Thankfully, exercising is free. Gyms are not a requirement. I always told myself that I could never be able to get active simply because my legs and feet were “messed up” due to them hurting all of the time. I always used my pain after walking up the stairs to justify why I was never active. However, I decided that I needed to become more active in my life. I walked 1 mile around the block on this night. This took approximately 38 minutes. My legs, calves, and feet hurt so bad that I felt like I was going to die. I could barely walk up an incline. Also, one lap around the block is approximately 0.333 mile. This totaled 4,413 steps at one time.

  • March 17: I had a lot of pain, but I walked another mile around the block. This totaled 4,871 steps at one time.

  • March 18: Another mile around the block. This totaled 4,813 steps at one time. The pain was getting to me.

  • March 19: My muscles REALLY hurt on this date. I was also noticing that my legs and feet were stiff each morning, and they would hurt throughout the day. However, I walked for around 55 minutes on this night. This totaled 9,861 steps at one time.

  • March 20: My muscles started to feel better from healing throughout the day. I felt good enough to walk for on hour around the block with approximately 10,237 steps. I did this for several more days. To help get me through the walks, I called my friends and we discussed work life, politics, science, history, and personal life.

  • March 23: I walked 18,982 steps at once on this day all while talking on the phone.

  • March 24 – 30: I started walking 15,000 steps per day (at one time). This took about two hours to complete. Therefore, this was a MAJOR time sink. I started doing this ever single day. NO REST days for the walks. None. EVERY SINGLE DAY.

  • March, April, May, and half of June: I averaged around 16,000 steps per day (no rest days) at one time during my daily walks. My legs were stiff each morning, my feet were stiff, and this never changed.

  • June 16: I started to add jogging/running to my two hour cardio exercise regimen. On the first day of “running”, I could only run for about 30 seconds without getting tired. I would then walk for five minutes. I would run for another 30 seconds. I could only run for about 4 spurts.

  • June 17 – August 17: I kept trying to increase the amount I ran each day. However, I alternated days in which I incorporated running. I would run one day and then entirely walk the next day so that I could give my muscles a break. However, I could tell that my heart was becoming healthier, I had more energy throughout the day, and I was not “out of breath” as often after running. My running distance naturally increased each time I had a run day, and my stamina increased. I did not necessarily have any specific goals (I was not aware of /r/C25K) other than becoming more “fit” in the cardio department. Near the middle of July, I was able to incorporate running at least five days per week. However, regardless of my exercise regimen, I did my “cardio” (is walking considered cardio at this point?) for two hours per day. NO REST DAYS.

  • August 17 until today: I reduced my daily cardio down to 1 hour and 15 minutes each day. Since doing this, I can now run almost every single day for long periods of time such that I can run for almost the entirety of the exercise session. I incorporate a “brisk walk day” (walking at least 3.5 miles per hour) every three or four days of running. I am still not taking any rest days. As of today, my legs are no longer stiff throughout the day. My feet are not as stiff. To put it simply, I was “over doing it” with my exercise routine each day. Although I made it work, I overdid it. Please make sure not to overdo it when you begin your exercise regimen.

I have been at 121 pounds for the last two weeks. Overall, I shed approximately 56 pounds in approximately 5.5 months.

Will I eat fast food anymore? I mean, sure. I would, but I have not done so. My body does not crave it anymore. If I am out and about and have to eat it, I will eat it. However, I will not order 2 Sausage McGriddles, 1 hash brown, and 1 large Coca-Cola from McDonald’s for breakfast (1,298 calories) which is something that I used to do when traveling. Will I order the grande Starbucks dessert drinks? Absolutely not. I still refuse to drink my calories on a consistent basis. Would I ever order a Coca-Cola at a sit-down restaurant today? Sure, but I would limit myself to one glass during the meal (not before or after the meal).

How often do I eat out now? Eh, about once every two weeks or so. This is usually from a local Mexican restaurant where I can get some street tacos or a lunch portion of chicken teriyaki and rice and vegetables. I keep it simple. Nothing insane. The pandemic has really helped keep me on the “straight and narrow” in terms of eating out.

Do I turn down desserts when they are offered to me? It depends. My body does not crave them anymore. So, I never go out of my way to seek them. However, I did eat a decent sized piece of cake during my nephew’s and niece’s last birthdays. However, in both instanced, I stopped at one piece. I will most likely get a small or medium sized ice cream cone while on vacation (if that ever happens). I will gladly eat a slice of Dutch Apple Pie (with ice cream) if I have not done so in several weeks. Absolutely. I am not going to restrict myself from the pleasures of life.

Friends, that is honestly all that I have to share with you regarding my journey. Although this post was long, my lifestyle is quite simple. There are not tricks, gimmicks, or magical solutions to the weight loss struggle. It is just a simple process that takes time.

I will monitor this post if you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns. I am not suggesting that my approach is perfect or will work for you, but I really wanted to contribute to this amazing sub by providing specifics regarding my own weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/KidTheCurry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Superfood Saturday: Apples

While “An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away” might just be an old adage, there is definitely truth behind the popular saying. Apples are fat, sodium and cholesterol free, plus they’re high in vitamin C and fiber. Because of their high fiber content, apples rank low on the Glycemic index, allowing for a more regulated release of sugars into the blood stream, which prevents a spike in insulin production. Since fiber, along with contributing to colon health and a reduced risk of stroke, also tends to keep you feeling fuller longer, you may not feel the urge to overeat. According to, apples lower the risk of heart disease, contain a high level of antioxidants, and prevent environmental dioxins in the body due to their high levels of phytonutrients. Apples do rank high on the Dirty Dozen list, so buy organic when possible. And since much of the apple’s nutrients reside in its outer layer, it’s best to enjoy your slices with the skin on.

The varieties of apples are seemingly endless with 2,500 different types grown in the US and 7,500 available worldwide. So if you are looking for some sweetness with your crunch, try Fuji, Honeycrisp and Gala apples. For an apple that falls somewhere in the middle, try a Red Delicious or Golden Delicious. If tart is tops for you, you can’t go wrong with a Granny Smith. The most common harvest season for apples is early to mid-fall. So grab the family and head to your nearest orchard for a crisp fall day of apple picking among the changing leaves.

Pro tips: Store your apples in a plastic bag in the fridge and consume within three weeks. Say yes to shiny, firm apples and no to ones with brown spots and bruises.

How do you like them apples?! Check out what The Leaf has to offer on all things Apple:

1. Simple Slow Cooker Applesauce

Top with cinnamon and enjoy this perfect fall treat!

2. Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Apple Facts?

Think you’re one smart apple? Take our quiz to find out!

3. Savory Brussels Sprouts With Apple

Cauliflower rice
There’s nothing better than some sweetness to compliment that savory and oh-so-tasty Brussels sprout! Watch as Nutrisystem’s own good-for-you guru Deanna Otranto demonstrates how to prepare this delicious meal in minutes.

4. Apple Spinach Smoothie

apple spinach smoothie
Get your greens while enjoying the yummy tastes of an apple.

5. Apple & Almond Butter

apples and almond butter
This classic pairing is perfect for a snack on-the-go that keeps you going! Read about more easy and nutritious snacks in this article.

6. 10 Fruits That Taste Awesome Grilled

Apples on the grill are a perfect addition to any BBQ. Learn how to make this smokey rendition of everyone’s favorite fruit in this article.

The post Superfood Saturday: Apples appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

I can't do this weight loss thing

I just posted on here 2 days ago and my first day and a half was going well. Then I got bullied. I heard someone saying that the whale is trying to lose weight. I was just eating an apple when they said that. Then they came and started poking fun my body. I left and went home for the rest of the day. I went to the gas station on my way home and ruined my 2 good days of eating. I bought some candy and donuts and a 2 liter of pepsi. I ate it all on top of eating a lot at our family dinner. I was miserably stuffed, but I no longer was mad at the school kids. I don't know how to discipline myself not to gorge on food when I'm sad. Please help

submitted by /u/ryxliz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Saturday, 12 September 2020? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel awesome and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need help.

I’m not sure this will stay up or get taken down. Knowing my luck it will be taken down because I’m trying to get help.

You see, I’m fat. I need to lose about 100lbs. I’m what is classified as morbidly obese. 5’10”, 280lbs.

I’m ashamed of how I look. I hate looking in the mirror because I see how much I weigh. I’m tired of it. I want to look how I wish I did.

You may read this and say “That dude needs to talk to someone”. I know myself. I know if I lose weight I will feel better about things.

It’s one of those situations where you know something isn’t right so you feel bad about it. Maybe that only makes sense to me.

I don’t know how first of all and second is I’m afraid that the very slow weight loss will discourage me. As I type that I realize how silly that sounds because anything worth doing takes time.

I’m not really sure what I’m hoping for. Help maybe. Perhaps I am looking for guidance on how to do it or simply finding someone who I can talk to about my struggle to get where I want to be.

If you have read this far, thank you. I hope this doesn’t get taken down. I really want to do this. I just don’t know how and I don’t have anyone to lean on.

submitted by /u/Caregiver_Right
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, September 11, 2020

Just a little fitness reflection from someone who's nearly at maintenance

F/42/172cm/SW 96kg/CW 71kg/GW 68kg

TLDR: When you start getting to the ballpark of the shape you want to be, other things may start to become important to you, like tone and strength. But while all you see is fat, it's hard for those other things to matter to many of us. I get it, I've been there, and I'm nearly out the other side.

I want to share a little reflection I just had, because I hope it'll help some of you who are towards the beginning of your journey.

So, it's morning here, hubby has taken kiddo for a walk, and I have time to myself. A rarity here after my city's 6 loooong weeks in lockdown!

The first thing I do after they leave isn't go back to bed, eat brekkie, or jump on reddit - it's to do my 11 minute stretch and body weight routine. I enjoyed it even more than usual, because the peace and quiet meant I could really feel everything and tune into my body. It was great! I smashed out a bunch of push ups, crunches and the rest. Then added my "optional extras" I call PB+J - plank, bicycle crunches and jumping jacks. I added those voluntarily bc I like em and I freaken love what they do for my core and cardio fitness. Mmm, abs.

So here's my reflection. 26 heavy kilos ago, I couldn't have even completed stage 1 of that routine, let alone enjoyed it, or - wut - added extras. If I'd have tuned into my body, I'd have been saddened - my belly and thigh fat would've stopped me touching my toes, my arm fat would've wobbled when I did circles, and not a chance in hell I could've done even 1 push up! Ha, don't be ridiculous, I can't do push ups.

My weight loss journey so far has been 100% about managing what I ate - how much, of what, how often. It has been ZERO percent about exercise.

Because for me, wrapped in self loathing, I didn't get joy from my body.

The joy really only started creeping back within the last 5kg or so. I started looking not-crap, then, actually, kinda OK, and lately, omg you guys - I look good!!

I still have a little way to go, and between my age, having a baby, and substantial weight loss, there are a few droops I don't love. But damn, I can rock a pair of skinny jeans like the young mamas at playgroup!

But exercise - I always hated it. Flop sweat, instant breathlessness, feeling my fat getting in the way... Ugh.

Now all of a sudden, exercising reminds me of how far I've come, and how awesome my body is.

... I like exercising!!

And I'm raring to get into the gym once lockdown ends! Can't wait to lift heavy stuff!

So, my nugget of wisdom for you is - if you love exercise already and it's a helpful thing for you to incorporate now, awesome!! But if you don't, just don't worry about it. You CAN absolutely lose all of your weight without exercise. And also, you'll almost certainly find exercise less-awful after you lose, say, half of your goal. It's a journey, and the scenery changes as you go.

PS this is the first time I've ever thought of myself as "nearly at maintenance". I've been plateaued for all of lockdown and that's sucked. So, I want to take a second to marvel at my achievement, and thank everyone here for the help I've gotten from this group along the way. Whether you're done or just starting, you're all part of something wonderful here and I love you.

submitted by /u/boopbleps
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from loseit - Lose the Fat