Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Losing the last three kilos is impossible

My weight loss isn't as dramatic as some but I'm still proud. Last year I was able to go from 68kg (150lbs) to 58 kg(128lbs). It was a lot of getting up at 6am to run on the treadmill, daily salads and avoiding boozy nights like a limbo pole, but I managed it!

My height is 162cm (5'3) so I'm now smack bang in the middle of a healthy BMI. My waist measurement is in the healthy range and all my other vitals are perfect.

I know I should be happy. And I am! But I set myself a goal which was 55kg. No matter what I've tried, it's stayed at a plateau all of this year. I know that resistance training helps so I've been doing 40 minute sets three days a week with five days cardio. I've bumped up my walking to 12k steps a day. I'm keeping track of my calories with an average of 1500 a day but my weight just. Won't. Budge!

I know weight isn't everything and there are other ways to measure things. But I'm a completionist. I want that rush of satisfaction.

Honestly I'm just having a whinge but I needed to get it off my chest. Thanks for reading. Good luck with all your journeys!

submitted by /u/Owlmystery
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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Why I lost weight

Now im about 45lbs from my goal weight, M14 SW260, GW190, CW235. So I figured that I would share why I lost weight and am currently losing weight. I have a couple of reasons, the least important of which would be for vanity and to get a girlfriend. But the biggest reason would be to release my emotional turmoil and pain that surrounds my weight. Ive always been the big kid in school, I weighed 190lbs in 3rd grade and didn't aknowledge my weight until some time later. It wasn't until about 5th grade or 6th grade when I became truly self aware and very looks concious about myself. There is just that feeling of constant sadness and having to hide behind the mask of being the funny fat kid that isn't actually funny and is just annoying. I could handle the bullying and the teasing because to me it wasn't the words that were said that hurt because when I was called a fat ass or fat fuck it was just confirming something I already knew. But the words that went un spoken hurt the most, the fear that the people who don't bully or tease you are calling you a fat slob in their head and you don't know it. My way to prevent this was to be extremely nice or to be so vocally hateful to myself about my weight around other people that they wouldn't have a reason to think that about me. And in reality it just made me look like a douche bag, I was and still am so sad and unhappy that the only thing keeping me going on this weight loss is the constant self hate and insecurities that drive me in everything I do. And that light at the end of the tunnel gets a little brighter everyday.

submitted by /u/thedestroyerofaltacc
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[Tip] Why all of those diet ads say to talk to your doctor before starting a diet (and why you should probably talk to your doctor)

To start with, let’s get the disclaimer out of the way: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. I don’t know you or your particular situation. Your doctor should. This is why this post is about going to them.

Now that that’s out of the way, welcome to the post! These are some reasons why you want to see your doctor when you start a diet, and who especially may want to call them.

  1. They will not have amazing, individualized diet advice. They can refer you to a dietitian if that’s something you’re interested in, though!

  2. Your weight has given you a medical condition that you don’t know about.

This could be any number of things, from high blood pressure, to diabetes, to NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). They can check for all of these things on your labs, and let you know how best to treat those. Also, your weight loss may be at least partially due to a treatable disease! (Or a med that they put you on.) This goes into point 2:

  1. Your diet plan is going to harm your health, somehow.

If you’re diabetic and thinking about intermittent fasting, you could end up becoming hypoglycemic (too low blood sugar). If you’ve got any heart conditions, high intensity exercise may not be the best idea. If you’ve already got joint pain, they can give you recommendations for what type of exercise will minimize the strain on those joints to stop you from getting permanent joint damage.

And if you’re thinking of trying any weird internet supplements, please don’t. Depending on the supplement, your doctor can tell you what it will do to you, but anything off of the internet isn’t regulated and could have harmful fillers. (A regular multivitamin is fine.).

  1. Your diet may interact with your medications.

If you’re on an anticoagulant, don’t start eating a bunch of spinach and leafy greens without talking to your doctor. If you’re on lithium or any sort of ibuprofen/naproxen, not getting enough liquid in a day will mess up your kidneys. If you’re on oral diabetes medications, you could get hypoglycemic or really sick. Your doctor can tell you what diets are okay for the meds that you’re on, and what modifications you may need to make for your conditions.

  1. They can monitor your progress.

Yes, you can check your own weight. But they can check your cholesterol and blood sugars, and let you know how you’re doing on reducing your risk of disease. (Also, they should be encouraging you and cheering you on! If not, find a new doctor.)

So, who especially should see a doctor?
1) If you haven’t been in a few years.
2) If you need to lose a lot of weight.
3) If you’re already taking meds.
4) If you’ve been diagnosed with something in the past (like high blood pressure).

For my US friends, if you have insurance, you should have one of these visits with the blood tests covered under a “preventive screening/yearly well exam”. If you’re uninsured, see if your city has free or reduced-price clinics—especially if your city has a medical school, you can get free visits with cheap or free labs, with great care. If you’re out of the US, I don’t know your healthcare system.

A lot of doctors are also doing telehealth right now, which means you could talk to them from home, and then just go to the lab for the blood work. Usually these visits are a bit cheaper.

submitted by /u/kh3-2019
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What are your go-to meals and snacks?

I need to lose about 75 lbs, and I'm not sure where to start. I'm planning to track what I eat on My Fitness Pal, but I don't love cooking and I can't really figure out what to buy at the grocery store. I eat out for most meals (lots of fast food, pizza, sushi, etc.), and anytime I buy food to cook I never feel motivated to actually cook it (I'm also dealing with some depression issues which I know are a big part of the problem). I recently decided to start buying frozen dinners for my lunches, but they're not very satisfying and that got boring really quickly.

I'm mentally preparing myself to begin my weight loss journey on October 1st, so I'm going to the grocery store tomorrow. What are some quick, easy meals and snacks that have helped you stay on track and lose weight? And for those of you who initially had a lot of weight to lose, how did you start to change your lifestyle knowing that it would take a long time to start seeing results? I'm feeling a little overwhelmed because I know this is going to be a long journey, but I'm so tired of feeling out of shape and having to buy new (bigger) clothes. I know I need to start making changes, but I just can't seem to figure out that first step.

(Full disclosure: I'm an adult and this feels like such a dumb question because I should know how to feed myself, but any advice would be appreciated!!)

submitted by /u/applewoodbirch
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A simple but important reminder!

Today I passed my halfway point in my weight loss journey. I am immensely proud of myself because I haven't been in the 160's in at least four years. Upon seeing how much I had lost, I felt my stomach drop. I felt burdened by how much I saw I still needed to lose. But I stopped myself in my tracks. I told myself to stfu and not worry about how much further I have to go. I reminded myself to simply be proud of how far I have come. So, my reminder to you all, take a look back at your progress and celebrate it.. and celebrate it some more. Keep going and don't worry about how much more you have to go, you'll get there soon enough.

submitted by /u/deegallant
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It can be done “not as hard as it sounds”

Hi all,

Wanted to say that I love this sub, its really helped me along my journey the past few months. So many inspiring individuals here, even just being a member of this sub is an excellent first step.

My(24m) weight has always fluctuated since I was about 15. I’m 5’9 but have a tendency to pust on (and maintain)muscle/fat quite quicky. Helped also by the fact that I love food and am eating a minced pie as I write this. I tended to be either borderline overweight or 5-6kg overweight (doctor opinion not mine).

At the beginning of lockdown I was pushing 86kg (quite a bit for me where 75kg is where the doctor would stop telling me off) which is my heaviest since an all time high of 87-88kg at christmas. I had tried vegan + watching what I eat very roughly, whilst lifting weights 3 times a week for 30min, which is why I was slightly lighter.

What worked for me was a gentle approach with myself on how to get down to a heathly weight. Usually id go hardcore and start fasting then eating only salads with tuna twice a day. Needless to say, this didn’t ever work too well and only lasted a few days (or hours). This time, I decided to lower carb intake significantlly (borderline keto but without that goal in mind) and started doing 30min of cardio 3 times a week. I chose running which I’ve never been able to do and also saw as a mental challenge which I needed as I was on furlough. I also skipped breakfast and had black coffee, although this is something Ive always done. This time I made a point of sticking to it everyday. Which isnt too hard to do.

Low and behold, after doing this since the 28th of May, this morning I weighed in at 72.6kg. The point I’d like to emphasize here is that I truly stuck to this each day. I still ate cheetos sometimes, but not often. My gf and I would have chinese takeout now and then. I didn’t feel deprived of food because I’d stuck to learning to enjoy those great things in a healthy moderation.

The discipline I learnt in doing that helped me get into running and I went from getting out of puff and cramps from running 300m. To running 10k two weeks ago in 1h04min which I’m very happy with.

In general I’m much more disciplined and feel much healthier than I ever have. Have learnt, and hope to transmit in this post, is that once you achieve genuine weightloss and maintaint it. A goal which is great to pursue from the start. You learn along the way that people who are always trim, or are telling you about a 10k they ran at the weekend, is because they just feel so great all the time it would seem silly not to live any other way.

Thats where I’m now at, I cant ever imagine living like I used to. I genuinely get cranky if I dont go for a run in a few days. I don’t feel too great after smashing a Papa Johns one friday. Whereas before I’d have had my kebab,half of my gfs chips, then a full english and roast the next day. Now id not eat till 12 then have an omelette for lunch, short run in the afternoon, and feel better for it. My few health woes (high resting bpm which is now at 55 down from 69-73). Are gone.

So guys, hang in there, take it as a journey and everythings going to be ok. Dont hate on yourselves, you’ve made mistakes with food in the past, and you’ll make plenty more in the future. Just do try your best to do well from hereon out. Love yourself at all times, enjoy life no matter what, because its very short and you never know what life might throw at you. Plod along with your weight loss efforts, dont let it consume you and it will happen. The jeans get loser, the sleep gets better, the sex gets better, anxiety, mood, depression, the list goes on,

Aim to achieve the point where you feel it in your bones that, yep, this is the right way to live.

Hope this helps someones!!

Tl:dr Always kinda pudy guy, realises why people are thin and stay thin/healthy. Goes from couch to 10k (running) 86kg to 72.6kg in 4ish months. Writes this eating minced pie.

submitted by /u/rigobertoesperanza
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Am I doing something wrong that is contributing to no weight loss after 2 consistent weeks?

25F, SW 165lbs —> GW 145lbs, 5’9. I live a pretty active lifestyle, go on hikes, paddle board, I walk around for my job as it pertains to healthcare. On top of working out regularly.

It’s been 2 weeks now and I weighed in at 166.8 this morning and felt extremely defeated. I’m currently on a calorie deficit so I’m consuming 1490 cal based off the myfitnesspal app. Eating the correct amount of nutrients needed and what’s within range based off the app. I’ve up my workout regime and got into kickboxing/HIIT 1-1.5hr workouts burning around 700-900 calories 4x a week. I figured by now I would’ve at least lost a couple pounds but I’m now heavier than I initially started. Any help or advice on what to do next, or anything I need to correct/change?

Edit: I do not eat back burned calories from my workout. Prior to my new workout regime I was using the Sweat app and following workouts from that 4x a week.

submitted by /u/Mnguyen5495
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