Monday, October 5, 2020

I have gained 10 kg since I moved to another country

I am 25 years old, female, 120kg and 185cm tall. Currently living alone in Japan since last year. Ever since I moved here, I gained 10 kg because I’m not eating healthy and my cooking skills are terrible. When I get stressed or have anxiety, I tend to eat sugary food. After a year, I’m starting to feel bad, ashamed and depressed because of my weight.

My parents aren’t very supportive, specially my dad who always asks me about my weight and if I have lost any kg. When I tell him no, he gets very angry at me and tells me that “You should look at yourself to see how awful you look”.

I already went to doctors here and they won’t help me making a schedule of what should I eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Instead, they just give me weight loss pills and Chinese medicines that aren’t effective because my body is bigger compared to Japanese people.

I really want to change and lose weight. Any advice? I’m already walking 45-50 minutes per day. I don’t go on bus to the station because it’s expensive.

submitted by /u/Accomplished-Lemon89
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Setting a 7 month weight loss goal.

I’m getting married in 7 months. I am currently 5’7 and 247lbs. It’s not that I only care what I look like for my wedding (I do) but I want to use this as a motivation tool to really get things under control, and commit to myself before I commit to someone else.

So, I’m awful at setting realistic goals. I want to lose weight safely, I have a history of losing a lot of weight quickly in unhealthy ways. IF I lose 2lbs per week, that’s 56lbs. Is this realistic? I want to do this in ways that are sustainable as well. Something I can keep going with after the wedding.

Also, advice to workout that help, but for beginners would be lovely. Especially things that can be done with no or cheap equipment. I’m thinking of investing in a stationary exercise bike that can fold up. I don’t have tons of money, but it would something I could use from home while reading or watching tv and could probably work out for an hour or so without stopping. I do have a kiddo at home so it can be hard to find time, so I thought if I got myself something like that it would be harder to make excuses.

What is a decent goal to set for how much I should expect to lose? I plan to exercise three times a week and count calories.

What do you friends think?

submitted by /u/Typical-Amphibian
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Weight loss/maintenance with broken limbs?

I'm about 20lbs down since May (hurray), but I've recently found myself with a broken ankle. Obviously this makes getting around really difficult, and I live alone so cooking healthily is a struggle right now. Given that cycling has been my main form of exercise, I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions on how to at least maintain while I'm laid up?

I have a follow up with the doctors next Tuesday and will of course ask them as well, but I can't be the only person who's had something similar happen while in progress. Does anyone have some lived experience to share that would help? I'm currently in the elevated foot/hang-on-the-couch-as-much-as-possible phase (a week and half in).

submitted by /u/FallenInHoops
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FUN RUN Challenge – Photo A Day for Runners with @RunEatRepeat WEEK 1

Hello!! How’s it going? Hope you’re having fun on the run with this month’s challenge! If you missed it – * Get the October Fun Run Calendar here*. Here’s a round up of the challenge updates so far. I’m also sharing Tips and my running updates via video on Instagram Story and YouTube. Watch ’em ... Read More about FUN RUN Challenge – Photo A Day for Runners with @RunEatRepeat WEEK 1

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from Run Eat Repeat

Before and after 140Lb weight loss ... And what it brings.

Firstly, losing weight is hard. It's a mental battle as long as a physical one. Any amount of weight you lose, is amazing and you should be very proud of yourself for doing that. Keep going.

I'm 20 years old, go to University and have been obese all my life. Back in October 23rd, 2019; I weighed my heaviest at 316lb and after a conversation with my bus driver about weight loss, I decided to give it a try. What could go wrong? I thought. So I did it for a month or so and then another and another until I was actively seeing a change in my body. First couple of months It was horrible, I wanted to stop but then I had encouragement from my friends and family to carry on. So, I pushed through and cracked on.

A year later and a lot of not-so-fun dieting, I have finished. It has done wonders to my social life and overall confidence. Hey, I can leave my house without a coat! I can also sit down without crossing my arms over my chest! I even had my first kiss. These little things are still such a foreign concept for me, but its something I can comfortably do without feeling like people are judging me or looking at me.

I wish it were all happy songs and rainbows, however, my mental battle is still raging on. There are times where I look at myself and feel I can do more – and I can, however, not by losing weight. There are times where I feel I’m losing friends due to the weight loss, there are still sides of me which is unhappy. So, when people say losing weight doesn’t always make you happy, they’re correct. You also need to work on your inside, let alone your outside. I am still processing this and it’s upsetting that the work I have done, is still not good enough for my brain to be happy. I have had countless conversations with family and friends telling me that I need to stop losing weight and that I’ve done enough, it gets to be a bore. It feels as if all conversations I have with people is related to my weight loss and you do notice a difference in how you are treated, depressingly.

So, what I’m trying to say is, carry on losing weight. However, do not get attached to the idea that you’ll be fine afterwards because you most likely won’t be. Yes, you might be happier and a hell of a lot more confident, but you will need to work hard to get out of your old mindset and embrace the new you. Trust me, it is hard, but if you can lose weight, you can do it.

I’m 170-80lb, 6Ft and somewhat happy. 😊



submitted by /u/smashedeagle
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2 Months Weight Loss Plateau (what am doing wrong?)

Hey guys,

Ever since COVID hit, I've decided to take care of my health and lose some weight. At the beginning of the year, I weighed 295 pounds. I am now at 255. I would like to go down to 210-215 pounds. I started reducing my calories, then made myself a boxing set up to train in my house. I have started adding strength training (kettlebells) into my routine about 3 months ago.

For that last 2 months, my weight has been fluctuating between 255 and 258 pounds. However, I did lose some waist, neck, and hips sizes. I also feel a lot better and stronger. My physique has also changed for the better. (I take a picture every month). The pounds are just not decreasing.

I have been tracking my TDEE which says I should eat 2800 calories per day. I must admit I have a hard time reaching that amount. I usually eat between 2200 and 2600 calories per day. I am just not hungry...

Is this plateau normal? Am I doing something wrong? Is it caused by strength training?

Some info about me :

34M, 6'1, 255 pounds

I try to train 4-5 / week. 1-hour training sessions which consist of 30 min strength training (kettlebells) and 30 mins of boxing workout (jump rope, punching bags, shadow boxing, etc.).

Thanks for your help!

submitted by /u/bluecando
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130 lbs down, fittest i’ve ever been in my life, now suddenly I can’t stop over eating/binging/obsessing over eating food

22F, 5’9”, SW:~290, CW:157, GW: 140?

Hi! I switched coasts in August of last year (NY to CA) and took the change in scenery as an opportunity to rewrite my eating habits and get my overeating under control.

Weight loss is not new to me, in 2017-2018 I spent a year out of school and unemployed and worked really hard on eating well (mostly avoiding carbs and sugars and calorie counting) while hiking regularly in the morning with my dog!! I lost around 60 lbs then and got a boyfriend for the first time!! I was happy but was eating poorly again, going out a LOT and eating big (1500kcal+) meals 3 times a day. I was back to old habits so of course I gained the weight back.

I got up to probably around 290 but I wasn’t weighing myself at that point. I felt so stupid and hopeless because I knew exactly what I needed to do but for whatever reason, just for the sake of eating delicious food with someone I liked, I knowingly overate. It’s almost like the entire time I was losing the weight, I wasn’t letting myself eat like I wanted to but now I had the excuse of a boyfriend, some switched was flipped and I went right back into “you can eat ANYYYTHING!! ALL THE TIME!!!” Mode.

My current weightloss, I started just calorie counting (1200-1500) with really no workouts for the first 6-7 months. I lost weight with just that and when the golf course I live on closed down because of Covid, I got to walk it every day as a pedestrian!! Walking led to hiking which led to mountain climbing which led to waking up at 5:00 am every morning to run 4 miles up a 1500” mountain, to meet the sunrise at the top! (And the other psychos who get up there even earlier then me) I was looking back on old workouts in 2018 when I was hiking then too, and I am able to do now twice as much work in half the time, holy shit!!! Cutting your body weight in half is the ultimate steroid. I literally feel light on my feet! That might be why I’m obsessed with climbing mountains. (Also uphill running doesn’t shake loose skin as bad as flat jogging)

My weights mostly plateaued for the last 3-4 months, since mid summer, but on god are my calves toned. Even though I am still trying to lose weight and get to the range I want to be. As I’ve gotten thinner and thinner and started working out more and more my appetite has come back with vengeance. And I’m terrified. I know I am capable of losing weight and gaining it all back, and I see where I am now on the slope, unfortunately, and I don’t like whats ahead. I know HOW to maintain, I know its all math and good habits. But I fear my life of yo-yo dieting has ruined my relationship with food. I think about my next meal constantly, and my compulsive over eating has gotten worse, im in my fridge and cupboard every hour and i’m binging sometimes more then I remember to put into a tracker (4000kcal-5000 easy)

It feels like my brain is too polarized with my eating habits, I either don’t have permission to eat as I want to, or I do. Days I wake up like “whatever, i’m just gonna eat whatever, I don’t have the energy to fight the urges” and I don’t know why!! Suddenly eating a normal amount takes a huge amount of emotional energy and willpower and I think I burn myself out after a few days and the binging starts again. Its stupid because I’m not under eating!! Even with the exercise!! I have no reason to be wanting to eat all the time. This is getting exhausting and I can’t help but feel like this will be my whole life, forever. Its inescapable, either I keep the weight off and obsess over how much i’m gonna eat, constantly “mouth hungry” for no reason, and living in prettifying fear of gaining the weight back every day. OR whatever whenever I want and eventually die in my 30’s or something. Why is this my life!! What’s happening to me?? I KNOW what I have to do! I’m smarter then this, my body is healthy and happy but my brain always wants to be eating!

submitted by /u/aaerobrake
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