Thursday, October 8, 2020

My birth control is making weight loss feel impossible. Looking for tips on how to overcome?

I've gone through weight loss 2 times in the last 5 years (15+ lbs each time to get to my goal weight). Had a stressful year this year so I gained weight yet again. So I got back on my normal diet that I ate to lose weight the last 2 times. I'm pretty sedentary, so I eat a healthy diet, 13-1400cals a day (I'm a smaller woman).

The thing is, this time I'm 3 weeks in and my weight practically hasn't budged on the scale. I want to cry because in the past I wouldve been down at least 5 lbs by now, but right now my weight is yo-yoing between 123-126lbs daily. The only difference between the last two times and now is that I'm now on a high dose contraceptive pill that I take continuously for endometriosis. In addition, whenever I have breakthrough bleeding I take a high dose of bio identical progesterone. So I'm pretty much on a lot of hormones 24/7. I strongly feel this is the cause behind me not dropping lbs on the scale. Any tips on how to overcome? TIA

submitted by /u/notsure05
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Losing belly fat

Just for some background, I’m a 5’7 21 year old female consuming on average 1500cals

At the end of June, I started a weight loss journey, weighing in at about 140lbs. I was mainly looking to lose the belly fat I had but I knew I had to burn fat for my whole body, so I started doing youtube workouts (Chloe Ting, Lilly Sabri, Natacha Oceane, etc). Now I’m currently weighing in at about 126-128 (depending on the day) and although I’ve seen improvements in the way my stomach is looking, there’s still fat to be lost (esp on my lower belly). I’m worried because I don’t want the number on the scale to drop too low, especially for my height, but I know I have to keep losing in order to get the results I’m looking for.

I only have a pair of 5lbs weights and a single 8lb weight, which I’ve been using, and I don’t feel safe going to the gym bc of the rise in positive cases in my neighborhood. Also a gym membership just isn’t in my budget at the moment. I’m just looking for some advice, regarding exercises or nutrition/food, to help me along this journey.

submitted by /u/nana_bananamarie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I was diagnosed with heart failure at 22, and would like to know who else is on their weight loss journey with this condition.

Title kinda says it all. I'm wondering if there are people out there who got CHF early and have to live with it. I've lost 50lbs so far, but it's been a struggle to lose more. Recently gained more motivation to do something about it, and now I want to slim down and even build some muscle so I can have a long(ish), healthy life. If y'all have any tips or advice for me, that would be stellar. Some problems I'm having include, but are not limited to:

-Being tired by midday because of heart medications -Sleeping too much -Giving into cravings for sugar -Binge eating -Getting out of breath easily

Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/VolusiaCounty
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How alcohol affects you after significant weight loss?

Hello all! I've been on a weight loss journey since early February of this year. I'm 23F and my starting weight was 311 lbs. I've lost 60+ lbs and currently weigh 243 lbs.

I was just curious how alcohol has affected you all after significant weight loss. Before, when I was 300+, I had built a sort of a tolerance to alcohol, where I could have 2 to 3 drinks and only be tipsy as long as I had food on my stomach. I have plans to drink with my best friend in a little over a week because we haven't hung out in months because of the pandemic. Normally, when we drink together, it's normally kinda heavy drinking, but I've always known when to stop and not go overboard. And I do not know what to expect in how drinking like that will affect my body after significant weight loss. Additionally, I haven't really had any alcohol since starting weight loss (only an occasional drink to celebrate a milestone). So I'm not sure how that might affect my alcohol tolerance either.

Did you guys become more sensitive to alcohol? Any tips on how to approach drinking now since weight loss? We normally find a way to get food at some point in the night when we drink so I'll likely have food on my stomach before and while I'm drinking. I know alcohol dehydrates you, and I had planned on drinking water between drinks to help prevent a hangover. But any helpful tips or advice is much appreciated!

submitted by /u/daddethkenn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm losing weight rather quickly

I'm 6'3" male started at 286 lbs and that was September 8th. Today on the 7th I'm 263.4. I'm seeing wooshes every few days. I'm eating to lose 2 lbs/week, tracking on MFP, also exercising moderately with walks, some jogging during the walks, and some weights at home with a barbell and dumbbells. I'm on bupropion for depression and weight loss. I'm doing intermittent fasting, and 2 large cups of black coffee in the morning. I'm not doing keto but I am keeping my added sugars very low, usually about 30g or less, today I am at 56g however. Carbs are usually 165g or less per day but I've hit the 230s or 260s on days I make homemade sweet potato or regular fries for the potassium boost. Getting plenty of fiber and protein and a good amount of fat. Keeping sodium under 2000 for the most part unless I go to Taco Bell but then I know it's water weight so I'm okay with it.

I know I have a lot to lose, but I'm losing more like 4-5 lbs/week consistently since I started in September. I don't feel hungry or malnourished. I've definitely increased my water intake. Could a lot of this be water weight? I'm listening to my body and feel fine, so is it okay? Or do I need to eat more?

Happy Scale screenshots

submitted by /u/smewthies
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

One year on the plateau, any advice?

Two years ago I lost 27lb (217->190) using the DASH diet. But since then I've been stuck between 185-190 pounds. I'll lose five pounds and then regain it over and over.

In the year after weight loss I tried to break the plateau by "kicking it into high gear" and incorporating exercise. I got a personal trainer and went to the gym. Then with COVID I switched to trail running/hiking 3-5 times a week. I've definitely got more muscle, stamina, better measurements, etc. but the scale remains the same.

I'm proud that I've maintained for two years. But at the end of the day, I want to move from "obese" to "overweight" and lose another 15 pounds.

I want to get off the plateau but don't know how to do it, would love some advice.

How do you guys handle amped hunger and a regular exercise routine? Anyone else experience a year(s) long plateau? How did you progress?

submitted by /u/jellybeansean3648
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I want to “glow up”

I’ve struggled with binge eating that led me to become Class I Obese from the ages 12 to 21yrs. I managed to get close to a borderline healthy/overweight BMI with CICO last year but I still feel , “look” and even dress as sloppy when I was 30lbs overweight. I still hide my body in layers of clothing that make me look “unattractive” according to my friend group. I’ve gotten more attention from the opposite sex since I’ve lost the weight even from people who treated me like shit when I was obese. However, I easily reject dates from guys even though I know I like some of them.

It makes me feel lonely because of my lack of self-esteem and extreme fear of affection from others is affecting my social life. My supposed “friends” have excluded me from so many activities like birthday dinners and day outs. I used to organise these but now it’s so awful being uninvited for them.As such, I want to glow up both mentally and physically. I have 26lbs left but I want to be able to feel good about myself as well.

Any tips that may help? I want to change my overall appearance while remaining true to who I am in my weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/PunpunGetsBetter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat