Thursday, October 8, 2020

I'm proud of you all!

I realized at the beginning of my journey that I wouldn't have much support, and when I lost 10lbs, then 20lbs, then 30lbs, it never seemed good enough for people to be proud of, including myself. I never felt proud of what I accomplished, and I never felt like the people around me felt proud of me either. Even as I'm about to reach 110lbs down, I just struggle to feel proud. It made the entire journey so much more difficult because I felt, and continue to feel, completely alone. Sometimes, you need to find the courage within yourself to be the support you need, and it gets exhausting and sometimes its nice to have someone just tell you you're doing amazing. So here it is for you.

To the person who binged but got right back up and realized that all it was, was a moment of weakness and that they aren't yet defeated, I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!

To the person who just started their journey, who has finally found the strength that was in them all along and is taking their first steps to be healthier, I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!

To the person who has been at it for awhile, who knows the struggles and knows how hard it is, yet continues to fight for themselves every single day even when they have trouble seeing their success, I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!

To the person who lost the weight, gained it all back, and are now taking the first step once again, I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!

To the person who has no support, no one to lean on, no one to share their struggles or pain to but continues to fight through each day, I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!

It doesn't matter if you've lost 1lb or 100lbs, you are aiming toward a healthier, happier life, and that's amazing. CONGRATULATIONS!

Finally, if I may, I would like to share with you two songs that have helped me get through some hard times during my weight loss journey, in hopes that at least one of these songs will bring a spark to that flame inside of you!!

Danny Gokey- The Comeback

Jukebox the Ghost- Great Unknown

If you have any songs that got you through your own journey, please do share!!

submitted by /u/TurtleDesperation
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When you lose weight but only you and your doctor know it

This year, I lost a significant amount of weight but the only person who has noticed (because she has my stats) is my doctor. I wasn't intending to lose weight. I started the C25K program again this summer because I was just tired of never finishing things. Well, I completed the program and I'm working on doing a 10K. I also became a vegetarian for ethical reasons. I started this things not thinking I would lose weight. Honestly, I was kinda team FA for a while. Anyway, I had a virtual doctor's appointment in the summer and she asked me to weigh myself. She was very happy when I told her my weight because apparently I had lost about 15 pounds. I started the year at 226 lbs. After this appointment, a light bulb went off in my head. I guess I knew weight loss was possible and I also knew that I didn't have to feel miserable doing it. Now I've lost 30 lbs. I'm under 200 lbs. I'm almost out of the obese range. I even managed to fit into a size 12 jeans (although they were very tight and I ended up returning them). I've lost so much weight. My clothes fit better. My face has slimmed down. Yet, as of now, the only people who have noticed anything are me and my doctor. In some ways, it feels discouraging. I'm not going to stop running or go and eat all the meat. However, I sometimes wish someone else in my life would notice. Did any of you experience this? If so, how did you deal?

submitted by /u/crochetinglibrarian
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally made it to One-derland!

(M | 27 | 5’7”) SW 247 // CW 199 // GW 145-155 At this point in my life I feel like I don’t have many people to tell, but I’m in ONE-DERLAND! I’ve been overweight/obese for the last decade, and this morning I finally saw the scale read out a 1 as the first number! I started my journey pretty much at the beginning of March at 246 pounds, and this morning I landed on 199.6. It’s been a hell of an experience, and I still have several pounds to go, but it’s been 10 years since I’ve been under 200.

I’ve been doing CICO, a shit ton of water, and cycling. And y’all, if you don’t have the Happy Scale app, it is an absolute game changer. I’m not sure if it’s on Android, but I’m sure there’s an equivalent. Happy Scale and my bike have been the two biggest assets I’ve had.

I had a few pieces of advice if anyone was interested.

  1. Be your own advocate and biggest fan. No one will be more proud of your weight loss than yourself. People in your life will be proud of you, but only YOU know how hard it was to not eat that cookie, or slice of pizza, in my case.
  2. Invest in yourself and in your fitness. Find something active that you love to do. There are no shortages of activities (under normal, non-pandemic circumstances of course). And I’ve found that when I’ve put my money where my mouth is, it makes me more confident and more excited to get out and use a new piece of fitness equipment. Don’t blow your entire grocery budget, but if getting a new pair of shoes or a new set of headphones will get you off the couch while keeping the lights on, then GET THEM!!
  3. Acknowledge and accept your weaknesses. I know that when I go to a Mexican restaurant and they bring out the chips and salsa, I will destroy the entire basket before they take the dinner order. Some people can eat one or two and be fine, but I can’t; I would rather just have them forego the chips entirely than eat one or two. Sometimes I will even sabotage my food to limit my consumption of it. I’ll throw out most of my fries the minute I get them.
  4. Join a likeminded community. r/loseit, r/strava, and r/progresspics have been invaluable. You guys have been with me through the thick and thin, every single day. You will always be able to find one other human who is in exactly the same spot you’re in, whether that’s a high or a low. Comment, lift each other up, be there for one another!
  5. Compete with yourself and keep data. You might be the slowest athlete, but challenge yourself to walk that lap of the track 5 seconds faster, or walk a quarter mile longer. Over time, you will see some real progress.

Some things may not work for everyone, but I hope a morsel of what I’ve written will help someone out there. Believe in yourself, friend! As Greg LeMond said “It never gets easier, you just get faster.”

submitted by /u/Hefty_Zygote
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How Do I Get Off This Plateau?

32F - 5’5” - SW222 - CW 207 - GW165

I feel like I’m just maintaining right now, and I’m still towards the beginning of my weight loss. I started back in February at just over 200 (said I’d never get over 200 again, blah blah blah). Joined a kettlebell gym, started feeling good and making moves. Then, lockdown hit. No gym and my business (wedding industry) tanked for 4 months. I gained about 20 pounds.

Gym opened in July with outdoor classes so I started going regularly. I’m now up to 5 days a week plus walking and down about 15 pounds, but man it’s been slow. I’ve been at the same weight for 3 weeks. Burning 2,500-3,500 cals per day with a 1,000 + deficit and averaging my intake about 1500-1700 a day.

Should I focus on macros? Will eating more protein help? Will eating just straight up 1200 calories every day help? What’s given you a boost away from maintaining and back to loss?

submitted by /u/Theotherjtisme
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else having a couple sweets this Halloween?

~ My candy question and own haul come later one, some background info of me is first as I'm new to the community, please don't be too mad! I'm also on mobile posting this, so no fancy text edits. ~

New to the reddit here! Have been lurking around though in the past, but wanted to make my own "entrance".

I'm a 16 (almost 17 years old), 5'11" and 130lbs. My highest wasn't all that much at 200lbs, 5'9". Most tell me I shouldn't have gone on the diet and weight loss, but doctors recommended losing a bit due to sleep apnea I've had, which is much improved since I lost! I started my journey of working out and eating much better during quarantine, trying to get my TDEE and activity right (which I still don't really know what I'm doing, but it seems to work! Hopefully I'll figure it out sometime) Right now I'm actually under my BMI, but I'm looking to maintain with a 5lbs buffer for the holidays (no more than gaining or losing 5lbs from where I'm at) If you have any more questions of course though, let me know in the comments, and maybe people can help me figure out maintenance!

Enough information though ~

I haven't really had sweets for awhile. I went camping twice over the summer, would eat like a pig but being up and active all weekend burnt it all away. I've had my occasional donut with a friend (around every 2-4 weeks for one small snack) and even denied myself my love of sweets for awhile. Until now.

I feared walking in and buying all this candy, fearing I'll put the weight back on, I still am as I write it but who knows, I'll limit myself and see what happens.

I'm curious if anyone else has decided to do the same. Will you enjoy and indulge this coming Halloween, or stay strict to your diets? Either way, happy (early) Halloween y'all!

submitted by /u/Will18877
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Century Club] October 8, 2020 - Have you lost or need to lose 100 lbs or more? Here’s a thread just for you!

I have often welcomed those who have lost 100+ lbs (~ 50 kg , ~7 stone) to “the club” and joked that club meetings were on Thursdays. I recently suggested that we try out having a regular weekly thread to talk about issues that are particular to those who have lost 100+ lbs, those who are well on their way and those who are just at the beginning of a journey this big.

Welcome back to the Century Club! Each week I will provide a topic of the day that has been on my mind or inspired by previous posts. However you are free to talk about any topics you think might be relevant to current and prospective club members.

Previous topics: What did you miss? - seasons - Funny Stories - Schedules - Fun - Health - Exercise - Denial - Headwinds - Streaks - Other People - Toolkit - Breaks - Support - Clothing - The Unexpected - Self-image - How do you end your journey? - What made it click? - Loose Skin

Today's Topic: Weakness

We've previously talked about the headwinds, situations and people around you that can make long weight loss journeys difficult. This one is more about our own choices, things we nominally can control.

Over the past couple of weeks I've noticed myself slipping ever so slightly. I've been going a little bit over my sedentary TDEE + activity bonus reported by FitBit to MFP. Not a lot, but maybe 100 kcal over several days a week. I chalk it up to the change in weather. The colder weather makes me want to eat a bit more. It also doesn't help that I'm effectively cooking for 1.5 people since my son is working at a pizza place and gets dinner there 2-3 nights a week.

I've also been deliberately eating a bit more bread and I think that may also be having some impact. Some days I'll have some bread with my eggs in the morning to soak up the yolky goodness and also have a sandwich for lunch.

I'm finding it harder to not have an extra bit of chocolate or a cocktail after dinner. So I'm being a bit more vigilant and trying to go back to not eating back all of my exercise calories for a bit and having fruit for dessert instead of chocolate, ice cream or baked goods. Also going to take a bit of an alcohol break on weekdays for the next couple of weeks.

What's your weakness Centurion? How do you deal with it?

submitted by /u/SmilingJaguar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Messed up badly yesterday...

I've been on my weight loss journey for almost a month now (24 days as of today). It started out well enough and I felt extremely motivated until a couple of days ago when my weight decided to plateau around 70.4 - 70.5 despite eating at a deficit; I had gotten so used to seeing it budge at least a little one way or the other, that I didn't know how to react.

I knew it would eventually go down if I just kept eating right, but coupled with circumstantial stress and depression, it just bothered me more than it should. So I went out and bought a ton of snacks from the store, because at that point, I didn't care so much about my weight loss.

I ended up eating close to 3000 calories yesterday. Yeah, it's really bad. That's about ~1800 calories over my limit, so there's no way I can feasibly make up for it this week unless I went an entire day without eating at all.

I'm so upset with myself. I weighed in at 70.5 today so I clearly didn't gain much despite messing up so badly, but I still have a ton of snacks left over, and I don't know what to do. Should I just throw them away and pretend this never happened, or what?

Could really do with some sage advice or motivation right now. I feel like an idiot. Has anyone else ever messed up this bad and recovered from it?

submitted by /u/thisnewyears
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from loseit - Lose the Fat