Thursday, October 8, 2020

Finally made it to One-derland!

(M | 27 | 5’7”) SW 247 // CW 199 // GW 145-155 At this point in my life I feel like I don’t have many people to tell, but I’m in ONE-DERLAND! I’ve been overweight/obese for the last decade, and this morning I finally saw the scale read out a 1 as the first number! I started my journey pretty much at the beginning of March at 246 pounds, and this morning I landed on 199.6. It’s been a hell of an experience, and I still have several pounds to go, but it’s been 10 years since I’ve been under 200.

I’ve been doing CICO, a shit ton of water, and cycling. And y’all, if you don’t have the Happy Scale app, it is an absolute game changer. I’m not sure if it’s on Android, but I’m sure there’s an equivalent. Happy Scale and my bike have been the two biggest assets I’ve had.

I had a few pieces of advice if anyone was interested.

  1. Be your own advocate and biggest fan. No one will be more proud of your weight loss than yourself. People in your life will be proud of you, but only YOU know how hard it was to not eat that cookie, or slice of pizza, in my case.
  2. Invest in yourself and in your fitness. Find something active that you love to do. There are no shortages of activities (under normal, non-pandemic circumstances of course). And I’ve found that when I’ve put my money where my mouth is, it makes me more confident and more excited to get out and use a new piece of fitness equipment. Don’t blow your entire grocery budget, but if getting a new pair of shoes or a new set of headphones will get you off the couch while keeping the lights on, then GET THEM!!
  3. Acknowledge and accept your weaknesses. I know that when I go to a Mexican restaurant and they bring out the chips and salsa, I will destroy the entire basket before they take the dinner order. Some people can eat one or two and be fine, but I can’t; I would rather just have them forego the chips entirely than eat one or two. Sometimes I will even sabotage my food to limit my consumption of it. I’ll throw out most of my fries the minute I get them.
  4. Join a likeminded community. r/loseit, r/strava, and r/progresspics have been invaluable. You guys have been with me through the thick and thin, every single day. You will always be able to find one other human who is in exactly the same spot you’re in, whether that’s a high or a low. Comment, lift each other up, be there for one another!
  5. Compete with yourself and keep data. You might be the slowest athlete, but challenge yourself to walk that lap of the track 5 seconds faster, or walk a quarter mile longer. Over time, you will see some real progress.

Some things may not work for everyone, but I hope a morsel of what I’ve written will help someone out there. Believe in yourself, friend! As Greg LeMond said “It never gets easier, you just get faster.”

submitted by /u/Hefty_Zygote
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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