Thursday, October 29, 2020

Environment is EVERYTHING.

I've been trying to lose weight for 10+ years: always falling off the wagon, getting back on, and learning more and more. Exhausting? Yes - but I'll get there! And this time, I've learned the most important lesson for me.

Y'all. Your environment is so, so important to weight loss.

Before the pandemic started, my environment wasn't ideal because I wasn't paying attention or taking care of it. We had junk food in the house. Our housemate didn't eat healthily, and I allowed her bad habits to influence me. I told myself it was too hot, too cold, or too wet to exercise. We had a gym, but I made excuses. I thought "it's not the right time, I need things to be right". Put simply: I didn't lose weight in The Better Times, because I was waiting for perfect conditions.

And then things got so much worse.

Covid shut the gyms. We got takeaway delivered almost every night during lockdown. Depression, anxiety and sadness set in. Good things happened too - I started walking every day when we were allowed one exercise a day. We couldn't go to the shops to snack so much. I started thinking, "maybe I can be one of those people who loses weight during quarantine!"

...Then things turned really bad.

Basically, my mum moved in with us. I had to rescue her from a horrible situation, and she's a very negative person. Since she's been staying I've realised some horrible things about my childhood I can't process properly while she's still here. The woman is a black hole of negative energy. I feel like crying whenever I'm in the same room as her. We're working on getting her in a better living situation as soon as possible - but until then, I feel trapped. My mental health is in a dire state.

And you know what? Weight loss can wait. I did the bingeing thing... it makes me feel worse. So I won't be intentionally seeking out junk food.

But if I want a pizza? I'll get a small one. Extra cheese.

If I need to get out of the house? I'll take a big walk - I won't try and run, and risk breaking down crying because I can't meet the standards of where I "think" I "should" be by now.

Life's thrown us a curveball to the side of the face. And I'm seeing the evidence everywhere - it seems like either people have thrived over quarantine, getting into bodyweight fitness and ridding themselves of junk food without the pressure of eating while socialising. Their environment has improved for weight loss. Others have put on weight, or barely maintained, because their environment has worsened for weight loss.

This is me. And if this is you, it's okay.

It's never too late. It's genuinely okay to take a break, because the world is exploding. Even if you've been way too lazy during The Good Times.

It feels like I've been evicted from a large, lovely house I took for granted and allowed to fall into ruin, and now I feel what I lost. I'm living in a broom cupboard, and regrouping. Re-learning what I need to do to keep my environment clean, build good habits, and thrive on the other side.

Just a thought. I hope it helps.

submitted by /u/PitifulParfait
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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