Thursday, October 29, 2020

Lost my first 10 and got a NSV to drive me to my next 10!

Hello! I started my journey 49 days ago on 9/20, this time dedicated to taking it seriously without fad diets or half-assed tracking. Now I am 10 lbs lighter and nearly at my my pre-COVID weight of 184 and my first mini-goal on the way to healthy.

I have been holding at 1250 calories every day, never missing logging it in in MyFitnessPal, with infinite gratitude to my husband for helping plan healthy meals and calculate the calories each dinner since he is the chef of our household. With all the advice here on filling, healthy foods and preparations I have found that the drop to a calorie deficit has been more bearable than any past attempt at dieting. I have been very focused on my protein intake to help keep me satiated and healthy with a goal of 100g a day and I am learning to enjoy cottage cheese (please give me recipes in the comments to help me find yummy ways to eat this stuff) and keep greek yogurt on hand to have as a snack option when I'm a bit off my daily goals and that has really helped me get my macros each day. Currently I feel satisfied after each meal, don't have blood sugar drops or spikes, and don't really feel the need to snack because this subreddit has helped show me how to eat so I am appropriately full of good, whole food that keeps my body fueled and happy.

I will say the hardest part diet-wise is that every week I host a Beer School to teach our 17 members about beers they provide based on a theme and therefore can't really escape that one unhealthy choice since I need to taste the beer to hold the discussion about it. However, I have adapted my pouring myself only half of the tasting size- coming to 1.5oz of each beer, upping my water intake on those days, and making sure to log every calorie since different styles have wildly different calories, never going about my daily calorie requirement by choosing to eat lighter dinners like fish on those days.

As for working out I got a subscription to Beachbody on demand and together my husband and I have completed the 21 Day Fix workout program (following our own diet plans) and are now 17 days into Power 90 (the precursor workout to P90X). I can see some muscle definition even with my excess fat, and already my shoulders are looking so much more toned. Feeling myself get stronger has been massive motivation to keep going and we haven't missed a day of working out except for three rest days between the two programs. I will say I do see the weight loss stall with the start of each program but I know that that is muscle gain and water retention due to inflammation and don't worry myself over it since I know in the end I am going to thank myself for working out the entirety of my journey and love how I look as more fat comes off. I still haven't worked out rewards for myself yet as I hit milestones but currently the increase energy and better sleep I've been enjoying by being active has been extremely motivating.

My current biggest concern is obviously the holidays and winter travel ahead, but I have been trying to be very vocal on my weight loss goals to my friends and family in preparation to fend off pushy comments about food once the festivities begin. My hope is that seeing how badly I want this will help curtail at least some of the judgement and pressure as I work to stick to my diet and exercise plan even when away from home. Already a friend has tried to give me shit for "starving myself" and "not being body positive", but that is because she has just been working out for months and not eating any healthier without progress and doesn't want to hear that CICO is important to success. I was proud in that I simply told her I was happy with my journey to fitness and health and wouldn't let her negativity slow me down or make me feel bad about caring about creating true changes in my habits and mindset for the sake of my wellness. She has always been the "loud friend" and it felt really good to have that measured moment of speaking over and shutting down her attempts to shame me when I normally would have just let her go on ranting.

So thank you loseit community for helping to give me the building blocks and motivation I have never been equipped with in past attempts and getting me over this first hurdle successfully. To spur me onto my next 10lbs of loss I also had a great NSV yesterday! I saw a coworker for the first time since I started my diet and exercise regimen and she immediately asked if I had lost weight ! She is the first person to say anything and I immediately lit up with joy as she praised my hard work and that happiness is still glowing in me today. I can't really see it in myself yet, but to know that someone recognized it feels amazing and has me ready to keep going full steam ahead. I guess that's one nifty thing about remote working currently in that my coworkers see me so rarely in person so they can actually witness a change I can't see day-to-day in my mirror.

Much thanks reddit, your posts and supportive atmosphere is what got me started and I wouldn't be celebrating today this first victory out of hopefully many if I hadn't found myself here out of desperation after seeing the 200 on the scale.

submitted by /u/goktrose
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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