Thursday, October 29, 2020

App to track emotional /compulsive eating? (Plus pro WL tips offered)

First time posting here after a lot of lurking, any advice appreciated!

I am on my weight loss journey having finally started losing after years not knowing how. I worked out that CICO is the way, and I use Fasting to help.

The problem is, yeah CICO is simple, but it’s not easy. Sometimes I emotionally or compulsively eat, not quite the full BED but still a strong emotional compulsive response which id like to learn to control so I can stay within my calories.

As well as tracking calories I decided to non judgementally write down when I was over (which is at least a couple of times a week, Sometimes over 1000kcal) but also why - I had a load of reasons sometimes stress, sometimes underprepared, sometimes “self soothing.”

I started to see patterns and separate myself from my compulsive thoughts.

Then my therapist suggested tracking not when I gave into the compulsion, but when I had the compulsion and successfully worked through it thereby reinforcing and rewarding positive behaviour. This was a breakthrough for me. Already I am starting to see mind patterns which I can see are there but as yet not managed to conquer.

Having an app being able to log the thoughts and “check off” a successful day and maybe even categorise the different triggers would really help me. Does anyone have any suggestions?

TL;DR - I’m looking for an app to track and work through emotional eating triggers and would like to check off successful days and write down the triggers

Cross posting to r/Decidingtobebetter

submitted by /u/Five__Dollar__Shake
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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