Wednesday, October 28, 2020

I hit my goal weight!

M25/5'10"/SW: 232/CW: 200/GW: 200(?)

Or maybe it's more accurate to say that I hit my "first" goal weight? My scale just read 199 lbs.

In July of this year I stepped onto the scale and didn't like the number I saw (232). A switch clicked in my brain and I decided that the number was only going to go higher unless I did something. I always knew that it was my diet that was a major roadblock in my weight management so after some searching I found this subreddit and it's been a life changer! I created a spreadsheet because my dumb brain hates the thought of using myfitnesspal and got calorie counting. I'm not a master chef and there's been a lot going on in the past months so there were less fresh ingredients and more microwave dinners than I would have liked but for the most part I logged every single calorie. Aside from a depressive episode and recent Thanksgiving celebrations I've been pretty consistent and saw results. I don't remember the last time I ever weighed under 200 lbs... this is a pretty incredible feeling.

Things that have happened during this journey:

  • Friends have commented and said my weight loss is noticeable.
  • I drink considerably less. I don't currently have a family doctor but I want to see one so I can have a full checkup and see how the liver/heart are doing.
  • I pretty consistently drink 4L of water every day.
  • I moved house twice during a pandemic
  • I now no longer own a pair of blue jeans or a belt that fits properly
  • I have moved from the Obese BMI category down to overweight (I never really liked BMI as a metric but this experience has also shown me I had some pretty skewed perceptions of my body so I'm trusting it a bit more.)
  • I can comfortably run 5K and just reached a PB of 32:19 the other day. I don't think I have any plans on running further distance but I might aim for a sub 30 run.

Obviously I have to celebrate, and I will this weekend when school is settled down a little bit for me. I think a fitbit would be a really nice goal to get but money is a little tight as I'm a uni student and not working due to COIVD. Does anybody have some good suggestions on frugal prizes? LOL. I also have to figure out what my next goal weight should be. I'm not sure if 180 is too ambitious or not. God damn I need to just relax and be proud of what I achieved and figured out the next goal in a few days!

e: formatting

submitted by /u/STAR-LORG
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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