Thursday, October 29, 2020

Losing weight by fasting?

Hi guys, So Ive been wanting to lose weight for at least a year and ive gone through several methods ive failed at whether it be exercising, dieting, etc. but about 2-3 weeks ago I started fasting after absolutely leeching the internet dry of the least bias research I could find on fasting. Basically what I found is that most people seem to lose ~300g of fat per day over a 3 day fast. They also lose some water due to "sodium dumping" but that comes back after like 2 meals. Now I started doing a day fast where I ate dinner and ive gotten used to it and this week I did a 2 day fast. Now I am 6'2" and I started off weighing 105-106kg depending on time of day, etc. Im not overly obese like some people with my stats as I do have quite a heavy structure and look like a rugby player, but none the less I am overweight. Now I noticed some weight shifts when I was doing the small fasts and it mostly seemed to go back to what it was. But after my 2 days fast I noticed a drop in weight that seems to have stuck. I went from being 105-106kg in the morning to the morning after my fasts being 104.0, then after eating, having some water and relaxing a bit I weighed myself and I had gone up to 104.5, but it seems to have stuck there from what I can tell. I just wanted your opinions, because I plan on doing a single 2-3 day fast a week and a 1 day fast as well, and on the off days I plan on eating some chicken with broccoli and sweet potato. Just wanted your guys opinions on things I could do differently and things I could do that will speed the weight loss up. Bear in mind if the 300g per day thing is accurate I will have to be doing this for 14-20 weeks to reach my ideal weight so please only give sustainable suggestions! PS I dont love cardio so some skipping 2-3 times a week is fine and any weight lifting suggestions are welcome :)

submitted by /u/Jordz2203
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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