Monday, October 26, 2020

Anyone else find themselves back here after pandemic weight gain?

Just curious if anyone is in the same boat as me...

I lost about 120 lbs over the course of a 4 year span (280-160) Hit me goal weight in mid 2017, and maintained it (+/- 5 or so lbs) for about 2 years. Slowly gained a smidge of weight in 2019, topping out at about 170 in January 2020

Since the pandemic, though things have gotten bad! Laziness (not going to gym) and worse habits have been exacerbated by the pandemic! I'm currently hovering at around the 185-190 mark, and fear an inability to run outside now that it's colder will make things worse.

Making this thread mostly to see if anyone else has dealt with a pandemic-related road block. I'm slowly getting back on the health train that lead to my original weight loss - knowing that I did it once certainly helps.

submitted by /u/neosmndrew
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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