Friday, October 9, 2020

Questions about changing your body shape

I’m (30f) trying to build muscle and lose weight. I know that you can’t really change your body type or “target lose,” but I’m wondering if anyone has any advice about making slight changes like increasing muscle in certain areas to maybe just a little bit alter your shape.

I’m female, 5’5, 165 and extremely hourglass shaped and I’ve always hated it. When I’ve been heavier, like now, all my weight goes my chest and arms some, but mostly my thighs and butt, and when I’m thinner or losing weight my figure just becomes more exaggerated or stays the same proportions. I’m never going to be happy like this and I want to know if anyone’s had success bulking up muscles in certain areas or not working out certain areas to make any difference in body shape. I know it’s a long shot but I’m desperate. As I continue my weight loss journey it’s going to get worse and I’m trying to avoid that pain.

submitted by /u/jasmine-blossom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Realistically what kind of timeline am I looking at?

Hey all,

I just turned 20, I’m a guy at 6’0 and 190 pounds. I was hit with the quarantine/depression 40. I’ll spare you the details. About 6-7 months ago went from 145 to my current weight of 190.

Now I’ve never weighed this much before, and the 40 is all just fat; I’ve gained no muscle and haven’t grown so it’s all very noticeable on my body.

Now like everyone, I want to lose it as fast as possible, but I know that ‘fast’ when it comes to losing weight isn’t always ‘fast’ and healthy weight loss is priority. So realistically, for me an active, dare I say, athletic guy with a fast metabolism and a lot of fat to burn what kind of timeline could I look at for losing this 40 pounds? With an hour of cardio/cycling a day, ab/strength training, lotta water, and a healthy diet what should I “expect” in regards to a healthy weight loss timeline.

submitted by /u/barista237
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friends of r/Loseit, how do you maintain your weight?

Hello again everyone! I made a post on this community about halloween the other day, but I've always had this question in the back of my mind as I transition to maintenance from weight loss during quarantine.

I'm a 16 year old, 5'11" Male, 130lbs. Starting weight 200ish lbs, lost due to fixing sleep apnea.

I've been stuck using a Fitbit (just got it, the Inspire 2) attempting to keep track of how active I really was.

I get around 5000-15k steps a day (really only the weekends up to 15k, most days average 5000-10000, but nothing below 5k) and don't really exercise other than biking to school, home, walking to work, etc.

I keep my TDEE sedentary, 1970ish calories a day. My fitbit on the other hand suggests eating around 200-400 more. It says with it's calculations of BMR and activity that I should be eating around 2100-2200 calories and not 1970.

I'm mainly curious as I don't want to dip too low in calorie goals, even though I feel it's right, I like the management and still get to treat myself. Should I bump it up or are there other ways to calculate this??

If you have any questions of me, please ask! I'm just looking for a good maintenance goal for the holidays!

submitted by /u/Will18877
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Not really sure what my TDEE needs are and what is really working for weight loss

Hi Everyone,

This may sound strange given my weight loss of 84 pounds. Sometimes, I don't think I really understand my TDEE needs. I've used several different online tools and they tend to estimate my needs (48 year old female, 5 feet 8, 171 pounds) at around 1600 calories a day to lose weight (some a couple hundred more). I never know how "active" I should classify myself. I take a 4 mile hike daily and make a point to make sure my heart rate is up for 35 minutes of the walk. I mark that as "moderate" activity---but I'm not sure.

I've been eating at the 1400 -1450 range for a couple of months and would think I'd be losing weight at a decent rate. Not really. It's been about 2.5 pounds in 8 weeks. For those who will ask, I do weigh my portions, measure each snack and log every bite. Thinking that maybe I was eating at too low of a calorie range, I decided to try eating 1 week at 1600 calories.....and the scale moved down .8 pounds. But now I don't know what resulted in that weight loss. Was it the weeks of work at the 1400 calories? Was it the bump up to 1600 calories and my body thinking it was getting enough calories? Was it the switch??

I was wondering what people would recommend. What range should I aim for to lose another 7-10 pounds. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

submitted by /u/MissCmotivated
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I hit a new fitness goal and I feel like death

Hello! I'm a 5'7 woman on break from college and I started my weight loss journey in the beginning of september, I have about fifty pounds to lose and I've always enjoyed walking as my exercise, It may not be the most time saving but it's what I'll do consistently and since this isn't my first go starting to be more active I've been able to build up time and speed. I hit a new personal single day distance high yesterday of 20 miles which was awesome, and I am normally never sore or even that tired the next day but I feel like I got hit by a bus, especially my knees.

I've never had this happne with just walking, shoud I wait a few days before speed-walking again? Aside from the pain I'm really proud of myself. I used to barely be able to walk for an hour at 3mph. I've never posted here before but I just wanted to tell someone. It's been lonely stuck at home. Anyone reached a new fitness goal lately? Please tell me!

submitted by /u/paisleynpeaches
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally under 70kg/154lbs, for the first time in my adult life!

Tl;dr: decided to get my life together 1.5 years ago, mainly using CICO and some light exercise I've lost 19kg/41.8 lbs and finally weight under 70kg/154lbs and I cried a bit.

To preface this, I started gaining weight rapidly when I was around 18. Depression, being "unsupervised" as I moved and didn't have my parents looking after me, having money and a job, well, it was a mess. I would say at my heaviest I was probably way over 90kg/198lbs, but I didnt weight myself so I don't know for sure.

So about 1.5 years ago, and after few unsuccessful 30-day diets over the years (in that they didn't trigger change, but I did lose some weight), I finally found the interest to get my life a bit more together. I worked in an office with its own gym, and couple of colleagues wanted to start going and invited me along. It was around the same time I first read about CICO and though I was a bit scared I'd go overboard with obsessing over calories I decided to give it a go.

Its been an up and down journey and I gained around 8kg/17.6 lbs in the 2019 winter + beginning of the pandemic which set me back. But realising that I can have days where I go over the calorie limit has helped me to hop right back to proper diet afterwards, so there's been a more or less even downward trend regardless of me having cake at a birthday party or enjoying my parents cooking when I've been home.

I try to weight myself once a week only (again, I need limits to ensure I'm not obsessing over things), but forgot this week until my sister commented that I look really small (which already made my day) on a picture, so this morning I stepped on a scale and it showed 69.5kg/153.2lbs. And I cried a bit because I've been going back and forth between 72-70.5kg/159-155lbs for a while, and because breaking the 70kg has been my main milestone for a while (and 68kg/149.9 lbs was the last weight I remember being at 18).

I'm almost 27 years old now, and even if it took almost a decade to get here I'm ridiculously proud of myself. I haven't really shared anything about my weight loss with people to avoid making a big deal out of it but I really, really wanted to share this with someone, and I've been lurking on this subreddit for a while and it felt appropriate given the motivation you all have given to me as well!

I'm still overweight (BMI 25.8, so almost there), and my goal weight is still some 8-10kg away at around 60kg/132lbs (unless I feel like its too low when I get closer, in which case I'm happy with whatever makes me feel best) but slowly getting there.

submitted by /u/Feredis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

did i gain 5kg/10 pounds one day?

i usually weight around 56.5kg/125pounds. yesterday, i ate a medium sized chia pudding (400kcal), fish (400kcal), a cookie (200kcal) and an apple (100kcal). all together, 1100, i also fell asleep at 6.30, and woke up 11h later, meaning that i havent eaten in 11 hours.

i stepped on a scale at my friends place (i slept over) this morning and although it did have an empty battery i was shocked at how much it showed; 61kg (i think 130-140 pounds? )

is that even possible? im actually really worried, i have a deadline for weight loss and truly cant understand if the scale is broken or if i genuinely gained that much.

submitted by /u/neetraa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat