Friday, April 30, 2021

Preventing loose skin

I [25/M] am about 5'6.5", 193lb currently. Technically that makes me obese, which I suppose is the kick in the teeth I needed to start taking weight loss seriously, both for my health and sex appeal (I'm a shy guy and super insecure about my body, trying to get a body I'm not as insecure about, both by losing weight and gaining muscle). I've been overweight most of my life but typically on the lower end of "overweight", gained a bit of weight during covid - I got up to 180lb around last September, and sometime since then got up into the 190lb range.

Ideally I'd want to lose it all fast, like 2-3lb per week or something. Idk I'm impatient I guess. But I'm really worried about ending up with loose skin. At my age / weight is that something I need to worry about or am I worrying about nothing? Should I be taking this 1lb per week or something to minimize chances of ending up with loose skin?

submitted by /u/throwaway356426
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to help my girlfriend take her weight loss a bit more seriously, and avoid fights.

Hello, my girlfriend and I have both been on a weight loss journey for the last 6 months or so and I've managed to lose and keep off 50lbs so far. My girlfriend has lost around 7lbs during the same time period, I have reiterated that its not a competition or a race but I feel like I am experienced enough now that I can at least offer some solid advice. But the catch is she seems to not actually want to take this advice. I try to keep it really simple like calories in vs calories out, I go to the gym with her and help track her calories but she becomes defensive when I point things out that she should be doing in order to lose the weight she apparently wants. I'm being relatively blunt here but she will regularly complain that she can't lose weight, and then I tell her exactly what the actual issue is and how to address it, but it always just ends up with her saying I'm condescending or even "mansplaining". Its not like I actively point things out at any given moment, I only mention it when she specifically asks me too. I feel like I'm trying my absolute hardest for her and its starting to drag me down being shot down all the time, do you have any advice for how to address this issue?

TLDR: My girlfriend and I have been trying to lose weight however she won't ever take my advice and the conversation always gets shut down. Any advice form you guys will be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/NICKTHEAUSOME
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I don't know where or how to start.

Okay so I'm 17M, about 185 cm and about 132 kg. I want to lose weight so I can feel better about myself and just feel better overall. I have been doing some exercise (playing Ring Fit) because I don't have anything other to do while the world outside is bricks.

Now the biggest contributor to weight loss is the food I eat I understand that much. However I don't know how to go about it. Some veggies and protein I guess but I shouldn't eat processed flour or something? I tried to do some research but my tiny ape brain just doesn't comprehend it very well. Also in theory if I get some ingredients I then don't what to do with them afterwards.

I have tried to lose weight in the past bit never went past a week or so because I lost motivation real quick.

I would appreciate some tips and help on how to get my weight loss journey started and possibly not lose my motivation once I get started since that killed at least 5 tries in the past. Thank you so much.

submitted by /u/bad_guy_69
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How did you successfully lose weight and how long did it take?

So, as the title says, how did you lose weight and how long did it take?

I’ve been on a weight loss journey for the past 2 years and my weight has fluctuated between 12 stone and 15 stone (ew). I was on Slimming World for about 6 months before I got married 2 years ago and lost 1.5 stone. Then, I put it all back on...and then some!!

I started calorie counting in February sticking to 1350 calories a day and I managed to lose 10lbs. After about 6 weeks I upped my calories to 1600 as I was feeling lethargic and constantly hungry on 1300 calories but my weight loss stalled.

Then I tried to lower my portion sizes, cut out Pepsi and takeaways and get more active. I was averaging 7-8k steps a day and completing a cardio step workout for 45 minutes a day, which burnt around 300 calories a session as well as a 1-2 mile dog walk every day. The first week I lost 1lb but now, week 2 and I’ve gained weight again!!

I’m struggling to find the right way to lose weight as I feel restricted when I’m following diets.

What is your advise?

submitted by /u/Worried-Walrus8652
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost almost 50 pounds in 3 months!

A little back story, last year after the pandemic hit and we went into lock down i lost my job like most people and decided to focus on finishing university instead of working. Around May 2020 i weighed at 209 pounds and maintained that weight until August.

Because my classes where all online my routine was wake up, attend some classes and then spend the rest of the day home doing virtually nothing (no pun intended). It got to a point where i decided to try smoking weed. After a couple weeks i was hooked, i started a bad routine where i would wake up do the bare minimum during the day then convince myself i've done enough to deserve weed and ordering ubereats.

There were times where i would smoke everyday for two weeks straight then order ubereats and if i was out hanging with friends the only thing i would think about was going back home and doing it. Around the end of September i was weighing 242 pounds which was the biggest i have ever been in my life. The turning point came when i was at our local butcher and saw people i hadn't seen since the lockdown started who commented on my weight gain which made me feel like absolute shit. That same day i decided my life will change, i began training at 5am, 5-6 days a week doing 1 hour and 45 minutes of cardio then weights for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

As i said the first day i started training which was September 25th i weighed 242 pounds and by Christmas day i was down to 198 pounds. Since then i have been complemented on my weight loss journey which has been great. Between January and now i've just been maintaining my weight and i can happily say as of today i weigh 194 pounds and want to lose even more! I've now set another goal to lose another 7 pounds then i will reach my all time goal!

submitted by /u/BabyFarkMcGee-Zaxx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Postpartum weight loss

I'm 11 weeks PP and the heaviest I've ever been. I'm 5'5 and 250 lbs. I am 30lbs heavier than before pregnancy and I honestly didn't think I would gain so much.

My calves hurt when I walk now which they didn't before. I'm worried it's my arteries. I used to love walking and now I just find it tiring and painful. I also have PCOS and weight loss has always been a struggle for me.

I lost just over a stone before I got pregnant but stalled just before. I can never seem to get past about 16lbs without stalling and plateauing - and then I stop as I have no idea what to do to push past it.

I used to do lots of weight lifting and enjoyed it but now I'm back to worse than before I started lifting and losing weight and the goal seems so far away it makes me cry.

Any ideas for losing weight PP? Lack of sleep and raging hormones adds a whole new dimension to weight loss. Feeling deflated and like I will never be healthy again :(

submitted by /u/JammyTree90
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling lost.

Please ignore this post if you don't feel like being annoyed.

Yesterday I felt like I had a mental breakthrough in other areas of my life (letting go, forgiving, etc) today I am battling the inability to sleep because I realized that I will be 26 this year and as far as I can remember I have never lived a single day where I didn't think about calories, how much food I have to be eating to be gaining weight, etc.

I also began wondering at what point I would have to let go of the idea of having children if I don't get my shit together in the next few years.

I'm curious to know what was your breaking point? What made you truly quit cold turkey and focus on your health for weight loss? I feel like a lot of us ignore some of the pains and twangs that come with being heavier, and even my chest hurting and general body aches havent jarred me in the way I wish it would have. I have also dealt with some unaliving issues for a really long time that I have begun to stray from as a coping mechanism.

So back to the question: What was your breaking point? When was enough enough?

submitted by /u/bigfatblonde
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from loseit - Lose the Fat