Monday, July 18, 2022

I no longer dread the gym since I swapped to weight training.

So as the title says basically i have been going to the gym for years as an overweight man in his late twenties. I have mostly concentrated on cardio and absolutely dread it every time I go. I recently started doing weight training, push, pull, legs and an full-body workout day. Each workout has a 20 min cardio session at a moderate difficulty.

Before this i was going to the gym for an hour and doing a 5km run or 30-40 minutes on the rower. I hated it. It was a slog. Always felt absolutely amazing afterwards but getting there was always a problem. During the workout i just wanted to stop. I know that progress comes from putting yourself in uncomfortable situations and I know it would pay dividends eventually.

But this past month I have found doing weight training so much more enjoyable. It isn't a slog when I'm there, it isn't painful. Its tough but i feel like i am accomplishing something, I can feel my muscles stretching. Then the next day when they are sore, I know I did good. I can do X amount of reps then rest which is nice. My main goal is weight loss and the best thing is doing weight training is amazing for fat burn. Of course cardiovasular health is important so i do try and hit it as hard as i can at the end of my weight session for 20 or so. But i always find it easier to do that after having a good session in the gym.

Has anyone else found this to be the case for them? Would love to hear your experiences

submitted by /u/Quiet-Account7511
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Beginner weight loser here, A few questions I need answering

i’m sorry if this isn’t the right place to ask questions, i looked online and they don’t give me straight answers, so i’m 18m, weigh in at 99kg at 6ft. i consume 2000kcal a day, i plan to drop to 1800 once i get the hang of controlling my hunger + urges.

do carbs really matter? i track my calories for the first week, my carbs have always been over 200g, as well as my fat being above 60g and my protein sitting at 50g, do these numbers matter or is it solely calories?

my diet consists of chicken, fish, rice, pasta, whole meal bread, very few processed foods (fish cakes, fish fingers etc), i aim for 2L a day, do i need to change or improve on this?

last but not least, exercise!! (yay…) i don’t do much of it, a walk a day? 30 mins if that, does exercise matter?

sorry if this post annoys some people, i see this sub full of veteran weight loss people, so i thought i’d ask here, thank you for your time and answers

submitted by /u/thiscantbeitlol
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Looking for At Home Workouts

Hi all, looking for some advice with this post. I am on a weight loss journey currently, I am 25F, 5’5”, currently 225 pounds. My heaviest was 257 in December 2021, my goal weight is 165. In the past few weeks I have started to really make a solid and consistent effort to begin to lose the rest of the weight. I follow a whole food plant based diet and have also started a 6 week gut healing process so I have cut out a lot of foods from my diet recently as well (refined sugars, gluten, alcohol, and processed foods). I track all the food I eat and the app I use suggests 1668 calories a day which I stick to. I am trying to go on walks and do yoga/stretching daily, and right now I do some ab exercises and squats as well. I am not super consistent with exercises but trying to get better with that. I am just looking for advice on some workout routines to do at home as the closest gym to where I live now is a 40 minute drive away. I have a 20 LB kettlebell and some resistance bands, and am open to maybe getting some more equipment if necessary. I have really only followed workout plans in a gym setting (I played rugby in college and most of what I learned about working out was through that). Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/willowbb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Have felt weak in the gym the past two weeks would 2600-2800 calories make more sense for me?

I’m M 6’1 195.8 maybe 20-22% body fat if I had to guess. I starting weight lifting again four months ago after being sedentary for a few years. I started at 208 or so pounds. I’m at the point where eating 2200-2400 calories is very easy and I’m also never hungry when I go to bed. I didn’t think this would be the case when I started as it was very hard to stick to the deficit.

The past two weeks I have felt sluggish during my lifting sessions and even though my strength has increased I don’t have that endurance to go hard during lifting by the 3rd exercise roughly. I know I need to up my calories a bit.

My weight loss has been a bit slower than I expected and I was expecting if I was at this calorie amount I would easily be losing a pound a week, but it’s been more around a pound every two weeks. Have I just been in a deficit for long enough that it is time to go higher maybe you to maintenance? Using a TDEE calculator my maintenance is supposedly around 2900, depending on what I put for the activity level. I work an office job.

submitted by /u/Superbrah66
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Best ways to deal with bloating?

Hi friends, I have been terribly bloated lately and it’s making it very hard for me to stay motivated to continue working out/weight loss and eating well because I’m so tired all the time with my job and I’m not seeing progress because I’m soo bloated. All the time. I wake up and I look pregnant. Doesn’t change throughout the day just gets worse. What are peoples best ways to get rid of bloat? Fave supplements? I did get a hormonal IUD placed a few months ago which might have something to do with it but I’m thinking it’s a gut thing - I often get cramping. Any any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/jchillingfor5seconds
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss

When did you begin noticing weight loss in certain places like your face/chin/neck, upper arms and stomach? I just started dieting a week ago. I am a 20yo F, 160lbs will a goal weight of around 110lbs, and I know you can't really target fat, but those are the places I am really hoping to lose weight in. I have set a daily calorie limit of 1200 per day for myself, not sure if this is too little but we'll see (previously wasn't tracking, but it was definitely way more, probably 2000-2500 a day) so with this as well as increasing exercise I hope I see results relatively quickly. How much weight did you lose throughout your weight loss journey and how long did it take? What was your routine/weight loss methods like?

submitted by /u/dana-0802
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Spreadsheet 2 Week Check In: Weeks 3 & 4

Well howdy loseit friends and fellow weight loss nerds! I'm back again with my updated spreadsheet like I said I'd be. This time it's for weeks 3 & 4. I decided to make my spreadsheet images public so people can look back through my previous weeks. I weigh myself every day so that I can help demystify the weight loss process for myself. As I mentioned in the last post, this is my 3rd time losing the weight. As they say, 3rd time's the charm and I intend for it to be so in this case! This is the original post listing what I am doing differently this time around:

And here is my most recent progress:

I learned something new this week that challenged my original thinking. I suppose it wasn't anything new per say, but it was definitely a different way to look at calories and how improper consumption affects the body. What's something new you learned this week? Maybe you agreed with it or maybe it challenged you, I'd love to hear.

See y'all in 2 wks. Too-da-loo!

submitted by /u/sigmaswan35
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from loseit - Lose the Fat