Sunday, July 24, 2022

F/50/278>198 NSV walked 8 miles today without stopping!!

I’ve lost 80lbs over the past 11 months, mostly by walking and CICO. I was pretty disabled to start, I have a genetic connective tissue disorder and severe osteoarthritis. At first, a mile was about as far as I could walk before pain stopped me. Luckily I live in a place with great options for swimming, so weather permitting I go swimming in one of our nearby lakes and get pain-free exercise that way.

After I hit my initial weight goal (200 lbs) I decided not to make a new weight loss goal and instead make a fitness related goal while maintaining my weight loss. My goal is to walk a half marathon, and I signed up for one in august. I’ve been training, and today was the longest day yet. I feel proud of myself - there’s no way I could have walked 8 miles a year ago without a gun to my head.

Pretty pooped, though, not gonna lie.

submitted by /u/aimeed72
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

stamina vs obese girl

Info: F27 5'6 CW 260 lbs GW 160 lbs *Please don't mind my english, i'm learning

Dear loseit community,

Please help me with my stamina. I started my weight loss journey about year ago and lose 40 lbs using CICO and walking (10 000 steps a day).

Nowadays, I walking and exercise with YouTube (cardio and programs with very light weighs) but I still feel weak and very often out of breath 🥵

So the question is - how can I increase my stamina? Because my weight I cannot run, jump etc. Is there any program, protocol which I can do? Maybe You were obese and have some expirience? I really want to be more fit. I live on 6th floor and when I take stairs, I'm dying on 4th floor😅

submitted by /u/psychobzi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm so close to giving up.

NOTE: I'm not a native English speaker, so there may be grammatical errors. Lmk if you don't understand something I've written :)

Details: 17F, 5'0 (152cm), SW:176lbs (80kg), GW: 110lbs (50kg) [I have PCOS, I think that's relevant]

I've been overweight since the age of 5, but I went from overweight to obese during quarantine (I was 15). Schools reopened, and I felt horrible after seeing how my friends (who, might I add, were already healthy people unlike myself) had used the quarantine months to become fitter and healthier whereas I had treated my body terribly during the same months. And so it began. I started trying to lose weight.

Here's the timeline:

  1. April 17 2021- I started my weight loss journey at 176 lbs (80kg). Conducted intensive research, learned all about BMR, TDEE, CICO, macros, etc., and got to work.
  2. December 9 2021- I hit 143 lbs (65kg), thanks to my consistent efforts. But then, it was time for winter break. I went to my homeland to visit my paternal family. They’re fairly healthy people, but they tend to let themselves go during Christmas and New Year’s. I spiraled out of control during (and after) the holidays. Ever since the incident. I’ve started to attach negative connotations to visiting my homeland. I know it’s wrong, but I couldn’t help but associate my failure with it.
  3. March 12 2022- I weighed in at 165 lbs (75kg). I was very disappointed in myself. Regardless, I told myself that mistakes happen, picked myself back up, and started trying again. Then I got COVID. Got over that hurdle too, and started trying again.
  4. June 23 2022-I somehow managed to get down to 156 lbs (71kg) with lots of yoyo-ing (I was stress-eating due to exams). Things were chill for the next few weeks. Now that I look back at it, it was the calm before the storm. The storm was summer break (dun dun duuuuun). It was time to go back to my homeland.
  5. July 7 2022- I reached my homeland and met my maternal family. They're a festive bunch, to say the least. We've been going out for dinner every day. They buy cakes, chocolates, and fried foods every day. I kid you not, every. damn. day. They're unhealthy people and pride themselves on it. I tried bringing up my lifestyle choices and they laughed in my face. I started getting stressed due to this new environment which didn't allow me to work on my goal, and that caused me to turn to food for comfort as well. Things were NOT going well, and they continued to stay the same way.
  6. July 25 2022 (aka today)- I'm still a goddamn mess. In fact, I just downed 7 slices of bread right before I started typing this post. I haven't weighed myself after getting here because my maternal family doesn't own a weighing scale (what a shocker). But I feel my clothes getting tighter, and my face is looking puffier. Maybe I'm imagining it, maybe I'm not. But I know I'm on the path to my downfall.

It sucks how I can't break free. I've been trying to lose weight for over a year only to end up nowhere close to my goal. I feel trapped, and I'm doubting whether I should keep trying and failing or just give up and be obese forever. I'm beginning to sound irrational, but maybe I was just destined to be unhealthy and have health complications my entire life. I'm not in a good place, any guidance would be much appreciated.

TLDR: Went from 176 lbs (80kg) to 143 lbs (65kg) to 165 lbs (75kg) to 156 lbs (71kg), and now I seem to be gaining weight again. I'm afraid I'm slowly inching back to square one, and I'm considering giving up. I would appreciate your support and any advice you may have.

submitted by /u/xeno_vortex
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, July 23, 2022

I refuse to go back to disordered eating and I’d rather have slow weightloss than mess up my mental.

I have a serious history of disordered eating and maybe even bordering on eating disorders but not this time. Somehow this time, I have so much more clarity on being intentional about slow weight loss than just simply seeing the fat fall off. I’ve done it before, I’ve lost 40lbs in the past in 2.5 MONTHS, and the crazy part is that I have 0 recollection on how I looked or left. I have pictures but I always think to myself “why don’t I remember this body?” And I wonder if I hated my body so much that my mind is blocking all the hatred I felt at that time to protect me now.

My past with food is pretty wild too. I use to eat too little (1200 or even less), then I went thru a phase where I’d lie to myself of eating good all day and then I’d smoke some weed and binge on a whole tub of Nutella. Ive tried paleo, keto, Whole30, vegan, plant based only, fruits only, raw plant based, and I’ve even had extremely restrictive eating in my past but NOT this time.

This time, I don’t ever say no but I have a moderate amount. I go out and celebrate friends and family milestones but this time I actually listen to my body and stop when I feel myself getting full. I don’t care if the scale doesn’t move, I don’t care if the scale keeps fluctuating, all I care about is how I treat my body and mind with kindness and love. I deserve that and this time, I know it too.

I hope everyone who reads this, makes choices that brings you closer and closer to being kind and loving to yourself.

submitted by /u/baesharambaddie69
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I found a job that'll help me lose weight

Finally work isn't in the way of my weight loss. I'm an order selector in the freezer section of a massive warehouse so I spend all day wrestling freight onto a pallet jack and dropping it off at the loading docks. It's very physically demanding and some of the experienced guys have said stuff like, "I used to be very overweight, but I lost 80 pounds in 8 months doing this job while dieting," and "Be ready to buy smaller clothes." I'm still going to go to the gym and change my diet, but at least I'm active and shedding fat all day no matter what I do.

submitted by /u/bruhiminsane
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Worried about excess skin after loss

SW: 270, CW: 256, GW: 180, 6’, ~36% BF

I’m doing pretty well on my journey, I have more energy and I’ve been able to be consistent for about 2 months. That said, I’ve sort of spooked myself by looking into excess skin on the body, especially the stomach, that can result from weight loss.

Every image of it I’ve seen looks horrendous (no offense to those here who have it, but I cannot stand the idea of my body looking like that). I think if I were to hit my goal weight and have this excess skin I would hate my body even more than I do now. I think being fat looks a lot better than that honestly. Not only that, but people online say that the excess skin is incredibly painful. I know surgery is an option but it’s surely expensive and I would probably have to wait months or even a year+ to get it.

Can anything be done to prevent this? Does anyone have experience with this?

submitted by /u/GoodtimeGary
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Phentermine. Depression. Insomnia.

Did you experience depression and insomnia while taking Phentermine?

I took the drug in 2020 to excellent weight loss and disastrous mental health results. I experienced an intense depression that I wish upon no one.

In 2022, my wife is trying to lose weight so that we can have children. While seeing a therapist for ADHD, my PCP warned me that Adderall is much like Phentermine as I have been looking for my own healing stemming from my experience with the drug.

Considering my present anger toward my wife, I’m not willing to speak immediately. But I do love her, and I’m obviously concerned for her health and want her to stop the drug if it’s causing her pain. In 2020, she was the one who made the link between the drug and my declining mental health.

Additionally: is there a better forum for this question?

I thank you.

submitted by /u/ResearcherWide8606
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from loseit - Lose the Fat