Saturday, November 12, 2022

Does anyone here have any experience with AbsolutelyThin & their program?

I've used a low dose of phentermine from my PCP and it helped. I used it for a couple months and did really well but the commute back and forth to my PCP is both expensive & time consuming using Uber. So, my dr & I are thinking it'd be easier for me to use a clinic. There aren't any regular weight loss clinics near me. I've been looking into AbsolutelyThin and it would save me tons of travel time and expense each month.

I'm interested in hearing how the process went for anyone who has used them.

submitted by /u/CrushedIcePepsi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I reached my GW and it was easy the whole time (~205->165, 6'1", M)

The past couple of days I have been weighing in at or below my GW, so I thought I'd make the post I wish I could have seen before I started. I found this sub to be pretty discouraging due to people always talking about how extremely difficult it has been for them to lose weight. But over the past 120 days or so, I discovered that it does not have to be difficult at all! So, if you're overweight and haven't started trying to lose weight yet, just go for it! With the right mindset, you might be surprised at how easy (and even fun) it can be.

Here is the strategy I employed for maximum ease in weight loss:


  1. Decide how aggressively to lose weight. I saw recommended that for healthy, sustainable weight loss you should lose 0.7%-1.0% of your bodyweight per week. I'm a little impatient, so I chose to shoot for 1.0% per week, but this is something you have to decide for yourself!
  2. Weigh yourself. Plot your weight and your "goal curve" in whatever app you'd like. I just used a simple R script. Your goal curve should start at your starting weight and decrease exponentially by x% per week (whatever you chose in step 1). This is what my final graph looked like. The goal curve goes flat at the end because I've reached my goal weight! =)
  3. Weigh yourself and record your weight EVERY MORNING. Do this right after you wake up, after urinating/defecating(if able) and before eating or drinking anything (including water). When rendering my plot, I found it very psychologically helpful to only look at how far I have come, not how far I have left to go.

And that's it! I just ate a little less if my weight was above the goal curve, ate a little more if my weight was below the goal curve, and voila! Weight loss!

Some things I did not do:

  • Count calories. I knew that the effort required to count and record calories would make it more likely for me to give up. I sought to make my strategy require the absolute minimum possible amount of effort. I just weighted myself every day, recorded my weight, and looked at my plot. Anything more than that would make me more likely to fail.
  • Overhaul my diet/exercise. I knew that trying to suddenly turn myself into a paragon of health would be impossible. I focused only on losing the weight. Now that I have lost the weight, it's time for me to improve my diet. Once I am consistent with a good diet (and maintained the weight loss), I will introduce a consistent workout plan. Take things one at a time. If you try to improve every aspect of your life at once, you will probably fail.


With this strategy, I think it was psychologically easier for me to lose weight than is has been for other people because I was always succeeding. If my weight was near the goal curve, I'd achieved my goal for that moment! Losing weight any faster would be unhealthy/unsustainable, so it wouldn't make sense to focus on how much farther I had left to go or how much effort weight loss takes overall. I was on track. And being on track is the most you can ask for!

And if I fell slightly behind, the goal of losing 1 or 2 pounds to get back on track was totally manageable!

Weighing myself and getting to look at how far I'd come became the best part of my morning routine.

Now that I've reached my GW, I know that I still have a long way to go to establish healthy habits in terms of diet and exercise. But it feels great to have accomplished what I have so far! I look like a normal, healthy guy now, and I few months ago I was worried that I'd be overweight for the rest of my life.

Whether you use this strategy or not, I hope you find ease in your weight loss. Anyone have other tips to make weight loss effortless?

submitted by /u/antimatterSandwich
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Please bare with me 🤪.

My wife complements me a lot, and her opinion is important. She means everything to me and we were meant to be together.

Someone asked me one day if I was afraid of dying. I said no. What I’m afraid of is never seeing my wife again , when I do die. That’s what scares me. What if all I have is this time with her?


My company has several times wanted to give me prestigious awards in front of others.

They have called me a rock star ( which I hate) because I produce and because I bring our people together.

I get to mentor others and travel to colleges to speak with students.

Compliments are not why I do what I do. I do things because I care about my fellow colleagues success.

They work hard so I need to work hard.

They have families to feed , bills to pay and they have the daily grind.

It’s my responsibility to bring stability , bring in revenue and to push myself, that way their families are secure.

I’m blessed that I’m allowed to not only be a team player , but to be a Team Builder.

They call me a cheerleader, because I see the positive in everyone.


What I had forgotten, is that I started not taking care of myself.

I made myself secondary, I put my health and mental well being behind me.

My doctor visits became more frequent, the daily pills I took became so much that I went from 2 to 7.

What I forgot or had to learn is that a better me , means a better husband , a better father , a better friend and coworker and a better employee.

When I realized this I decided to apply my work ethic to my weight, life choices , diet and exercise.

I am in the gym 7 days a week , and I work hard.

The other night there was a large industry function.

The amount of people who did a double take and who were shocked , surprised me.

Their compliments on this weight loss and my changes meant more to me than any award that would sit on a shelf.

Their compliments were from their hearts .

Not on behalf of a company, but something they gave me out of truth, honesty and caring.

I have been on cloud 9.

I didn’t realize I needed to hear these things.

Where I’m going , with this diatribe of boredom , is to say:

Compliments others when you see they are working hard, losing weight and making great choices.

Let them know that you see it.

I’m a confident person , but was blessed to have incredible people who taught me to be confident without being arrogant or conceited.

Even the most confident person needs to hear they are doing great.

Even if they don’t know it.

submitted by /u/Michblanch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thoughts on cheat days?

Is it healthy to practice cheat days? Is it a healthy way of looking at foods? I’ve considered designating at least one day a week for this, but I’m seeking a second opinion because I don’t know if it could be detrimental to my weight loss journey. I know lots of people that do this, but not sure if it’s right for me.

I get that everything is good in moderation, and that total restriction isn’t healthy, but what about total restriction 6/7 days a week with one off day? Is that still considered “moderation”?

I’ve been wondering about this for a while, so I thought I’d ask here.

submitted by /u/Mobile-Session6087
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, November 11, 2022

NSV:trying to lose COVID 100

Cross post from intermittent fasting forum

So today is my third day of IF 16/8 (again). I plan to do longer fasts but for now that's where I'm at. I am 33 year old, female, 5'8 and gained 110 ish lbs. I went 150/55 to 260 since Covid hit. I would like to lose 110 lbs.

I never needed to workout nor had to really watch what I ate until I gained all this weight so I apologized for my ignorance in my post.

I been going to the gym for about 10 weeks: 5 days a week for 2 hours combo mostly lifting and some cardio. I shift between the same 3 lbs ⬆️ and ⬇️, but have lost noticable inches. I recently took measurements a couple days ago, but have nothing to compare them to yet but clothes fit better and my face is leaning out.

I LOVE lifting and functional, but not so much cardio like running and jumping because of an ankle injury I sustained when I was 20 that left me with foot drop, but I still get about average 8k steps in a day and about 90 minute of archer, bike, treadmill or elliptical in a week.

I didn't have much success in the past with IF. I think because I ate way too much during my eating window since I had developed an emotional eating problem during the pandemic.

I know diet is most important with weight loss. Exercise is mostly for strengthening/toning and minor calorie burn.

I believe I'm finally able to work myself into a consistent IF schedule and work myself up to longer fasts because my commitment in the gym has really impressed and inspired me.

The exercise has helped my mental health a lot. I kind of replaced eating with the gym and my EXCESSIVE food consumption has naturally decreased by more than half about a month ago. My food obsession is barely there which I'm also inspired by! Love it. Because I couldn't stop eating! It's been such a source of joy going to the gym that I almost didn't realize I wasn't losing actual weight!

I just recently started again with MyFitnessPal (I hate counting since I make most of my food from scratch and it's a lot of ingredients to keep adding) but noticed I naturally feel okay to stop eating around 1600/1800 kcal to start my 16 hour fast which I completed fairly easy tbh. I plan to increase in baby steps.

I have a few questions though:

Is there is a calorie range I should stay in? A lot of material I read about IF online says no. But that logically doesn't make sense to me. I call BS. Is 1800 kcal too much?

I am also considered "extremely obese" with a BMI of 39 so all this work I've been doing I feel should have lead to a bit of weight loss already and hasn't (I think idk). Is that not correct to expect?

Last, how long does it typically take to start seeing results from fasting? A lot of things I read people are combining it with keto and I'm trying to do baby steps to keep my commitment steady and not overwhelming and am definitely not ready for that keto step.

Have a great night!

submitted by /u/zenstocker
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Taco Bell for 570 calories?

Today was one of those days where I’ve just been struggling to cook and eat and it’s a Friday and I was just craving something greasy. I had to run some errands and there’s a Taco Bell right near the stores I was at. Cravings were kicking in hard. But before I pulled into the line I looked up the Taco Bell nutritional guide

Turns out a Doritos Locos Taco Supreme is only 190 cal, 570 for 3. It’s certainly not “healthy”, it has lots of sodium, more fat and carbs than protein, and isn’t a large volume of food. Very little vegetable. But for a fast food fix when you’re craving really bad or can’t find the energy to cook? Not that bad, a similar amount of calories than a normal dinner I have (honestly less calories than a lot of my dinners, I prefer a smaller lunch/breakfast and larger dinner), and I’m still feeling full 4 hours later.

I had them with no sides and no pop, just my water bottle. Tried to really eat them slow and savor them. Again, I understand that its not a healthy, ideal meal for weight loss (I just know someone is gonna comment something snarky), but it feels good to know I can go to a fast food restaurant, eat a reasonable portion for a reasonable number of calories, and enjoy it and feel satisfied. Just sharing in case anyone else needs something like this!

submitted by /u/username304211
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Am I losing weight too fast? Is my hair shedding because of it?

Hi, so I've been on a weight loss journey this year and while many would assume I'm very proud of it, and in parts I am, part of the self esteem gained from that is lost with the amount of hair I've shedded and how bad I feel about it.

I've been at 157 kg (346 lbs) on April 27th, when I started recording my weight. I started dieting a bit earlier than that tho, so probably around 165 kg (~365 lbs). It's now been 200 days and I've just recorded 125.9, 126.4 and 127.3 kg this past 3 days (~280 lbs).

That's around 30kg (65) lbs in 200 days, which would eccuate roughly to 1155 kcal lost per day.

Now, I tried to basically eat around 2300 calories, but I've actually started to struggle to even hit that now, my appetite has been reduced drastically by intermittent fasting.

I have also started, around 2 months ago, to take a multivitamin, which has most of the things I need ( including for hair, such as biotin, iron, zinc, vit. D)

I have also had a blood test done last month, and all my hormones were in their expected range, which were not before I started dieting, so that's good. Also fixed my liver enzymes, insuline and blood sugar were fine, thiroyd was fine.

I also feel great. So it doesn't look like it's neceserilly affecting me in a negative way.

But is it possible that my hair shedding is caused by this? My hair has thinned out considerably, I have recently gotten a hair catcher for my shower and on the best days I count around 50 hairs in the shower, with days up to 110-120 hairs.

Can this be caused by the diet, even though I supplement and my health has actually greatly improved? Or is it simply because of increased testosterone and DHT?

And yes, I will speak to a doctor about it, just looking for more opinions.

submitted by /u/ThrowAwayBadHairDay1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat