Saturday, December 31, 2022

Progress Update

About a couple weeks into my journey of getting back on track to my weight loss goals. Just recently started a job that involves heavy lifting and has me constantly on my feet. Also I bike on average 65 miles a week on my bike. So needless to say my calorie burn is very high. Best thing is also keeping my calorie count around 2,000-2,300. Might seem like a lot but with the amount of exercise it’s actually not bad. My main focus is to lose weight slowly and steadily. It’s much easier to reach a goal when allowing oneself time to mentally and physically adjust over time to a new lifestyle choice. My goal is 165 and I’m currently at 192. 27 more pounds to go but I know I’ll get there soon enough!

submitted by /u/cuddlypenguin7
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How do I get more protein?

I’m a pescatarian who is also dairy free and gluten free. How am I supposed to get 150g of protein while eating 1,500 calories a day?

I did the math and it turns out that (on a good day) I’m only eating 60 grams of protein. Today I had about 46g of and I don’t feel agitated or hungry but I know I can’t build muscle like this. I’m told muscle is crucial to the weight loss process.

I don’t like thinking about too much what I’m eating because too much of that can cause me to spiral (I have a binging disorder.) I don’t like eating three meals a day. I’d rather have one meal in the afternoon with some snacks and then a smaller meal a few hours later.

I like fruits and they make up most of my diet but I am willing to cut some out if anyone can suggest some ideas on how I can get my protein up without having to change my diet.

submitted by /u/heebergeeber
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

We did it!


Me - 177 pounds Lost!
My Wife - 168 pounds Lost!

2022 has been an amazing journey of discipline and strength! We started our weight loss journey on the first of the year and have lost a combined weight of 345 pounds! I'm so damn proud of us! I've never been this thin in my life!

I'll spare you the details in this post except to say Keto + 20mins of aerobics + 10k steps a day. I have no problems answering questions in the comments or DMs.

Happy New Year Everyone!

submitted by /u/fragdemented
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What “unconventional” Weightloss foods are your favorite?

Hi there! If this is a common reoccurring question please feel free to delete but with a lot of people starting health journeys for the new year I thought it might be a fun and resourceful thread.

So I’ve been on a slow and steady Weightloss journey and have discovered a few things about my food preferences. I have a good friend who is starting his journey for New Years and we started discussing diet foods when he said to me “I just hate salads, and I’m not looking forward to eating salads for 6 months straight”

I told him I’m also not a fan of salads and really only eat them occasionally in the summer time. I get most of my veggies through SOUPS, stir frying, steaming/sautéing and raw snacking (where my baby carrot fans at???)

Please note: I’m not saying salads are bad or that I don’t like them, I just prefer other types of ways to get my veggies in, I have found salads don’t keep me full for a long time but soups do!

He seemed surprised and expressed he hadn’t thought about soups and stir fry as being healthy or good ways to get veggies in. There’s obviously ways you can make those things super unhealthy but it’s really easy to make them healthy, especially soups where I can add a scoop or two of unflavored protein powder.

But that poses the question, what other “unconventional” types of food do you all use for weight loss?

submitted by /u/ConfusedMidwesterner
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I have utterly failed

I'm 35M, 5'8" tall. My starting weight was 172, just a bit into the overweight range. Tomorrow morning I leave for a trip to the Bahamas. Two months ago I decided to set myself a goal of losing ~10 lbs to trim a little off my gut for the beach. I've been wanting to lose this weight for a while now but I felt like this deadline would be a good motivator, rather than doing something like starting on new year's with a vague deadline-free future.

I set myself a 750 cal deficit. For six weeks, I logged everything in Cronometer. I weighed everything on a food scale where applicable. I went to the gym about four times per week. The weight started to come off slowly. Not 1.5 lbs per week like I hoped, but about 1 lb. I got down to around 167 lbs, so 5 lost. Not great, but making progress.

Then my dad died.

I know, I know, it's okay to stumble after a major event like that and I can't expect to stay completely focused. But in the span of the following single week, I gained all of it back. And not like "I had more food in my system so it seemed like more", but "the following weeks have shown that it stuck". So one of two things happened: either 1. my initial weight loss wasn't real, and it was just having less mass in my GI tract, and somehow all my careful logging was for naught, or 2. in that last week, I ate 4000 Cals per day, every day, to gain it back. I didn't even feel like I was binging. I was just eating normally and not bothering to care about my goals.

So then I thought "okay, well I have two more weeks before the trip to lose a bit again". As of this morning, my total weight loss is... drumroll... zero. Absoutely zero. I'm exactly where I started. The entire past ten weeks of being hungry, careful logging, weighing, working out, all a total waste of my time. And this isn't the first time this has happened.

It's extremely frustrating to feel like my body wants to be this weight, where if I don't actively fight against it for the rest of my life, I'll always weigh this much. Worse, the "anchor weight" that I reset to keeps gradually increasing. Ten years ago, I weighed 152! And that was without dieting or working out, I just at less, naturally. I even managed to get into the 140s for my wedding. Then a few years later it was 156. Then 164. Then 168. Now it's 172. Every time I lose a bit, I eventually lose track of focusing on my weight to get back to the rest of my life, and I spring right back to where I started in less than half the time it took me to lose it.

Sorry for the wall of text.

submitted by /u/-Tesserex-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The scale says I haven’t lost weight but my clothing says otherwise

I’ve recently begun new workout routines after I had fallen off the wagon pretty hard due to a bout of depression. I’ve been back to the gym at least 4 times a week for the last two months and have seen a difference in my calorie burning as well as endurance.

I’ve felt great with the new weights and changes to my routines but when I checked the scale after all these weeks, it says that I’m 225 lbs when my body feels like it should be less than that. I don’t know if it’s toning or change in muscle mass but my jeans feel looser and so do the sleeves on most of my shirts.

I want to get my weight down to 110-140 because readings show that that weight range is appropriate for a woman my height but I am also a curvy body type with a long torso so maybe the reading might be off? I don’t know.

I’m trying to make myself healthier and prevent obesity as it runs in my family but seeing that stupid number on the scale after what I’ve done just makes me feel worse. I could use some advice on how to not feel down on myself or what else I could do to keep moving forward in my weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/BlackCatPrincess145
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Arm weights

I am beginning my weight loss journey. I have a couple areas I really want to focus on and those are my face, my stomach, and my arms. I was wondering if you can do anything to help loose weight in your arms such as wearing arm weights while exercising? Do these actually help or do nothing? Also would they make you bulky? Lastly, is cardio to best workout to burn fat? Should I focus on burning fat before I move on to lifting weights or does it not matter? And please give me any other tips for a good gym routine because I am very new to this :)

submitted by /u/Practical_Ad4734
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