Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Weight Loss With Medical Issues and Autism?

I've never made a post on Reddit before so I'm really sorry if I'm doing this wrong, but I need help.

I am 19 years old, about 5'3", somewhere between 135 and 140 lbs (I don't have a scale and cannot afford to get one, this number is just coming from my last ER visit), and AFAB. I'm looking to lose some weight (preferably around 20 LBS) because the way my fat builds up on my body majorly triggers my gender dysphoria.

The issue is: -I am autistic and have an extremely limited list of "safe foods" I can eat (kinda like one step before straight-up having AFRID) meaning that I can't really cook for myself and most of the foods I can eat are basically carbs (bread/breaded things, mostly).

-I have limited mobility due to CFS and chronic pain (currently undiagnosed cause) and dysautonomia (also undiagnosed cause). I just can't exercise like other people. I'm seeing on here that people are walking miles per day, but I can barely walk across my house without feeling lightheaded and being in excruciating amounts of pain. I'm going to start going swimming once a week with my roommate, but it can't be more than that because of his work schedule and I can't travel alone.

-I've been eating at a calorie deficit for about a month now (about 1200 calories per day), but have only seemed to gain weight? At least, judging from the stretch marks that keep cropping up, I am.

-I was on birth control for a few months before stopping abruptly. This seemed to be what triggered my weight gain? It wasn't an issue before then, and I ate far more and exercised the same amount. I'm worried this may have just messed up my body forever.

-I cannot afford to go to a doctor/dietician for a plethora of reasons. I'm already having a hell of a time getting my health issues figured out and affording that, let alone spending more money on other stuff (my insurance is sketchy and I live below the poverty line).

I need help tbh. I feel like my efforts are in vain because I have so many facotrs stopping me from doing weight loss the way that people tell you to. Any advice or tips and tricks are genuinely welcome. I'm at a loss and the usual stuff isn't cutting it.

submitted by /u/xXxLuminationxXx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/KLMA0k4

Monday, March 20, 2023

[NSFW] Libido is returning, and I feel conflicted about it

Hey everyone, I lost 15lbs/6kg over the past six weeks and I'm now at 280lbs/130kg (Hope I didnt mess up the conversion). With those excess pounds gone, I noticed just how unhealthy obesity is for the circulation. I have more regular erections now after a long time of obesity-induced ED-related issues, which should be a net win. However, I feel more insecure now than when, to be crass, my dick was just for pissing. With the libido back, I'm noticing that erections are weaker than they were pre-obesity, not just due to the fat pad hiding length but also less girth. It just feels like less dick all around. My partner is excited for me due to the weight loss and that makes me happy, but I worry that the negative effects obesity had on my penis are here to stay. My insecurity isnt about not being 'enough' for her, but rather the personal body dysphoria.

What was is it like for you guys, did you feel like erections got stronger after losing weight? The fat pad isnt the issue, since I know it will be reduced by weight loss. It's more about the weak erections.

submitted by /u/Reasonable-Call-5112
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/RynctA4

How long does it take?

Hi, 23F here, 4’11” and weigh 80kgs. I have been overweight all my life, had lost 10ish during the pandemic but gained it back. I have made lots of changes in my diet recently and am in a calorie deficit since the past one month. Also light cardio 4-5 times a week. I didn’t expect a lot of difference but the scale literally hasn’t moved a single point and I know it’s too early but it’s also disheartening considering I am so hungry all the time! Should I stick to this routine a while longer or incorporate more exercise in it? I heard people say diet accounts for 80 percent of weight loss so I thought I would see more difference!

Edit: Also if anyone’s from India and has easy low cal recipes please do share, thanks!

submitted by /u/Mysterious_Sound_684
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/ixojXPg

When will I allow myself to feel good?

Rhetorical question, because I realize this is something I need to emotionally work on for myself, but I felt like maybe people could either commiserate or share what helped them with this kind of feeling.

Intellectually, I know I am doing great. On November 20th, 2022 I weighed 325 pounds. As of this morning, I weigh 252. 73 Pounds lost in 5 months is great, and I know that. I am over halfway to my goal weight. It hasn't even been particularly hard to do, purely got to this point with dietary changes. So why is it that despite feeling physically better, I don't feel better?

I'm in the process of getting divorced, and she is already gone and moved in with her new boyfriend. I am emotionally at the point where I am interested in people again, but I can't get over how fat I still feel. When I think of myself as a prospective dating partner, I just see my weight and my age. The idea of dating as a 36-year-old just feels horrible on its own, let alone next to feeling like I'm not worthy of even being considered until I lose 50 more pounds.

Everyone I know my age (mostly from work or the like) is already married or taken. I didn't start this weight loss journey to find a partner, but my marriage fell apart about a week after I started it, so it certainly remains some kind of motivation to stay on track. I just know to some degree, losing weight is not going to mean much if I can't get myself out of this mindset. People tell me I look happier, that I look a lot better, but I can't seem to internalize any of it.

Edit: A word.

submitted by /u/ceitamiot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/n4Ry8k2

skipping meal is helpful in weight loss or not!

Skipping meals is not a recommended way to lose weight. While it may lead to a temporary reduction in calorie intake and therefore weight loss, it can have negative impacts on your health and weight loss efforts in the long run.

When you skip meals, you may feel hungry and end up overeating at your next meal or snacking on high-calorie foods throughout the day. This can lead to a higher overall calorie intake and potentially even weight gain.

Additionally, skipping meals can cause your metabolism to slow down, making it harder for you to burn calories and lose weight. It can also lead to a decrease in muscle mass, which can lower your metabolism even further.

Instead of skipping meals, focus on consuming a balanced and healthy diet with regular meals and snacks throughout the day. This can help you maintain a steady metabolism and avoid overeating. It's also important to incorporate regular exercise into your routine to help burn calories and promote weight loss in a healthy and sustainable way.

submitted by /u/Matthias-TAYLOR
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/hDdr3MS

Weight loss after 2 days of tons of junk food ?

Hi all! I wanted to share something that doesent make any sense to me. For the last few weeks I've been strugling to drop under 80kg , I was constantly fluctuating between 80,2 and 80,6 even on a strict deficit (1500-1600kcal (maint. is 2100)) and hitting the gym every other day. So last friday I was mad about it and said "fuck it" ,went out to a burger king, ate a huge cheezburger,fries,coca cola, skipped gym that day, bought myself some cakes (840g of it) ,a litre of energy drink and just ate that junk food like a pig for the whole friday and saturday.. Yesterday (sunday) I ate normal meals but I went some 200-300 kcals over my deficit. . And today I woke up and weight myself and I dont know how but my weight has droped.. Im at 79,80 (Note- I allways weight myself at the same time under the same circumstances).. How could this be ? The only thing I can think of is metabolism.. Maybe it slowed down after all that time in deficit and now it fired up again when encountered these double (even more) daily calories ?

submitted by /u/PimpinPanda90
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/hFQ9Ya4

Assistance with losing chest fat.

From April 2021 to Decembet 2022, I've lost over 30 pounds. I am 6'3" and in April 2021, I was 208lbs. Through calorie deficit, intermittent fasting, one to two 24 hour fasts a month, and working out, by the time December 2022 came I was down to 174. I know I could have lost more with better performance in all areas but I still was proud.

For the record, The exercises I did was mostly calisthenics, resistance training, and DDPYoga.

However, even with the weight loss, my "man boobs" are being extremely clingy lol. I'm having such a hard time getting rid of the fat on my chest..

Now I know I can't "Spot" exercise to lose that weight.. However I have been going to the gym so I am able to start using weights to do weight training. My question is with the goal I have of losing that weight on my best, do I lift heavy with lower reps or I use low weight with high reps? I know weight/strength training in general helps burn fat in general, however the last thing I wanna do is get a bulky chest on top of the fat on my chest if doing heavy weights lol.. However, even though ive been told with low weight high reps you get muscle tone, I still don't wanna do an exercise that is merely just burning fat and not seeing results to the eye.

Thanks in advance for those giving me some advice!

submitted by /u/dizney4j
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/P56CapV