Monday, March 20, 2023

Assistance with losing chest fat.

From April 2021 to Decembet 2022, I've lost over 30 pounds. I am 6'3" and in April 2021, I was 208lbs. Through calorie deficit, intermittent fasting, one to two 24 hour fasts a month, and working out, by the time December 2022 came I was down to 174. I know I could have lost more with better performance in all areas but I still was proud.

For the record, The exercises I did was mostly calisthenics, resistance training, and DDPYoga.

However, even with the weight loss, my "man boobs" are being extremely clingy lol. I'm having such a hard time getting rid of the fat on my chest..

Now I know I can't "Spot" exercise to lose that weight.. However I have been going to the gym so I am able to start using weights to do weight training. My question is with the goal I have of losing that weight on my best, do I lift heavy with lower reps or I use low weight with high reps? I know weight/strength training in general helps burn fat in general, however the last thing I wanna do is get a bulky chest on top of the fat on my chest if doing heavy weights lol.. However, even though ive been told with low weight high reps you get muscle tone, I still don't wanna do an exercise that is merely just burning fat and not seeing results to the eye.

Thanks in advance for those giving me some advice!

submitted by /u/dizney4j
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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