Thursday, March 16, 2023

55lbs down- CICO is the way, *pics linked

Link to progress pics:

I didn’t take the best before photo- “after” photos were taken today. For the first time in almost 10 years, I bought a bikini 🫣

I’m a mom of 3 who believed my body was just destined to look how it did after 3 kids. Yes, I still have a funny mom belly button- but I’ll take it. I was 135 pre-kids, and my initial goal was to get back to my pre-mom weight.

I used to eat out of stress, I replaced that habit with crafts- paint by number, gem art, etc. I do Body Pump group fitness at the gym, recently started running and began a marathon training plan to have a schedule. Ran my first 13 miles last Sunday. Absolutely bananas.

The first 30 days were the hardest. I started in June 2022, and used to believe counting calories was for EDs. Now I know it’s not- and I was eating the same amount of food my 180lb husband was eating. No surprise I became 180lbs and sustained it for as long as I did. I started counting calories in July 2022, and started using a food scale in August 2022. Stuck with my deficit through the holidays. Celebrated/looked forward to the holiday day vs gorging for months. Made the meals that much more enjoyable.

Big turning point for me was realizing a lot of highly-palatable processed foods are purposefully designed to be profitable & addictive.

Anyway- I feel incredible. I was initially frustrated weight loss took/would take so long, but now I’m glad it does. It gave me enough time to learn so much & I’m still learning; about me, about the process.

I will never, ever, ever regret the every day choices I’ve made to get to this point. My kids think my “muscles” are cool, and they think how far I can run is super rad. My middle boy runs a mile with me weekly- he’s a big reason I started running, he enjoys it & I couldn’t run far before.

Don’t give up, you won’t regret it. You’re stronger than your cravings and the instant gratification- you won’t remember all of that. You can see it through- it’s worth it.

submitted by /u/seayouIntea
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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