Wednesday, March 29, 2023

What are your thoughts?

Background: I have been a long time lurker on this subreddit however for some reason I felt best not to make any posts, I felt and still feel as if it would affect my progress…. weird.

I have been on a weight loss journey for more than 2 years, started around 15/16 of which im now 18. I basically lost a little fell of track and I rinsed and repeated. At 15 years old I weighed around 132kg and got to my all time lowest of 119.5kg in about 5 months. However I did what I always did and gained all the weight back.. well most of it I went back to 129.8kg in around 5 months. I continued dieting, however with much smaller progress.

This year on the 3rd January I weighed 125kg, I once again continued my weight loss journey, however something felt different, as if I couldn’t give up. As of the 22nd March I had got my weight down to 116.4kg, what an amazing feeling, honestly. There have been some tough times and weeks when I had fallen off, but I kept to it.

Now the reason for this post is that I’m starting to feel lost. I’m currently fasting as I’m a Muslim and it’s Ramadan, however for the past week my weight has fluctuated, with it usually going down to another all time low, however that doesn’t seem to be happening this time. On the 24th I weighed 117.2kg, on the 25th I weighed 116.9kg, on the 27th I weighed 116.7kg, on the 28th I weighed 117.5kg and today, the 29th I weighed 117.2kg. Now this kind of happens to me often, however it usually happens for a day or two and I drop to a new low, this doesn’t seem to be the case. I don’t know what the issue may be, I have been thinking I’m overeating, however I pretty sure I’m not. My calorie goal is 1,500, my adjusted TDEE at 117kg is 2,600, so even if I have over eaten by 200 or 300 calories it certainly wouldn’t make me gain weight, especially that I’m active most days of which I walk around 10,000 - 15,000 steps, of which i don’t eat those calories back.

As previously mentioned I’m confused, and don’t know what I may be doing wrong, especially that I don’t want to fall off again and actually want to make a change.

I apologise for the long read, wanted to give some background information. Any and all advice is appreciated.

submitted by /u/CasperDaCat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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