Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Down 10KG as of today!

Just wanted to share a short term goal I've been thinking about since I started trying to lose weight!

I started intermittently fasting by accident mid-January. I work from home, so I go for my lunch break as late as possible to reduce the amount of time I have to work after lunch, and I don't have breakfast. I try to walk a couple of miles on my lunch break, before eating anything. I watched this video about dopamine detox, which I tried to apply to my weight loss - Rather than just eating, I try to do activities which release dopamine while I'm hungry, such as going for a walk, so my body/brain adjusts to not mind being hungry. I don't know if it's actually doing anything - but I'll take a placebo.

I didn't start weighing myself regularly until the end of February, but I weighed 114.4kg at some point in January. I was probably heavier than that at some point, but I wasn't checking.

I think I've found it easier than most because I'm a very habitual person. I aim for 1000-1500 calories a day, just depends how hungry I am. Some days I've had as little as 800 with no discomfort.

I signed up for a fitness center this month, which is a 15 minute cycle away. I've been doing bouldering 2-3 times a week. I've also done two gym classes, but they wreck my legs to the point that I can't go climbing for 2 days without feeling like I'm going to hurt myself, so I'm going to be doing those every Monday after work, and climb twice later in the week.

submitted by /u/BEER_IN_CEREAL
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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