Friday, March 17, 2023

Goal weight, skin removal scheduled.

I haven’t been on this sub in a few years. After a heartbreaking divorce, I finally lost the last 30 lbs, hit my goal weight and have maintained it. Since I got into recovery on 4/15/2017 and originally started my weight loss journey, I have been dreaming of the day when I could get skin removal surgery. When I got into recovery, I needed a hobby that was healthy and felt good. Bodybuilding has been my answer. I have been in the gym six days per week minimum without missing any time. I even broke my leg twice in one year from a motorcycle accident and was hobbling around the gym on crutches. I was obese since age five and have never taken my shirt off in public. I carried a lot of weight in my chest and was picked on all the time for it. Growing up as a young man in my body was not fun. This was how my drug use started.

Yesterday I scheduled and paid the deposit for skin removal surgery. For my chest and abdomen the total is $20,000. Even though I have good insurance and have lost more than 100 lbs, it is still considered cosmetic. My good insurance comes with low pay (local govt employee) so I never thought I would get here. I still have to take out a loan to cover half of it but I doubled the amount I expected to save in advance. I’m 34 and I want to get out there and enjoy my life so the payments are worth it to me. Surgery is scheduled for late June. I can’t wait to share before and after pictures. Thank you all for the support over the years. Even when I wasn’t actively posting, I was still lurking.

submitted by /u/MrPoopyButthole1989
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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