Friday, May 12, 2023

Small victory for man but a giant small victory for me today after an 85 LBS weight loss. I wear a size M now and even those clothes can be a bit baggy.

I began my weight loss journey last year at 261 lbs and weighted yesterday at 175 lbs (15 away from my goal weight). Since I’ve lost 40 lbs in the past 4 months none of my clothes fit and I’ve wearing ridiculously large clothes around everyday. Even the clothes that I had bought with the intention of wearing once I lose weight have become way too baggy for me. My mom therefore decided she would treat me to some new close (I’m in college and i’m often short on the money).

Last time 4 months ago I went to this shop I had already lost a bit of weight but was still in the obese category. I thought I would fit in much smaller clothes but to my disappointment the xl clothes were barely big enough for me. Psychologically it was a humiliation but I took it as a motivation to lose the weight, get fitter and healthier.

Since that day I got back into cycling and accomplished my goal of riding a 100 miles in one ride, and I cycled multiple 100 km rides. My cardiovascular fitness has improved so much on the bike, It’s much easier to go uphil and I can easily maintain a pace I formerly thought as hard for a longg time.

Today I went back to the clothing shop for some new clothes for the summer and tried large size clothes which would be an improvement from the last trip. To my surprise they were too large I had to try a size down. The size M is my default size now, I was obese my whole life I never thought I would lose this much weight. When I look at myself in the mirror I don’t see a difference and sometimes lose morale but everyone around me notices. Today’s experience proved to me I truly lost weight and it’s not just my loved ones flattering me.

submitted by /u/Humbleronaldo
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Struggle with my socks

Ok so I’m not going to complain about my weight loss, because obviously I’m super happy about that part. But I have lately been experiencing the strangest thing. My socks keep sliding down into my shoes!!

They’re not new socks, or new shoes, but this hadn’t happened before a week or so ago. Today is the 3rd time it’s happening and honestly it’s just irritating and uncomfortable as I’m on my feet a lot at work. No one likes their socks to slide down!!

I wear ankle style athletic socks and sneakers at work. I alternate pairs of shoes, so this is a different pair than the last time this happened and I know they’re different socks because I tossed the last pair in the trash.

Is it possible I’m losing weight in my ankles or feet? I’ve only lost 33 pounds so it’s not a massive loss. But I am so frustrated that this is happening again today!

submitted by /u/Tat2d_nerd
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110 pounds down, and 5 years of keeping it off: what “clicked” for me

Around this time, 5 years ago, I moved to the Netherlands from America. I was just shy of 280 pounds (at 5’6”), had spent a lifetime being obese, and wasn’t entirely sure what to do with my professional life. It was a really hard time.

I started reading along on this subreddit (most helpfully the Quick Start Guide in the sidebar) and started participating in the daily European challenge threads. I started losing weight. From august 2018-august 2020 I lost over 110 pounds.

The key to both my weight loss and my maintenance has been tracking my calories so I can keep track of my energy balance:

I know it sounds like “one simple trick!”- kind of bullshit, but a calorie tracker that isn’t about being “over” or “under” or “good” or “bad” — but is just neutral — has been instrumental to my success. I started out doing this myself with a spreadsheet, but now I have an app (macrofactor) that does it for me.

That, plus a weight smoothing app (happy scale/libra) basically made this journey possible. Whatever food I want is fine; the message is just keeping it in balance. You can see bigger spikes and smaller spikes on my graph; I’m in a slight energy surplus (~100 calories over 30 days) right now which is fine; I am training for a 10k, and it will work itself out over the next 30 days.

Anyway, just wanted to post this as motivation/information for someone. Serious and sustained weight loss is just an energy balance. If you need to lose weight, get your balance to be negative. If you eat way too much one day, let the law of large numbers/averages soften the blow over the next two weeks or so.

submitted by /u/koopzegels
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If you can’t motivate yourself for a run, here‘s my tip

A few years ago, when I was lighter and overall more active, I loved to run. I had no issues going for an 1h run 5x a week. Then I started boxing and our warmup was jumping rope. I developed a tendinitis in my ankle, because of jumping rope and had to pause for a couple of weeks. I wasn’t able to walk properly at all. I think we all been there: the more weeks pass without us being active, the more we tend to get lazy. Even after my recovery I wasn’t longer motivated to move my body and all of a sudden two years have passed, but I wasn’t active at all.

Certainly I gained weight, because I continued to eat big portions, though I wasn’t doing any exercise anymore to maintain my weight. I now wanted to start running again and I‘m shocked about the amount of fitness and stamina I‘ve lost since I stopped running. I‘m using C25K to build up my stamina and muscles to go for longer runs again, but often times I can’t motivate myself to put on my running shoes and start. I‘m working in an office and most of the time I‘m just sitting. Sitting at work, at the train, at home - I have less movement than any doctor would recommend.

Here‘s my tip for anyone who’s struggles with enough movement and lacks motivation to run. Everyday after work I tell myself: you‘re just going for a walk. But instead of wearing jeans or so, I put on my running shoes and sports clothing. I then go for a walk for about 40min, sometimes I feel so energised and motivated just because I‘m walking, that I decide to run home the last km instead of walking. I don’t need to force myself and I can decide if I‘m feeling comfortable enough to run. I‘m trying to do this at least 2-3 times a week and my stamina improved so much in only 2 weeks. It‘s just important to give yourself enough recovery.

Running is uncomfortable for beginners and even the beginning of C25K was hard for me. I felt less motivated, because who wants to do things, that feel unpleasant. But I tricked my brain into a „it’s just a walk“-thinking and I became more consistent with exercise.

Another thing that I would recommend for iOS users is the Apple Fitness App. I set myself a daily goal of how many calories I want to burn. I took the amount of calories it takes to burn to go for a 40min walk. It’s nice to be reminded of your consistency and you can even start little battles with your friends and see who burned more calories by walking (who took longer or more walks). I think this is a good way to start your overall movement and become active in general. You don’t need any equipment and it makes weight loss much easier. I tend to eat more, when I’m exercising and had problems to keep my caloric deficit in the past. Walking keeps you active enough and in addition makes you burn more calories, without increasing your hunger, because it‘s less tiring than lifting weights or running.

submitted by /u/phoenixmo
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Thursday, May 11, 2023

Exercise, breathing rate, and weight loss - how does it work?

Looking for the physicians/scientists out there!

As far as I understand, when you “restrict” calories and increase movement, you’re basically peeing, sweating, and breathing out the weight. Is this correct?

And if that’s correct, is your breathing rate one of the mechanisms of weight loss caused by exercise? As in, if you go on a vigorous walk that has you huffing and puffing, are you “losing weight”?

And how does temperature affect weight loss? If I were to maintain the exact same calorie deficit and activity level for a week in the tropics where I would sweat every day vs the Arctic, where would my weight loss be greater if all else was equal?

Finally, if I jiggle my leg at my desk for an hour, would that increase my metabolism? I’m moving more but it’s not affecting my breathing rate.

Suddenly the science of weight loss is fascinating me!

submitted by /u/Carma-Lex
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Thank You

To preface everything, I’ve had one hell of a 2023. I started this year with terrible sciatica from a herniated disc in my back, I watched my dad die slowly from cancer, and then I just recovered from Covid. My weight ballooned from all the stress and inability to exercise and I just want to feel like myself again.

I’ve never been successful when I’ve purposefully tried to lose weight in my life. I’ve always struggled with calorie counting and thinking about exercise in a way that was fun instead of as a means to reach an end. Being a lurker on this community over the past year, and reading all of the stories of success, and even the rants and frustrations, really motivated me. I finally reached out to this community a few weeks ago, and got really good advice and support from one redditor on how to start .

I don’t feel alone or overwhelmed by the idea of weight loss because of this community. I just started trying to lose weight 10 days ago, and I’m about I’m already 3 pounds down.This is the first time I’ve EVER seen the scale move because of an intervention. Thank you all for existing and posting and sharing.

submitted by /u/SauceFox1791
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Got the sweetest comment today on my weight loss

So I’m a high school teacher; sometimes it seems like every adult around me has commented on my weight loss- “Stop losing weight!”, “You’re too skinny, you need to stop!”, “You’re making us look bad,” etc etc (note: I’m not too skinny, it’s just the norm for people around here to be a bit chubby).

At times, it felt like my teenage students were the only respectful ones in school, as they never comment anything other than “You look very pretty today, Miss!” when I wear make up (not often) or if I have a new blouse.

Then today one of the math teachers, a nice older lady that I’ve never interacted much with, comes to line up behind me as we wait our turn for the only staff restroom in the building (😅).

She: You look like you’ve lost weight. Me: Yes, I have. She: Was it on purpose? Me: Yes, yes, it was. She: Oh, then good job, you look great! 🙂 Me: Oh thank you! 😊 thank you!

Then it was my turn to the restroom and then to rush to class.

But I feel that it was so sweet of her to ask that- no one else has asked me that, ever. “Was it on purpose?” She looked vaguely worried when she asked that, as if she was ready to help someway somehow if it wasn’t on purpose.

And idk, I know it’s not a big deal or a NSV or anything, but I wanted to share.

submitted by /u/Skadi_8922
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