Monday, June 5, 2023

Does anyone else experience this strange weight loss pattern?

I stay at the same weight with only minimal fluctuations for 1.5-2 weeks, no matter how much I exercise and how large my calorie deficit is. Even on days that I create over 1500 kcals of deficit by lowering my intake a little and exercising vigorously, the weight stays the same. It leaves me so frustrated.

Then, something, which I still can't figure what, happens and I finally start some drops on the scale. I suddenly lose 2-3 kg in a matter of a few days, then regain a small portion of it in the next few.

And from there, the cycle continues. I stay at that lower weight for some time, then the drop happens.

I'm wondering if it is some kind of water retention caused by the 6-day strength training program I am on.

I would rather see a stable decrease. Did you guys experience this issue before?

submitted by /u/Frograli
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Weight loss Update and a few Questions

Starting Date: October 2022 SW:450lbs CW:315lbs GW:200lbs

Just thought I’d share an update incase anyone is thinking about starting their journey.

I had always been an on and off lurker on this sub, hoping to find inspiration and motivation to start my journey. I’m not exactly sure what clicked this time, but it’s been going great. I’m not entirely sure of my starting weight, but I know it was over 400lbs, and I’m pretty confident it was around 450lbs. I’m now at 315lbs after starting in October of 2022. And I feel great. 10hr work days used to leave me sore and tired, and now I feel fine after a long work day. Up until the last week, my entire weight loss had been through nutrition alone, along with having a job that keeps me walking between 5-10 miles a day. I finally joined a gym last week, and have gone daily except one day. If anyone would like to ask any questions, feel free to comment or DM.

On a side note, what kind of gym routines have you guys found to be successful. So far, I start out with some cardio (10-15 minutes on the stair stepper and 20 minutes on the treadmill with an incline). I then follow it with three sets on various weight machines. Does this seem like a good plan? I’m not hyper focused on certain muscle group days since at this point I just want to build overall muscles and continue losing weight. Also, I fully expected weight gain after starting to work out due to water retention. How long did this weight gain last for all of you? And did it gradually just go back down, or pretty quickly after a few weeks? I know it’s not fat gain since my diet is still on point and I’m for certain staying within my calorie limit (and I gained almost 6lbs the day following my first day at the gym).

Any advice is appreciated, and AMA about my journey. I’m more than willing to share.

submitted by /u/WeightLossTKCR
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Weight loss buddy - mid 20s guy

25M - 175 lbs

Hi there. I feel like I know all the right things needed to get fit — calorie deficit, work out, sleep, etc. — but for my whole life I've struggled to fend off binging. I can commit myself, but the voice telling me to eat a bunch of dessert wins every time.

So I'm looking for a weight loss buddy - literally someone to message when I can feel the binge coming. In a perfect world we hold each other accountable and talk some sense into each other whenever needed. Anyone up for the task?

submitted by /u/oatmeal_for_real
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can anyone recommend a 30min to 1-hour-a-day cardio workout for weight loss?

Hello, this is my very first post here, I'm a first-year college student and I'm planning on losing some of the weight I've gained over the year to try and be somewhat back in shape for the summer, problem is that I have my finals this month so I can't spend much time on workouts (an hour max ) plus I can't go into a very strong diet because I still need to have the energy to study throughout the day. I have a small gym room in my dorm with basic equipment like dumbells and a bench (and a couple of other basic things). I have no idea what my weight and height is and there's currently no way of measuring them (but I can roughly say that I'm (male) between 170 to 175 cm and about 70 to 75 kg, but I could be wrong so take like an additional 3cm and 3kg fault margin). It has been a long time since I've worked out or done any exercise and don't necessarily have much muscle mass at all, my hands and upper body seem to still be quite thin but the bulk is around my hips and belly all the way to the bottom bit of my chest).

submitted by /u/isber7abdo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Two weeks progress

It has been two weeks since I started my weight loss journey. I started at 266 lbs and now at 253lbs. Even though it's still water weight I am losing I am glad to see the numbers go down. Still maintaining my calorie intake of max 2080 calories by Lose it app. Sometimes I range from 1700-1900 or less depending on how my day went. Drinking lots of water aiming at 3L a day at least. Trying to keep a steady workout routine and have started skipping again. It feels easier for me than cardio.

Also took a picture today. Not sure what I was expecting. I feel sad talking about myself this way but I still look rounded and heavy. I don't hate myself but I do feel very sad for me. I know I won't see any change for some time but I don't know. It's just a reminder of how much more weight I still have to lose. Can't wait to take a picture and have it look light and airy. Not full and heavy because of my size.

submitted by /u/Anonymous-4567
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A few NSVs lately πŸ₯Ή

Hey r/loseit! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day wherever you are.

Just wanted to take a moment to celebrate a few small but exciting (to me) NSVs I’ve had lately that I hope are coming your way in the not-too-distant future too.

A double whammy at work the other day: one of my coworkers very gently said to me that she wasn’t sure if it was appropriate to say but she could really see that my face looked different having lost weight. I reassured her that it was intentional and as such a well received compliment! I was delighted. And then, I’ve never considered myself to be a sporty person. Active, yes, but sporty no. We were chatting about team sports and I said how I wasn’t a sporty person and my other coworker blurted out “I think you are!”. I’ve been working hard at the gym (I’m short, it helps) and learning to lift weights (which I’ve fallen in love with). I was so thrilled to get this validation after making it a goal of mine to turn my fitness aspirations into a reality.

Other NSV — having quit drinking back at the end of December, I use an app to check in daily and make sure I stay on track with sobriety. This has gratefully been easy, but also has made losing weight quite a lot easier. The app tells me the calories I’ve saved since quitting and twice now I’ve found that my calorie savings have translated directly to the weight I’ve lost this year. As of today: 95,400 or 27.2lbs expected weight loss vs 27.8lbs actual loss. Pretty damn cool huh?! Side note that I was a binge drinker and a beer drinker — hence the dizzying calorie count 🫠πŸ₯΄

If you’ve been thinking about turning your life around, I’m here to tell you that it absolutely can be done and it’s so worth it. Feeling very happy to be 3/4 of the way to my first proper goal weight, and excited to see what the future holds as a now-fit-and-healthy person. πŸ’ͺ🏻🫢🏻

submitted by /u/callybeanz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Making friends with other girls into fitness

(27F in a larger city)

Don’t get me wrong, I love my friends. Each of them has a special place in my heart.

But I’m of the opinion that you should have friends that enjoy the same things as you! Most of my friends are moving in different directions in their life.. they already moved away, or they’re building families or working through other life events.

I have been very focused on my weight loss goals, and now I’m ready to turn that attention into strength building.

The only thing I feel is missing is a good friend to be on this journey with. None of my friends are interested in strength training, calisthenics, hitting the gym, etc.

I am internally motivated, but I’m also highly reactive to my environment. If I’m paired with someone else who is motivated, it’s a great positive feedback loop for me. A workout buddy would fill this hole in my life of wanting to share my journey with someone.

But I don’t want to be creepy and just walk up to other girls in the gym. I was fat for most of my life and I still feel out of place/imposter around other people who are really fit.

I also don’t really have extra cash for a class right now either, I already pay for a personal training app that’s working really well for me, and that + my gym membership eats up my fitness budget.

Any tips on where to start?

submitted by /u/IhopeitaketheL
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from loseit - Lose the Fat