Saturday, June 10, 2023

My Fellow Singles - How to Navigate Dating while Working on Weight Loss?

F32/5'9"/SW 103.1kg/CW 97.9kg/1st GW 90kg

Hello everyone!

As a single person, and with the summer around the corner, the question of dating and going (back) on the apps comes up. But when you are on your health journey - working on yourself, exercising, watching your diet, etc. - how do you balance that while dating? Do you put yourself out there, or do you wait til later?

Personally I'd like to get back out there, but I think my anxieties on how people would perceive me (eg. "You look different in your pictures") as well as past experiences of how I've been treated as a fat person has given me pause. Thanks to good ol' therapy it has gotten better, but it can be a challenge still.

I would love to hear your stories and perspectives on this, thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/gggetswings
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any girlies want to be accountability buddies for this rollercoaster of a ride we call weight loss????

SW: 217lbs // CW: 196lbs // GW: 150lbs

So for context I am F25 and my height is 5’5 and I feel like I have been on this weight loss journey for the longest but wasn’t actively consistent with it. I would try for two weeks and then ultimately burn out. Pretty shitty feeling overall. Anyway, so recently within the past two months I buckled down and did everything I needed to do; CALORIE DEFICIT, 30MIN WORKOUT/ 1 WALK PER DAY & IF (16:8) I did this method consistently and was strict about because the thing I realised prior to this point is that I was heavily lacking discipline (a bitch of a habit to break!) but fear not I don’t have the magic recipe to break out of that but when you finally do, YOU WILL SEE RESULTS..slow or fast it’s still a win! Trusting the process and yourself is the key.

The only thing I’m missing is I’ve been doing this myself and I’m surrounded by people who are not on the same path as me and that can get kind of isolating sometimes as you have no one to relate to! So I wanted to make this post and see if anyone who relates to any of this are all welcome to join me and be accountability buddies/girlies?!

We can do this!🧚🏼‍♀️💖

submitted by /u/thebeautifulparadox
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Would eating around 350 calories right before bed be disadvantageous to weight loss?

I have to take 60mg of Latuda daily with at least 350 calories. I was on 40mg previously, and with the increased dose, I’m getting drowsy and really restless when I take the medication during the day. I’ve noticed it’s easier to sleep away the side effects by taking my medication close to bedtime, but that means I have to consume at least 350 calories just before I’m going to bed.

I’d been doing IF until I started noticing the side effects, and now my eating schedule’s up in limbo. I’ve been more sedentary the past few weeks due to a health issue, so the drowsiness may just be extra prominent right now since I’m not moving as much as I usually do.

Would eating this many calories 30-60 minutes before bed put me at a disadvantage for weight loss?

submitted by /u/zingitgirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing Weight With Baby Sis

So my baby sis has always been a very physical person. She was a tom by when we were kids, gains muscle easily and the last physical fight we had as teens she almost won because she was suddenly crazy strong. I vowed never to get into a fight with her again because she'd definitely kick my ass even though I was older and larger.

I've lost 40 pounds over the last couple years and kept it off, but still had 30 to lose at the beginning of this year. Meanwhile baby sis was diagnosed with prediabetes and high blood pressure, she needed to lose a 100 pounds. So we decided to do it together with check-ins, etc...She dropped 30 pounds in a month which was really impressive, but of course her weight loss slowed after that.

At the end of May both of us were frustrated with a weight loss situation and decided to do a hard push and drop 15 pounds in 5 weeks, by restricting heavily and exercising even more this includes me going to the gym with baby once a week, I prefer to exercise at home.

She was so annoying. On the one hand she's super supportive and knows a lot on the other hand my thighs hurt so much today. I have to pee and I need to eat but I don't even want to move right now!!! I think she's secretly getting back at me for that last fight when we were teens. *insert crying gif here*

This isn't really a vent, just a whine because my thighs hurt...*sniff*

submitted by /u/9for9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What does moving average mean in terms of weight loss?

What is moving average in terms of weight loss?

I have recently downloaded the happy scale app and there is an option for moving average? What does this mean? Is it when you weigh yourself everyday and then they determine your average weight loss in a week?

I usually weigh myself every Saturday morning and feel like if I weighed myself everyday I might become obsessed with the number on the scale. So I may go for the 10 day low option, does that mean weigh yourself every 10 days? as they say within those days that’s when the fluctuations occur, I am very confused.

This is probably a dumb af question and I need someone to explain it to me as you would with a 12 year old bc I’m functioning on exhaustion and breastfeeding brain so words aren’t words to me anymore 😅

submitted by /u/cherievulgaire
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How does Step count to calories work?


I’ve decided to start my weight loss journey been on a calorie deficit for last 3 weeks with no exercise (to ensure diet is was in check didnt want to do much as once )

This week I’ve started incorporating some cardio in form of running/walks - I’m 30 and currently 211 lbs

My question is the following yesterday I ran with mix of walking for 30 minutes and did roughly 3.5k steps

Today I went out on a walk (no running) for about an hour and did roughly 7-8k steps

My question is:

Do you burn more calories by running but doing less steps? Or does more steps (even if its walking) equals to more calories burnt?

When I went on my run I came back very tired/sweating but when I came back from my extended walk I was still sweaty but not to same degree


submitted by /u/bigblitzx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, June 9, 2023

fitting back into clothes after weight loss possibility?

hello there

over the past years i´ve (M, 192cm, 97-98 kg now) gained some weight (~88-90 kg then) and got a little belly surrounded by fat on my hips
I noticed that i dont really fit into old clothes anymore, especially jackets and T-shirts >
80% of those are size L. They feel a bit "tiny" nowadays so therefore I´d like to ask if some of you were in similiar situations and managed to get back to your old weight in order to fit into those clothes again and if that worked out for you or is it simply not possible for some reason? Gotta be honest and confess that i feel shit about not fitting into these clothes, on some jackets i can barely close the jacket anymore.
Would love some feedback.

submitted by /u/term902
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from loseit - Lose the Fat