Friday, September 29, 2023

How to be happy about weight loss progress with body dysmorphia?

I always teeter back and forth between weight loss and weight gain. Once covid hit I ballooned to the biggest I have ever been. Fast forward to a few months ago: I decided to start exercising and dieting. I have lost 26 lbs/12kg so far and thought: YES! This is the answer! But I noticed that I still don't feel happy in my body, even after making great progress.

My body is disproportionate, I have huge knockers and a small toosh. I am really self conscious about this and losing the weight has made this difference much more obvious. It doesn't help that my partner is a self-proclaimed "ass man" and I sometimes catch him checking out other girls' ginormous behinds. I can see his eyes shift downward, then look away, ohhh and then look back for a double take. In that moment I feel so dejected and think "damn, when I had more weight on me at least I had more of an ass."

I feel like I know what I need to do. Things like give myself positive affirmation, remind myself that I am losing weight for myself/my long term health, get therapy... It's just so hard. I feel like every morning I wake up with 2 fighting dogs, one is named Anxiety and the other Serenity. I feel like lately I have been feeding Anxiety more and that dog is winning the fight every day.

Therapy is probably the best route but the ones that accept my insurance only have telehealth visits. I've tried to do telehealth visits in the past with 3 different therapists and I just couldn't. I don't have a dedicated space where I can be alone and it reminds me too much of work meetings. Anyways... excuse my rambling. Does the loseit community have any tips for me?

submitted by /u/madcapfrowns
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for advice

I started my weight loss journey at the beginning of August. I was able to drop 10 lb in a month.During that period I was shooting for 1400-1500 calories a day, but I lost appetite for some reason and had days that I ate less than a 1000 calorie and most days probably 1200 at the most. Now my appetite has been back and I ate 1500 calories a day and in the last three weeks have not drop a single pound. I am getting discouraged and ready to throw in the towel. What do I do? Do u need to reduce calories even further? For reference I am 5’6” and started at 175 lb and now I fluctuate btw 163-165. Thank you

submitted by /u/Emergency-Middle2650
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling guilty for putting on 2kgs.

Hey all,

The last couple of months have been quite difficult for myself and my family as we have had my younger sister in and out of hospital. As a result, i guess my body has been in overdrive the past couple of months and ive been eating foods that i probably shouldn’t be eating, even overeating.

Prior to this, i was doing really well. Was 3kgs off reaching a huge milestone goal in my weight loss journey that i’ve been aiming to reach for the last two years, but now i feel like its a struggle to reach it. Im feeling incredibly guilty and really don’t know how to change my mindset in order to get back on track with counting calories.

Also unsure of whether or not this is just water weight, because i was still 3kgs off my goal weight last week but of course have had another week of stress eating. Regardless, im stumped on how to get disciplined again and shred off the excess weight.

What do i do? Anyone experienced this before on their weight loss journey?

submitted by /u/dantstheman
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Skin Issues after Major Weight Loss

Coming on here to find help that my Doctors can’t figure out. I’m 37f and within the past 5 years I’ve lost 120lbs (364-241 current weight). My problem is between my thighs and lady area. My skin is always sore. I’ve tried everything I can think of : Epson Salt Bath, Baking Soda, Yeast Cream, Diaper Rash Cream, Baby Powder, Vaseline. Nothing helps. I’ve been tested by my OB, no infection. It’s an all year problem.

Has anyone dealt with anything like this? I’m desperate at this point and will take any advice

TIA and sorry if it was too personal to share

submitted by /u/mebenfie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV - Face Gains - 350+ to 277lbs, M31 5'9'' - Also story of restarting my weight loss.

First, the pictures:

Taken at about 340

Taken around 320lbs

Taken at 285

I started this off in December of last year at about 350lbs. My goal is to at least get to the lowest I've been in my adult life of 240.

But I had done this journey about 8 years ago, when I went from 340 to 240 through working out and changing eating habits. But even maintaining that weight for over a year, I was always starving. I was eating plenty of clean and lean protein, green vegetables, and plenty of food. But I always found myself hungry, no matter how much I ate.

So I talked to my doctor, who referred me to a bariatric team, who determined that surgery might be the best course of action for me. So I worked with them for 6 months to get a gastric sleeve, returning to my original eating habits of lean protein, clean veggies, low carbs, and high cardio workouts (Which I had already been doing for about a year anyways, just upped it even more). Before the surgery, I had went from 350-315. Post surgery, I'm now at 277 today.

I was against surgery for my entire life, but I decided to talk with the bariatric team since my doctor referred me to them. And they explained why I was so hungry even when I was maintaining my weight. A lifetime of overeating had stretched my stomach out. And because of that, there are hormones in your stomach that tell you how hungry you should be. And if your stomach gets too stretched out for decades of overeating, it can cause an imbalance.

So taking out a portion of the stomach will rebalance it.

Now let me be clear: I am not recommending weight loss surgery. I would be losing this weight without the surgery just fine, and that's also what I needed to prove to the team. This surgery is NOT to help me lose weight. It's to help me maintain it after I've lost my weight. It's to stop me from being so hungry, even when I'm maintaining my weight and eating healthy. It's to bring me back to a level of normalcy after about 30 years of overeating.

I want to be very clear: Weight loss surgery is not a solution. My doctor heard my problems, what I've tried before, and knew I could lose weight fine. I needed help with maintaining, and that's why he sent me to a bariatric team. This is not a post recommending surgery, and surgery should not be taken lightly. Post-surgery was hell for over a month. I got new problems that I didn't have before, and I was completely miserable. It's getting better now, but it can cause some deep depression if you're not careful as well, which is why they assign you a psychiatrist before surgery.

Ultimately, what helped me lose weight was taking the eating habits they've taught me, and applying it to my healthy eating habits. They taught me to slow HEAVILY down when eating. They taught me NOT to drink water when eating and waiting 30 minutes before drinking again (Drinking will cause food to absorb the water, and stretch your stomach). They taught me ways to stop myself from eating too much and too quickly (I now place my plate out of view. I've found that having food out of sight makes me slow down my eating considerably, since it's not smack in my face and constantly drawing my attention).

This ended up being a lot longer than I wanted it to be. But I felt like there was no way to really explain how WLS is not a solution without delving into why. And I wanted to be absolutely sure that nobody thought that I was recommending WLS. I'm not. The only person who should be recommending that to you is your doctor, and only if he determines that it's what you should pursue. Nobody else.

submitted by /u/Lavanthus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Feeling down- knock some sense into me so I don't give up please!

I have an event coming up in 3 weeks time. I haven't lost any weight in the last month. I didn't change anything except the last few days I've been eating at maintenance and not working out. Previously, I've been eating 1200 on average and working out 3-4x a week but still no weight loss.

I really want to feel confident at this event but I feel really down about my progress. I'm a lot heavier than I ever would have wanted to be and its dragging me down mentally. Coupled with the fact that other attendees are already judgemental of my weight- I hate the fact I'll have that attention on me.

I'm an emotional eater and I'm really struggling with the urge to drown my sorrows in food. I know it's stupid but the dread of being the size I am in a few weeks is weighing me down (literally!) 😢😢

I can't even wear the outfit I would have wanted to and I just feel like giving up. I know it's literally the dumbest thing to do but right now I just feel rubbish. The pictures from this event are gonna be passed around and out there forever, even if i do lose the weight. Would appreciate some support.

submitted by /u/anon875787578
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Are Wegovy & Ozempic more effective at appetite suppression than traditional ADHD stimulant medication?

I've been prescribed ADHD stimulant medication for almost a decade now. Of course, a common side effect that strikes some as a blessing & others a curse is that stimulants suppress appetite.

If Wegovy & Ozempic also function primarily by suppressing appetite, do they provide any additional benefits that ADHD stimulants don't? I suppose they at least have the benefit of not inflicting all of stimulants' side effects unrelated to appetite

Basically, if the mechanism whereby weight loss occurs is appetite suppression, does it matter which route I take to attain the final state of no appetite, whether by ADHD stimulants or Wegovy/Ozempic?

submitted by /u/throwaway0928a
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from loseit - Lose the Fat