Saturday, October 27, 2018

Lost 115lbs since April (this year) 475 to 360lbs, still going. Struggling to keep up this same weight loss rate.

Late March this year my boss pulled me in the back of our store and said he was fed up with me. I came into work, did nothing and expected a check for it. He sent me home after telling me he'd let me go if things didn't change. I had constant back pain, was perpetually hungover from alcoholism, and generally had a very negative attitude. At the time I had just bought an expensive sportscar that I now realize I couldn't afford and was a very stupid decision overall.

That very night, while binge drinking (business as usual, 6 nights a week for about 2.5 years) I stood on a scale for whatever reason, ashamed to find out I was nearly five hundred pounds. 4000~5000 calories a day between fast food, alcohol and melting cheese onto whatever gelatinous pile of edible mush that I could. Fast forward to this day and I'm doing 1000 to 1800 calories per day (<- *mostly, keep reading). I also started walking and doing laps in my pool on my days off. Dieting is particularly difficult for me because I am allergic to most fruits, all nuts and most sea food, so the vast majority of the Keto diet was and still is out of the question. Surprisingly, the very basis of this diet I've developed for myself has been generally pastas, beef, chicken and potatoes. I've got more energy than I have since my childhood and my back now can sustain ten hours of moderate work effort with minimal pains. I'm still struggling with alcoholism to this day. At least once a week (usually twice) I binge drink until I pass out, and i almost always guilt myself into tears the following day whilst miserably hungover. The withdrawals are difficult sometimes. Obviously those days exceed 3000 calories, as your standard ounce of flavorless vodka is around 70 calories, plus whatever mixer (often mixing vodka with wine coolers), and at my heaviest I would drink a liter in 5 or 6 hours. To this day I have no other vent..

Regardless, I've made it this far and it's already been life changing. At 475lbs, I couldn't fit in my friend's cars. I had to exclusively buy clothes at Casual Male XL. I was a 6LT-X and now I fit in a 3XL-T, 62~64 inch waist and now i'm a 46~48. I can almost buy clothes anywhere now, and I can nearly fit into the clothes I wore in highschool. My boss is thrilled overall and I have become all-around one of the best employees. It goes without saying I've been horribly overweight my entire life. I just want to look in the mirror and not be disgusted for once in my life.

TLDR; lost lot of weight, still very fat, need diet advice but allergic to fish/nuts/fruit, struggling with booze addiction, willing to try pretty much anything.

Progress pictures so far:

submitted by /u/j4ckn1fe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Being a people pleaser has ruled my life.

Today, I was supposed to hang out with this guy I kinda like. He bailed at the last minute. While his reason for bailing is totally legitimate (work & schoolwork), I too have work & schoolwork to do but did not bail.

After getting his text, I thanked the universe for looking out for my senseless ass. I also got kind of annoyed that he cancelled on me for something that I SHOULD have cancelled on him for. I actually have no business hanging out with the amount of deadlines and work I have coming up. I could definitely use the sleep and downtime. But, I was still rushing through my work and rearranging my entire life to make it happen. Basically, I didn't want to cancel because we'd already talked about it. In my world if I say I'll do something I just do it despite how difficult following through makes my life. Also, he is cute and a good kisser.

Cue spending the next three hours recounting and overanalyzing every interaction we've ever had so I can assess how much of an idiot I've come across as for being transparent about my feelings and trying to make the person I like feel happy and liked. Cue also devising a sinister plan to learn how to put myself first and establish healthy boundaries.

Because our plans were cancelled, and instead of working on said school work, I've spent lots of time thinking about my weird decision making skills that almost always result in making life more comfortable for those around me. Why am I always bending over backwards for people around me and putting myself last? Why does it always seem so easy for the people around me to prioritize themselves? When is it okay to say maybe next time and take care of me first? How much of a chump do I look like for always being available (even when I'm technically not)?

Then it hit me. This kind of "selfless" thinking & behavior has not only affected my self-esteem/concept of self-worth, It's also affected my ability to have healthy relationships (platonic & romantic) my weight, body image, and relationship with food for probably my entire life. So much of who I am is rooted in what people think of me. So many times when I've lost weight, thought I need to lose weight, gained weight or did anything else, like blink, breathe, or participate in other life supporting involuntary actions there has been this lingering question of "am I good enough?"

There have been so many times that I've concealed, downplayed, or even given up my efforts to lose weight or eat healthily because I don't want to make my friends or acquaintances feel uncomfortable or I didn't want to get called out for wanting to change. Or because I don't feel confident enough to handle a conversation about why I wanted to change.

Another part of it was questioning my own motives. I couldn't tell if I was losing weight for me, or if it was another attempt to be good enough. For a long time it felt like losing weight and succeeding was an acknowledgement that I wasn't good enough for all of those overweight years and I won't/wouldn't be good enough as long as I remain(ed) overweight.

Today I also realized that my binging, self-sabotage, negative self-talk, need to let people know I wasn't this big before and am actively working on fixing it (among other shitty self-destructive behavior), is directly related to numbing this feeling of "not good enough" and stems from those moments of eating enough cookies and snacks during recess to make myself feel sick and keep me busy enough to forget that no one wanted to be my friend. I realized that I still turn to those same foods when I'm feeling low not because they're tasty, but because they help numb disappointments that feel like declarations of "You're still not good enough."

It makes me sad when I realize the thing that's been holding me back this whole time in reaching my weight loss (and other) goals has been myself and this stupid need to please the people around me because I believed that little voice that said "You're not good enough." It makes me sad to think that this need for acceptance from others has been more important than self-acceptance ever was. I've wasted so much of my life arranging and rearranging myself to be enough and acceptable and worthy. And before even giving myself a chance to recognize these behaviors and begin coping in healthy ways, I numbed them all with binging and berating myself. And when I got close to reaching my goals (weight related, academic, social etc), I screw it up because of that part of me that echoes those four stupid words

So I guess despite getting in my feelings about getting cancelled on and feeling like an always available idiot who is too available even when I have other stuff to do, I realized a couple of things today. I realized it's okay to put myself first sometimes and that the people I like won't stop liking me if I occasionally need to cancel plans. And if they do stop liking me, maybe they only liked me because of what I contributed to their life. I realized that it's possible to have a mutually beneficial and healthy relationship where you sometimes have to change plans because you just have too much going on. I also realized that writing out my feelings via really long reddit posts forces me to actually feel my feelings (instead of trying to bury them in Cheetos) and helps me to process instead of letting it fester.

TL;DR - a guy I kinda like cancelled plans for a normal reason and after getting in my feelings, I had an epiphany about how being a people pleaser is why I binge, am still overweight and struggle with self-esteem.

submitted by /u/ErikaBerger
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss brief, hope it will help anyone. Originally wrote it as a reply to someone, decided to post it here.

I can only say what I did and hope it helps. From 92kg to 74 now.

Basically, I started running outdoors, didn't change the eating. Started at 10 min and had to sit down for a while. Next time 12 minutes and kept adding until I could run 30 minutes slowly.

Kept at it 3 times a week, and aimed at increasing speed, lost about 7kg in a few months.

Eating habits begun to improve naturally because of that. Gradually reduced portions but never cut anything, always have one snack a day.

One thing I did was moving breakfast on weekends to lunch. Since it's my favorite, I realized instead of having a big breakfast, lunch and dinner, I can have a medium- small BF (bananas and coffee, or yogurt) and a normal BF for lunch, which is kind of a cheat day but full enjoyment. Just from that switch I lost 2-3 kg. And it's mostly on weekends.

Then, reached about 78-80 and was ok and kept it for a few years, but after turning 40 I started to gain weight, so I increased running time to an hour, slower pace of course, and added bicyle and swimming, an hour each, total 3-4 sessions a week of one of these, and now 74kg (175cm) It took 15 years but it's a part of my life and I eat everything I like, but normal portions. Sometimes I'll have a salad bar dinner, which is ok too.

My takeaways- Start cardio exercise slowly and build up. Try a few things that you can do 3-4 times a week. A GREAT alternative for running is incline fast walking on a treadmill (12-15% at a speed that makes you sweat. You can play with the incline as you want, eg. alternate flat, 10%,15% every few minutes)

Eat- what you like just reduce portions, less meat, more vegs. Sounds simple but it takes time. Anyways, hope any of this helps anyone. Good luck.

submitted by /u/OMB2018
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, October 26, 2018

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Saturday, 27 October 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss and Appetite?

I’ve been searching online, but most of what I have found on the subject talks about the opposite effect.

I have recently lost around 75 lbs (~220lbs - 145lbs) and over the last month or so I’ve begun to really lose my appetite. I haven’t any other strange symptoms, just don’t really want to eat much (if at all). I will normally only crave some coffee in the morning and then not really want to eat anything for the remainder of the day.

Has anyone else experienced this? I’ve talked to people who have also lost rather dramatic amounts of weight, but they say that they only felt like they wanted to eat less and retained an appetite. I’m planning to make an appointment with my primary care physician this coming month, but just wanted to reach out to others in order to see if this is something they have experienced.

Basics: 33/F/5’ (152.4cm)/145lbs (starting weight ~220). ~1200 calorie diet (before I began experiencing absolutely no appetite).

Hopefully this formats correctly!

submitted by /u/vulpes_squared
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I know this is a dumb question ...

... but I need reassurance because I’m about to engage in HealthyWage and I want to make sure I understand fully how CICO truly works before I throw money at it.

I fiddled with a weight loss calculator and to reach my goal healthily (196lbs, female, looking to be 135) in 6 months, I’d need to eat 1.4K a day. If I stick to that and move around and such - I can do that, right? It’s basic math, right? Even if I theoretically ate 1.4K worth of Reese’s a day and that’s it, I’d still lose the weight within those 6 months?

I know it’s not easy, but it just seems to simple ... any insight is appreciated!!

submitted by /u/sybillaupton
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Scared myself healthwise because of weight loss (19M/5'10)

I was pretty damn fat for quite a while, for the last few years i've was around 120/130 kg. Now i've hit 90kg, but that means bones have started showing up all over my body that i couldn't be noticed, seen before because of all the fat. This is where the health scare comes in. I was running my hand down my neck and all of a sudden i came across a hard, painless lump above my adams apple. You can guess what conclusion my dumb ass brain immediatly jumped too. I had already started planning my will as soon as i touched it. After a little panicking i looked it up and whaddaya know turns out it's the thyroid notch. I had just literally never seen or felt it before because of all the fact on my neck.

submitted by /u/Harry_mcpotter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat