Friday, November 16, 2018

What's the best regular weight to lose?

Hi. I'm 3 weeks into a Transform 6 (T6) thing at my local gym. 6 weeks of extra gym work and watching what I eat. Main thing I want to get out of it is how to enjoy the gym rather than see it as dragging myself there to exercise, and to be conscious of my food.

Currently I have lost 6lb in 3 weeks and loving my new gym life!!

My worry is when this ends and I allow myself cheat meals and alcohol again (going clean for now) the steady weight loss would end. My ideal is that I lose at least a lb a week, no more than 2, but is it ok to have a week or 2 where I don't lose any? I'm worried I'll get lazy once this T6 block is over and enjoy the cheat life again.

Also is a lb or 2 a week a realistic target?

submitted by /u/Straight_Boomerang
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else get “midnight” cravings? How can I help resist?

It is so weird, like during the day I don’t get much cravings, i’m pretty good at controlling what I eat, but then for some reason when its late at night I start to say ‘fuck it’ for some reason and start munching out and I lose control.

I don’t know if that’s normal or if i’m just weird like that. Like yesterday I had a good day of eating, then at night I ate a bunch of ham and had a chewy bar then I really ‘relapsed’ on food when I decided to hit the store and have a big ass breakfast burrito. Anyone else get cravings like that mainly at night?

Luckily i’m not really gaining weight cause I do exercise a lot, but my weight loss has been stagnant and it is really making me mad. I’ve gone from 242 to 182 from New Years till now, and right now is the hardest time ive had losing weight even though im exercising more than I ever have in my whole life.

submitted by /u/iFunnyHistory
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss w/ PCOS, no Gallbladder, and half a pancreas

Hey all!

I’m just looking for some advice. I’ve recently been diagnosed with PCOS and would like to know how people with PCOS or similar conditions work out, eat, and lose weight? Any advice/routines/meal plans are happily appreciated! I currently sit at 208 and have a gw of 160. I’m very active ( climb, bike, etc.) and have always been pretty muscular, but as of last year I’ve had some health issues and had some weight gain because of it. My gallbladder was removed which was causing the problem, as was half my pancreas, so you could say my issue’s a bit unique. I’m looking for some advice on a diet and work out regime for PCOS and lack of gallbladder. I’m pretty unfamiliar with what to do about most of it, so any help/advice/kind words would be awesome!

Thank you so much!

submitted by /u/EleanorBruisevelt19
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 150 pounds and I dont think its an accomplishment

my title pretty much says it all (and pending on the reaction to this, this may just be a throwaway).

my obesity had always been a problem in my life and im super glad that i figured it out at 22 years old and lost 150 pounds (Starting at 310 and now 160 and just 5'8") but i dont really view it as a real accomplishment.

Career goals, running a marathon, starting a family, to me, those are real accomplishments.

I more so view my weight loss as just kind of cleaning up my own mess if that makes sense. Like, im the one who stuffed my face everyday for 18 years. My obesity was my fault. Is fixing my own fuck up really an accomplishment?

now, of course, my friends and family dont see it that way. And dont get me wrong, i appreciate their kind words and all but to me, im like "well, you guys were always skinny and you never got praise, so, why should i?" My friends and families praise just makes me feel really awkward, ESPECIALLY my mom's, she throws me a "im so proud of you" everyday. it almost makes me feel like when a 4 year old child brings his mom a shitty finger painting he made an art class and then she hangs it up on the fridge.

And Look, i know im being an asshole about the whole thing and i know alot of you guys are really proud of your weight loss but i just genuinely dont feel the pride.

I see weight-loss insta models feel pure happy and joy about their before and after pics and i just envy that joy. I look back at my fat pics with pure embarrassment and instead of embracing my weight loss journey, i just prefer to forget that i was ever fat.

Again, i know im being a debbie downer and i know i have self-esteem issues that i still need figuring out but does anyone else feel the way that i feel?

submitted by /u/TonyTheTiger96
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m either plateauing hardcore or doing something wrong

Have been trying to lose weight the last 8 months. Original weight range was 132-137. After turning 25, metabolism must have changed because normal dieting techniques (smoothie diet, extreme low calorie days) and workout routine (3-4 days a week of cardio, some HIIT classes) weren’t working anymore. Instead, while doing these things, I gained 10lbs even though I was working out almost 7 days a week doing more strength training/HIIT classes and eating “healthier” (aka more salads and chicken). Sure, some of body (legs especially and arms) have grown more toned but areas like my stomach and face are getting rounder.

Fast forward a few months later, I’m traveling a lot for work and thus not able to maintain my own cooking and same workout schedule. My new normal is now 144-148. I don’t look as heavy as I did when I was this weight in high school due to the toning but I hate how round my face and stomach are now.

I’m now not traveling and trying to eat mainly chicken and salad. I try to cut calories, keto worked for a bit, and I still workout 3-4 days a week. I’ve added new things to my workout like aqua exercise and yoga but even on days of hard workouts, I don’t see a change.

TLDR: old weight loss methods of smoothie diets, keto, low calorie days aren’t working after turning 25. Working out heavily has only boost muscle mass but isn’t contributing to weight loss. Don’t know what else to do.

submitted by /u/keeflennon43
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

High school gym coach ran into me at Starbucks and told me I look back to myself. First person to make a big deal about my weight loss, and gave me a ton of confidence and drive to keep going.(24F 189 -> 148)

I gained 35lb in a little under a year due to a really unhappy time in my life. At my worst the scale hit 189. I am now down to 148 over (first 20 lost over 8 months, last 20 lost over 3 months).

My high school swim coach goes to my same gym, so she saw me 20lb heavier 3 months ago. Today she ran into me at Starbucks and she ran right up to me and grabbed me by both my arms and she looked me right in the eyes and told me I look amazing. She was just so happy and excited for me!

She told me I look like I’m myself again, and honestly I feel like myself again. Because I gained the weight so fast, I didn’t fit into any of my clothes. I was wearing basically leggings and loose shirts (that were actually tight because of how much bigger I had gotten). I had no confidence. I never felt cute, so I just stopped trying. I didn’t do my hair or my makeup. But now, I fit into my clothes again. I am not busting out of all my shirts and feeling super uncomfortable all the time. I feel CONFIDENT. I want to wear makeup and do my hair and talk to people and live my life to the fullest!

I was in a tiny bit of gym lull the last few weeks, but this moment really has sparked me back up to be the best I can be. Sometimes I wonder if people in my life think it will be offensive to mention they’ve noticed my weight loss? I’m unsure, but I honestly (maybe conceitedly) wish more people would say something, and most importantly I am SO thankful to my old coach :)

submitted by /u/purplepeapods
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

An extremely slow Before and After

Edit: photo link didn't work

28F, 5'5" SW 153lbs CW 135lbs GW ?

Measurement change: I really only measure the largest waist size at the biggest spot. I started at about 36.5 inches and am currently at 33 inches :)

The before is from January right at the start of my weight loss and the after was actually taken last month. It's just taken me that much time to develop the courage to post.

It's strange. I never thought I would be here. It was so slow that I didn't even know it was happening. Then I took that picture for comparison.


Let me preface this by saying I never truly suffered from being overweight or obese. I played like 342 sports at a time through elementary/middle school. I ran XC/played soccer in high school. College and grad school were all about that education. I played a few intramurals here and there, but nothing that I truly stuck with(although I did train and complete a half marathon for one semester in college, no notable weight loss during that period, unsurprisingly!) I have never really been all that excited about my body either. Like to the point where I was(am??) embarassed to undress into a swimsuit in front of people. When you're approaching 30 and still that self-conscious….I don't know. It seems a bit ridiculous. When was I going to grow up and get a grip? One of my friends actually approached me about it and he told me he felt I needed more self-confidence. I was annoyed at the time, but he was totally right. I did.

Before my "come to jesus" moment earlier this year, I did discover CICO back at the tail end of 2014 when I was finishing up with my education. I was 24 going on 25. I think I was up to 147 at that point, and decided I wanted to fit into my pants properly again. I was still living with the parents without much a care in the world other than getting through school. I successfully lost about 11lbs and was feeling good. But then I did something crazy….I stopped tracking.

I graduated in 2015 and wallowed in self pity while applying to multiple jobs through the end of 2015. I finally got a position in November. I was so proud of all my hard work to get there! But you know what I did? I focused on my job and not me. It was a stressful few years of learning my position, and I packed on some lbs. I got up to 155(highest recorded weight) around Nov. 2017.

None of my pants fit. It was annoying. I have always been a fairly active individual, but it was hard to justify activity after 10 hour shifts. The most exercise I was getting was walking my dog. I didn't feel like myself. I didn't take care of myself with healthy food. I wasn't even taking care of my skin. Like, who doesn't use moisturizer? So strange. I live in Michigan, too. You definitely need moisturizer here…

Anyway, I decided to get my shit in gear and lose weight for the summer. I started in February-Marchish and knew there wouldn't be a huge difference to the summer, but I figured you have to start somewhere. I also chose a super low level deficit. Like around 1500-1600 calories. You don't see a lot of progress at that level of deficit, but I figured I could at least try and see how I did. I also get ridiculously hangry, so a super high deficit was not compatible with mine nor everyone else's welfare.

Another change I made was getting back to a fitness-oriented lifestyle. I LOVE sports. I am so competitive(too competitive?) It's like I forget I'm working out when I play them. I joined a meetup soccer league and met a few people who asked me to play in a formal league with them, and now I play 1-2x/week. In an effort to stay in shape, I also started lifting(currently running Phraks because it's simple and easy) 2-3x/week. Another love I discovered in my journey is rock climbing. Please go try it! It's so fun. I really need some friends to climb with, though. Hard to climb alone :D haha


Here I am. Not even a year later and I fit in my old pants again. At first, I was mad because I had actually bought new work pants that don't fit at all now. But that's what belts are for, I guess. I fit into a lot of old stuff too, which was not an option at my higher weight. My leggings don't flip over/slide down on my belly where I would constantly having to be pulling them up. I sized down in scrubs at work! My arms are slimmer and my tops don't pull as tight across my shoulders. I swear I walk/stand with more confidence. I am making a stronger effort to look people in the eye. I'm a real person, I deserve to be noticed, and I don't need to hide when wearing a swimsuit in public. I know my body isn't perfect, and it will never be, but I can't describe how proud I am of this loss, even if it's minimal compared to most on this sub!

My plan is to continue on my current deficit(usually around 1600-1700 calories) until I am happy with my abdomen. Not sure that's ever gonna happen, but I definitely don't want to quit tracking just yet because I don't need a backslide like last time.

r/loseit, r/xxfitness, r/fitness, r/1200isplenty (disclaimer-NO IT'S NOT FOR ME) were all integral in my success. I learned so much through everyone sharing their tips, recipes and experiences. I just hope that I can return the favor!

submitted by /u/throwitoutallofit159
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from loseit - Lose the Fat