Monday, November 19, 2018

Is anyone else’s Why for their mental health?

I know that losing weight and exercising helps me feel happiness (exercising gives off endorphins and happy people don’t kill their husbands, they just don’t) because it’s worked in the past rather remarkably. The last 4-odd years have been some of the worst for me mentally speaking, with ptsd, depression, and anxiety that alone has reached the highest I’ve ever had plus the highest that my psychiatrist (who does therapy too) has ever seen lol. Go me.

So I decided after sustaining a minor knee injury that’s not going away, to join weight watchers because I’ve had great success before and they teach the basics in a way I can understand and follow easily. So far, almost 2 months later, I’ve lost 21 pounds. Knee still hurts but I’m 279 pounds so that’s not shocking.

So I guess what I’m asking is for those of you that are doing your weight loss for your mental health, or if you have sound advise, how do you keep eating when you’re not hungry but are at a huge calorie deficit (with a lot of points left)? How do you push your mental health thoughts of ‘nah I can’t be bothered to do x’ and go for that walk or go to the gym or meal prep or throw all those ingredients into the crockpot and turn it on or maybe just the act of going to the grocery store? I feel like I’m battling two wars at once: weight loss and climbing out of mental hell.

I’ve already quit drinking and quit smoking weed. I have a buddy system in weight watchers with my mom whom I live with right now. I have the capability and means to do everything I need to, but the energy is lacking. If I just get moving, I have hope that it’ll come back, but it’s just a cycle of excuses. At this point idk if saying it’s because of the mental health is just an excuse too or not.

TLDR I have ptsd, severe anxiety, and depression that are making it hard to get moving or eat or go grocery shopping or cook ahead let alone for the meal at the time. How can I get past the thoughts of ‘I can’t be bothered to x’ (do those) or ‘I have no energy to do x’ (do those)?

HW: 316 SW: 300 CW: 279 GW: 155 Height: 5’10 Female

submitted by /u/SavorySausages
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I screwed up today - 1300 cals over

Been maintaining a 35 pound weight loss for around 2 years now. About a month ago I decided to actually commit to losing the last 10 pounds in preparation for my vacation in January. I've actually been doing pretty good, for the most part. I'm 4 pounds away from my goal and losing weight pretty steady at 2 pounds a week, although I only aim for a 1lb loss per week. I think I'm more active than I give myself credit for.

Anyway, I went out with some friends tonight and probably set myself up for failure by eating all of my calories for the day before I went. The thing is, well....I can't say no to desserts. I just can't, sue me. I ended up going a good 1300 calories over my limit. That's literally more calories than I eat in an entire day (I'm short and sedentary so I stick to 1200 usually).

I just feel shitty about it. I usually go over by 100-200 one or two days a week but it's easier to brush those off by saying "it's okay, tomorrow is a new day you'll just do better tomorrow." But 1300 is a lottttttt. Enough to screw up my goal for the week. I don't know, I hate feeling guilty about food. In some ways weight loss has improved my relationship with food. I'm a lot more conscious of overeating and getting proper nutrition than I ever was when I was overweight. But I think I've also become a little obsessed with the number on the scale, which obviously isn't a super healthy mindset.

Anyway, I just wanted to get that off my chest. If there's anyone who can relate to my plight, I know it's you folks.

submitted by /u/_thatlldo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!
The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: I made cookies and didn't eat all of them!

I have been back on the dieting and working out train for about two weeks now, and am adjusting my palate to healthier foods and eating less processed food, but today I had a craving for some cookies. I normally bake a lot and haven't been since I've been dieting but read something the other day about intuitive eating so figured why not. I made them and managed to only eat 2, and I was actually able to really enjoy them. I didn't desire to eat any more (normally I'd scarf down the whole tray), and was able to pack the rest away and share them with roommates. I think it's so important to remember that if you want to maintain your weight loss that your diet has to be sustainable for the rest of your life. Keeping in mind that I'm gonna have shitty food cravings and just letting myself have those things when I want them is what's going to keep me sane and not binge. Not sure if anyone else feels the same. Focus on healthy foods but if you want something special, treat yourself! You're still going to keep losing. :)

submitted by /u/samanthasharxn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Facegains from April to November

This has been 6 months of good choices. Going to the gym. Drinking more water. Cutting caffeine. Eating clean. Never going hungry. Taking vitamins. Apple cider vinegar. Cardio challenges with friends. Also sometimes eating cheesecake. Never going hungy ever. Good choices upon good choices. Building one after another.

My best advice to anyone facing a big weight loss challenge: consider every choice one at a time. Each one matters. Just because your last choice was bad does NOT mean the whole day is lost. Binged during one meal? That is just one choice in a day of hundreds of choices. Drink your water. Do your work out. Understand that your War is so much bigger, and focus on each small battle individually. You are going to be the accumulation of your choices, so if you made 20 bad ones and 200 good ones--well, Sugar, you won the War.

Congratulate yourself on every good decision you make. Slowly make the good decisions your habit. You will eventually feel like you're a thin person inside a shrinking body, and you're just biding your time until it shows.

I wish I had started weighing myself at the beginning, but I am now 250 with 90 pounds to go. Down down down!!

submitted by /u/rainbowcountry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss advice from someone who never thought they could be this confident.

Advice from someone who went from 255 to 200 in the span of January to November and became a confident weight lifter.

Start slow. NEVER say I’m getting rid of this food (when you’re starting out). You like soda? Ok, try to drink water or unsweet tea at one of your meals. You like French fries? Try eating half of a portion or if possible branching out and replacing them with sweet potato fries (I prefer sweet potato fries now!).

I started out using Weight Watchers. Their program is absolutely fantastic for beginners. Now I’m working with a personal trainer with dieting and workouts, but weight watchers is a great starting point! You can also use My Fitness Pal, but using it requires learning some nutrition basics.

BEFORE YOU BEGIN WORKING OUT: get your diet right! Have a plan, do you want to lose weight? Then do cardio and more cardio. Beware, this option may have a drawback with more loose skin. Want to replace fat with muscle? Take it slow, and learn what protein is.

Try to find an exercise you like. Personally I absolutely love weightlifting, but don’t think that weightlifting or running are your only two options. Swimming, boxing, yoga, tennis, basketball, biking, and hiking are all options. Just find a form of exercise you love and stick with it.

The hardest part is starting. If you take it slow, YOU WILL be successful. Don’t start big (especially this week on Thanksgiving). Start slow and make changes periodically.

And yes, if done correctly, your confidence will EXPLODE! Trust me.

submitted by /u/Nate20ASU
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from loseit - Lose the Fat