Friday, November 23, 2018

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Saturday, 24 November 2018

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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New around here, and I want to say thank you for reinforcing all the good habits I've been building.

When I first started my weight loss journey at about 210 pounds, it was based on a research binge (I have those). I was learning all this cool stuff about keto, and IMF, and the reasons complex sugars (the sugars that make you fat) are so undeniably terrible for you. I started implementing my research as an experiment, and it felt awesome.

The way I am as a person, I had to tell all my family and friends about all the awesome information I've learned and how they should use that information to improve their lives too... but people wouldn't believe me. I'd talk about how added sugars are awful and how saturated fats aren't linked to heart disease, and people would shut me down for saying that the stuff they enjoy isn't healthy. I'd hear how I was disregarding the medical expertise of doctors, even though nutrition is a constantly evolving field that was a lot less understood even ten years ago. Fat acceptance stuff didn't help either. I knew consciously it was bull but it was always tempting to fall into accepted mediocrity.

I was feeling great because of my dietary changes, but I felt really disheartened at the lack of support. Over the summer I let all my habits devolve back to how they used to be. I gained weight over the summer, and it felt awful. I redoubled my efforts and I started seeing my workout buddy (and long time best friend) a lot more often. He's been staying at my place for a few weeks now and it's the best thing that's happened to me weight wise.

And then there's this sub. I didn't know this community existed until a couple months ago when I started using Reddit a lot more. Knowing that there are so many people who've completed a harder weight loss journey than me is inspiring and motivating to me: if someone who started out double my weight is now at my target weight, why not me too? This sub is like the world's most wholesome echo chamber. Instead of promoting a toxic ideology, the idea being echoed is "being healthy will pay off in the long run, we support you and your journey."

Just knowing that there's a such a big community to support me combined with my work out buddy has led me to lose so much fat. I've lost thirty pounds, and while my weight loss has stagnated since then I've been gaining muscle. I went down a clothing size since August even though I've barely lost weight since then, so I know I'm still doing well. Thanks to all of you for being an island of support in a sea of lazy <3

submitted by /u/Is_A_Healer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I took another path yesterday and it was fine. (Progress Pics)

So yesterday I accidentally signed myself up for a 5 mile race. I meant to sign up for a 5k with my wonderful friend at work who loves to run, too, and her daughter. We laughed about how I had signed up for 5 miles and there was no way I was going to do that... ha ha ha. We got to the race. I ran up the hill and got to the half-way point. It was ahead of me. And to the right was the continuation of the 5 mile run... I looked at my time. I knew that if I turned around and finished the 5K I would have smashed my PR by a longshot. I have been training hard to get my time down. But I also didn't think it would register because I was signed up for a 5 mile. At the very last second this tiny little voice in my head told me, "You could do this. You can just keep going. It won't be that bad. It won't take that long. Other people are doing it... just go." So I did.

I kept running. I text my friend and told her "Don't wait outside for me. I went rogue." And I just kept going. I ran through a beautiful park with icy ponds and little ducks swimming on the thawed edges. I ran through fallen leaves and past fluffy dogs. I just kept going. I got high fives from a police officer and a grandpa who was cheering everyone on at the top the last hill. Other 5 mile runners came back to the course and were screaming for everyone running by and waving at me. Strangers all along the route were cheering me on. And when I got to the last quarter mile, the last stretch, I just kept encouraging myself with this inner dialog: "This is the kind of thing you have worked so hard for. You have lost weight so that you could run again. You’ve lost 130lbs! You have trained and run almost every day for the last 8 months in order to do something like this. You can do this. You can do ALL of this. If you can run 5 miles, you can keep losing weight. You can put in more effort than you have been. You are totally capable of this and so much more. YOU CAN do this."

Then I got to the last block of the race. My friend's daughter was yelling out of their car window to me "YOU GOT THIS! YOU CAN DO IT! YOU'RE ALMOST DONE!" Then her fiancé ran up to me to give me a high five and kept running with me to the end while I kept blubbering, "I did it. I'm almost there. I'm almost done. I did it. I ran the whole thing!" and he's just nodding and laughing until I told him, "I mean I did it. I ran the whole thing. I ran five miles!" and he laughed at me with this shocked look and high fived me again. I saw my friend right ahead of me yelling and screaming my name and I just started sobbing the second I crossed the finish line. She said, "Oh my god. Did you just run the whole thing? The whole 5 miles?" And all I could do was nod and sob, "I did it! I really did it!"

I was filled with so much pride and overwhelmed with what I had just done. I made a vow to myself while I was getting hugged by my friends with tears streaming down my face that I needed to be THIS PROUD of myself every day for what I have done. They were all so proud of me… why wasn’t I that proud of myself all the time? What did my friends and family see in me every day that I can’t seem to make myself see most days? I’m still trying to figure it out… but I owe it to myself to try harder, be kinder to myself, and give myself credit for the things I accomplish.

I have been thinking about posting an update for a little while but for the past couple of months my weight loss has been stagnant, and I wasn't feeling very upbeat about looking back on the last year. The good news is, I managed to maintain my weight over a period of two months by tracking my intake and keeping up with my running. The bad news is, I was not caring that much during that time about myself or losing weight so I did not lose anything and I'm a little bit disappointed that I "wasted" that time when I could have been losing. But... I trained hard and I learned a lot during that time, mostly about how to take better care of my whole self and not just lose weight. I spent so much of my life before I started losing weight really putting everyone else’s wants and needs before mine. I have put my life on hold, essentially, to cater to people around me. Some of it, like providing for my daughter and her needs, is fine. Some of it has been detrimental to my mental and physical health and I have put a stop to it. I have slowly begun to see the me I know I really am come to light.

It has taken me almost 11 months to lose 130lbs. I went from a size 34 jeans to a size 22, which is the smallest I have ever worn as an adult. Prior to this week and my epic run, I was 2lbs away from the lowest weight I have seen since I was probably in middle school. In the last 11 months I went from having pain with just walking across my office to being able to run... to yesterday running a 5 mile race. Every time I catch myself telling myself I should have lost more... I should be running faster... I should be doing more… I just stop and look at how far I have come.

If yesterday didn’t exactly go as you had planned, remember it is just one day in time. Today, tomorrow, any day is an opportunity to start fresh. To appreciate all you have accomplished. To set new goals. To take better care of yourself. Please practice forgiveness and acceptance as we move through the holidays and into the new year. Be good to each other. And to yourself. I’ll see ya’ll for another update in a couple months.

TLD; I "accidentally" ran a 5 mile race. For those who just came for progress pics: Side by Side and another Side by Side, some Face Gains, Deadly side-eye and a bonus picture of me crying after the race

submitted by /u/alethalcombination
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Question about flat stomachs: If you didn't/don't have one, would you be more focused on achieving that goal before gaining muscle and filling out your frame?

Simple question. I'd love to hear your opinions, especially from those who do have a flat stomach, and even more especially I'd love to hear from those who didn't always have flat stomachs and have since achieved that goal. I have a feeling once I obtain this goal, my first and foremost, will be to keep my flat stomach above all else. I'm trying to meditate on my goals for the next 3 months and how I want them to play out.

The reasons for this 3 month focus is twofold. 1. I do better when I have goals that follow the S.M.A.R.T. guidelines and 2. I'm going back to school at that time. I've had my eyes set on losing 165 lbs before going back to school, and I'm less than 25 lbs away from that now. It would mean a lot to achieve that goal and head back to school with that confidence; with the confidence to make it to classes and not be in a puddle of sweat like I was 140 lbs ago, and the confidence of having something I've never had... a visible 6 pack. I'm working pretty hard, I've moved up to 75lbs dumbbell decline bench crunches, and my diet is on point. Ketosis, 20:4 fasting most days, hitting my macros such that I've gained strength all throughout the past 11 months where I've lost 140 lbs, I'm not doing bad. My only reservation is that I have gained quite a bit of muscle, I fill out my frame like I did when I was 18, and I'm afraid if I focus too heavily on weight loss I might not retain as much of that muscle as I could while still obtaining my fat-loss results.

submitted by /u/Brockelley
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

350 to 265, -85 lbs. Before and after pics

I have been overweight since I was a little kid, and I am finally able to stick with weight loss by doing CICO with my partner. Today, we were able to go Black Friday shopping at "normal" clothing stores for the first time, and I wanted to share a pic that showed me how far I've come along. It kind of surprised me because I usually still see myself as the size I originally was, so it's nice to see some of the progress.

Before Before 2 Before 3

After After 2

To get here, I've been doing 1500cal per day, plus one cheat day per week. This let me push off cravings to the end of the week, kept my binging to what I could handle in one day, and also made for a nice date night where we didn't have to worry about calories. Lots of spaghetti, lots of grilled chicken breast, lots of Swerve as sweetener, lots of black coffee to ward hunger off. I also stopped drinking any calories, including alcohol, which is never a bad thing. I am still about 60lbs off my goal, but I am confident I will get there.

submitted by /u/Revofev92
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is losing only 2 to 3 lbs a week the norm?

I remember when I was younger I could lose 5lbs in a week by just eating less. 3 years ago I lost 40lbs in a few months by strictly counting calories and eating at a severe deficit of around 1000cal a day and intermittent fasting while walking a few hours every morning with some yohimbine.

Unfortunately I gained 50lbs recently due to stress mostly but I'm eating less and walking/jogging a few miles every night. However my weight loss is really slow with the most weight loss being 3lbs in 1 week.

I still get a sense of progress and feel good about it but sometimes it feels kind of bad seeing such small numbers and not really seeing a difference in the mirror.

Is this normal or should I be doing more to lose weight? I don't count calories or takes yojimbine and exercise at night. It would be hard to do what I did the first time around because I work full time now and it's hard to put in the extra effort with my meals.

I do intermittent fasting but cheat here and there. I've simply been avoiding fast food and junk food and eating less but also eating more vegetables to keep me full.

I feel like I'm putting in effort but the results seem so... lackluster. Any help would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/eustoma01
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Second time around after gaining weight back?

Well last year I was on here and had lost 35 lbs. 167 to 132/133 (from like Jan-Aug 2017)...was feeling great! Was keeping active, eating well, and on the way to reaching my goal weight (120-125). But then life got in the way--new relationship (now over), super busy with school part time and work full time, priorities shifted, etc so I decided to focus on just maintaining. The first half of 2018 I still kept counting calories (1400) consistently and relatively accurately and maintained my weight fluctuating around 133-135 (Aug-March 2018).

Then an injury and a breakup got my workout schedule and goals all out of wack and in the past few months I've put back on some weight and am hovering back around 140lbs. I know I know it's not a huge difference but I feel much less healthy than I did this time last year. Enough about the past though...I'm done making excuses and I'm ready to start what I'm calling phase TWO of my weight loss journey. I know I can do this because I've done it before but since I weigh less now I'm not sure how much to eat.

Before I had cut my calories from 1200-1400 depending on if I was working out but I'm already at a point where I think dieting has slowed my metabolism and 1400 seems like maintenance now for me (based on the time when I was tracking and maintaining). I'm going to really commit to waking up early to get a workout in so I can get back on my workout schedule and be strict about keeping to my 1300 calorie goal, but I'm worried that this will continue to just keep me in maintenance, and I don't know how much more I can really healthily cut.

Anyways I guess just asking for any tips or tricks for second time around? Ways to speed up my metabolism (I've read a lot that weight lifting can help) or how to not gain back the weight?

TLDR: gained some weight back after maintaining, want to get back to continuing towards my GW but not sure about calorie goals this time around

submitted by /u/resa41
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from loseit - Lose the Fat