Sunday, January 6, 2019

How do you not obsess?

Hi all, I'm new here, and new to the weight loss journey. Im going to preface this by saying I am diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and am on medication to help me with it.

Some background on me:

Ive never seriously put forth an effort to lose weight until now. I'm a 30 year old female and I weigh 300lbs on the dot. I started this journey on January second at 302lbs. I am type two diabetic amd I have sever Obstructive Sleep Apnea. As far as weight loss goes, I've no idea what I'm doing. There are so many different programs and plans and methods. I've always been a bad binge eater with lots of takeout, pizza, sweets, and drinking gallons of soda. So i figured I would start with the basics and change up my diet and incorporate some moderate exercise as I can.

Well it's been working very well for me and I feel really good about what I've been doing. Ive fallen in love with the challenge. I've been eating much healthier, have successfully avoided all of my cravings and battled through my weak moments (so far, lol) I've been doing moderate exercises at home (jumpingjacks, crunches, "knee" pushups) and overall trying to be more active. My abs are very sore right now, who knew there were even abs under all this mass??

The only problem I'm having is that almost every hour of the day this is what's occupying my mind. I read this subreddit and others constantly, I want to talk about it all the time. I want to go to the grocery store and buy every vegetable they have in stock so I have something acceptable to snack on; I'm always planning my next meal, asking someone for advice, or thinking about how badly I want to stick with this.

My boyfriend (not on a diet) is very supportive of me, but tells me (And I very much acknowledge this) that I'm obsessing over this. when I get home from work I tell him everything that I ate that day because I am proud, and I want to share. But I dont want to be that person. That person is annoying af. But it is essential that I follow through with this for my health.

I know that this is a very important thing for me to be doing. It is. But I dont want my entire life to circle around my weight loss journey.

Like I said, I am obsessive compulsive, and I understand that this is probably a huge part of why I'm being like this, but surely, a large life overhaul like there anyone else that obsesses over their new life choices?

I'm starting to feel bad for my poor boyfriend.

submitted by /u/7am_2bottles
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Monday, 07 January 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight and looking frayed.. How do I look better? Help!

I looked at pictures of me recently and was a little shocked. I had a wedding, I had no clue what to wear- what my hair looked like at its best, what shoes I needed to wear, how much makeup was too little/much.. I was really stressed. I think I have diet face since I have been on a deficit the past 6 months. Or maybe this is my face below all the fat.

This may not be the appropriate sub for this, but I have been obese/overweight all my life and have dressed to blend in. I didn't care how I looked and I didn't make an effort. But my face looked young and cheerful when I smiled. Now the smile is there, the youth is fading and I don't know what to do!

I am at a healthy BMI and my body suddenly looks good and the awesome grooming and style apparently doesn't magically come with weight loss.

I see people on here dressed so fab and I want basic basic tips.

I only recently started

  • plucking my eyebrows
  • applying face cream
  • picking clothes that fit my shoulder and body right
  • Paying more attention to the accessories I wear (I used to wear floaters with everything and the same watch regardless of outfit and time of day)
  • wearing some lipstick on super dressy events

So I would like some advice at life. Seems like there are a lot of men's channels that do this. I have taken from them what I can. But a lot of it is not relevant.

  • I still don't know anything about makeup. I live in a super humid place, I don't even know how much makeup is a good idea.
  • I have one dull orange handbag that I take to work everyday. It was a jansport backpack before that, everyday.
  • I alternate dull orangle sandals and black bellies to college.
  • I used to wear black hair ties everyday, now I try matching it to the color of my dress.
  • I don't do too much with my hair. It is curly. I travel in a scooter, have to wear a helmet 3X a day. It is always in a bun/pony.
  • My black hair has started greying and I want to do something about it. Do I dye all of it at home or just some of it? I don't like the idea of having to do this every month or less.

I want a very basic guide at adult life- clothes, grooming, accessories and makeup. If you could direct me to something for teens, that would be good too!

I tend to be more minimal in aesthetic as in I would rather focus on having all the essentials first.

submitted by /u/CurlyMope
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tomorrow's THE Day -- Weight in Day: 0

Hello r/loseit community!

Tomorrow is the first [official] day of my weight loss journey. Since I graduated High School last May, I have lost about 25 lbs after years of struggling with my weight. The heaviest I had ever weighed was 330 lbs, which was around the time of graduation. After two months of experimenting with different foods and meals alike, I have decided that this year, I will be meal prepping the majority of my meals. This will both help with my overall food intake and complement my lack of time brought on by my school and work schedules. Today I cooked and prepped my meals for Monday through Thursday. Just in case you are interested, my meals for the week are;

- Breakfast; Peanut/Cocoa Breakfast Bars

- Lunch; Thai Peanut Chicken

- Dinner; Cod Fillet w/ Broccoli

- Grab-Bag; Baby Carrots and Celery Sticks

I want to reach my goal weight (or something close to it) this year. I think I can do it... maybe. In May, I am going to China for my first ever solo international trip to cap off my Freshman year of college. I would like to see myself around 280 lbs by then, at least. I think I have the drive needed to accomplish this feat and thus I will be posting here once a week updating you all on my progress. The reason for this? Accountability. Giving weekly updates will help me stay on track and I hope to inspire others as so many people on this sub have inspired me.

If anyone has any advice that they would like to give me as I begin my journey, don't hesitate to comment below as I will need all of the help and support I can get. Thank you all for reading and wish me luck!

- O

submitted by /u/Obstigo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I don’t want to be a big fat party animal anymore

This is my Day 1.

I’m 21 years old, Male, 5’10”, 95kg/210lbs.

I’ve just come out of the gym for the first time in a couple of years and I can’t stop smiling. How did I forget how much I used to love this?

However, I need some advice from anyone who has been in a similar position.

When I was a kid I was a fat kid. It didn’t get me down particularly, but I didn’t actively enjoy being a fat kid. I felt like if I wanted to be a popular teenager who could get with girls I would have to lose some weight. So when I was 13 I started going to the gym above my mum’s salon and counting calories. I would eat fairly healthy things (for a 13 year old) like Uncle Ben’s rice and pre packaged prawn salads from Tesco for lunch. Soon I had lost a lot of weight and I wasn’t a fat kid. From age 13 to 16 I not only kept the weight off but started building muscles and playing rugby.

Then at 16 I started going to the pub. And I haven’t really stopped until now. At the time I remember thinking “this is’ve worked hard for three years to be a fit young you can let your hair down.” And I went out partying every weekend, going to the pub whenever I wasn’t partying, eating shit because I was hungover, smoking to look cool. And despite starting to put on a little bit of weight, I got more popular, I was a party animal! I started to think how stupid it was to go to the gym. How I used to think that going to the gym would make people like you when really alcohol made people like you. I got into a relationship with an older girl and got comfortable with this reckless lifestyle. I remember her telling me I was gaining weight and saying “yeah but when lads spend all day at the gym, the bigger dudes are getting off with their girlfriends at a party.” I genuinely believed it.

Anyway then we broke up. I drank, which made me fatter, which made me comfort eat out of anxiety, which made me fat and upset, which made me bad at sport/gym, which made me quit.

And since then I’ve maintained my weight at 95kg. I’ve done no real exercise for about three years. I go to the pub a couple of times a week, go to watch the football almost every weekend and have about 10 pints, and go to parties and uni events regularly. I have a very active social life.

Today I decided enough was enough. I spent all last night browsing this sub. Woke up and downloaded myfitness pal and after uni I went to the gym. I was so out of shape but afterwards I just felt fantastic. I’m about to go to bed having only had 1700kcals and I feel fine.

While I was in the gym I had three people text me saying, “when are we going to the pub?”, “hope you can’t wait to get absolutely battered on my birthday next week ;)”, and “do you want my spare ticket for City away next month? Train beers beckon”.

So here’s where I need the advice. How do you balance social life with weight loss?

I don’t want to be a big fat party animal anymore, I don’t even want to be a party animal with a healthy bmi. But it seems that all my friendships are based around going out and drinking. Does anyone have any experience of this? And how they managed to not lose all their friends with their weight? Has anyone lost weight while still going to the pub regularly? Would appreciate any advice from anyone, but especially from UK redditors. The drinking culture is so ingrained in this country and I really don’t think the solution is as easy as saying “just stop drinking altogether”, especially as a student.

Thanks in advance! Excited to be starting my journey 😎

submitted by /u/AnonAFC71
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss and dating as a man

I'm a 29 year old man, soon to be 30. I have pretty much zero experience with women because I've always been the fat guy with no self esteem. Lately I've been trying to improve myself and lose weight, but the more I read online I'm just terrified that even after losing the weight I want to (near 100 pounds) I'm still gonna be the gross dude with saggy skin that nobody will touch.

Guess I'm just looking for success stories of dudes who went through that and improved their prospects with dating. But please be honest, don't tell me what you think I want to hear. If it's actually hopeless, just say that.

submitted by /u/ayyyyyyitsathrowaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss/loose skin - for the ladies

Hi, About me: I’ve been losing weight + gaining weight back + losing weight for the last few years. I lost 100 pounds and then had a baby, and gained back 150. Then lost around 100 again , gained back about 20 of those. I’m working on starting my journey again, going to be happy with losing another 50 or so.

With all my weight loss/weight gain/loss again, I have a lot of loose skin. There’s a lot of areas of my body that will never look the same again (unless I someday able to afford surgery).

For me, the issue is the skin.

I’m in a great relationship, he’s very supportive of my weight loss and my goals. But he hasn’t really seen my loose skin. I won’t let him. I have problems showing him most of my body without clothes. I struggle to fathom how much more my skin will sag once I’m finished.

I struggle to find confidence in my own skin, when I’ve lost so much weight and can’t be fully happy as I don’t like the way that looks.

Guess I was just posting this as for some sort of advice/support. My boyfriend tells me it doesn’t matter and says all the nice and right things but I just don’t know that I’ll ever be able to afford skin removal surgery. This just may be how my body looks going forward.

submitted by /u/misskheart
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from loseit - Lose the Fat