Saturday, January 19, 2019

Lost 271lbs, reached my goal weight and figured out how to be happy

Progress photos! (though they might be confusing without the context below...)

Sometime around the end of August or beginning of September 2013, I sat in bed one night feeling my heart thump loudly and rapidly inside my chest. It was physically exhausting just to even lie down, and I panicked over what I thought might have been an oncoming heart attack. The next day I went to my doctor and told him what I was experiencing. He very kindly told me it was probably because I was morbidly obese, and checked my weight on some scales - 434lbs was what they showed. While he did send me off for a blood test and ECG, he made it clear that my weight was almost certainly the problem, and offered to set me up with a nutritionist and a bariatric surgeon. I declined both.

I was used to feeling dehumanized - I had been morbidly obese since I was about 6 or 7 years old, and was very used to be treated like a second-class person - but knowing I had gotten over 400lbs was extremely upsetting. I knew things had to change, but I didn't know how. By now I had failed so many times at losing weight, I assumed anything I did would be doomed before I'd started. Maybe others who have been or are at around 400lbs can relate to this, but I remember worrying every time I went out because I was never sure if I could fit in chairs. Movie theatres had become a gamble - if the chairs had retractable arms, I could retract one side and sit across two chairs. If not though, I was completely screwed. Most restaurants too were out of the question, because I couldn't fit in a booth, and I was never sure if the regular chairs could support my weight (I'd feel constantly anxious as they creaked beneath me).

In a weird way, wanting to not have to deal with nonsense like this any more was one of the ways I was able to find motivation for losing weight. I never set out to become 'healthy', just to become 'less fat'. I made an account on MyFitnessPal to track my calories. Because I was so large, I could still eat around 3000 calories a day and lose weight. Great! And that was how I lost the first chunk of weight - still eating mainly junk food, but just slightly less. I also started to walk a few times a week. I would be exhausted after only a few blocks, but was determined to keep trying until I could walk without getting so tired. Gradually I did find it got easier, and soon I was walking almost twice as far as when I had started to regularly exercise.

One of the biggest killers in my diet was soft drink. Pepsi in particular was what I constantly craved. At my highest weight, I was drinking about 5 or 6 cans a day: I generally woke up at midday and skipped breakfast, so would have one for lunch, two between dinner, one or two with dinner, and one with dessert. I slowly was able to reduce this to only a couple a day. I had also started to get into cooking. Most of my diet had been fast food, usually eating out around 4 or 5 days a week, with my other meals being things like frozen pizza or microwave food. I basically had to teach myself how to cook from scratch, because neither my mum or nan who I lived with knew how to either. One of the earliest dishes I remember cooking was a simple but delicious meat pie served with peas and carrots. I would make this every week, and gradually as I became more comfortable in the kitchen I started to add more things to my cooking repertoire.

I spent quite a few years just adjusting to these changes as I slowly lost weight. I literally had to unlearn all the bad eating habits I had obtained from my mum over my childhood, and relearn what normal portion sizes and ‘healthy meals’ were (she once remarked that she thought a full English breakfast was healthy, which really shows how skewed her understanding of nutrition is). At the start of 2015 I joined a gym and would visit a few times a week. I will happily admit I had no idea what I was doing for the first year or so, and mainly just followed the workout plan I’d been given by the owner. Getting into a routine at gym though was very important, and the few times I did ‘fall off the wagon’ I would always end up back at the gym because it had become a regular part of my life.

For 2016 and 2017, I hovered around 320lbs. While I never went back to my old ways, there were certainly things I still needed to change. I was still drinking Pepsi, although by now down to only one a day. So I started to replace it with things like Kombucha and Ice Tea, and after a while was able to totally eliminate Pepsi from my diet. Similarly, I had started to snack on chocolates and biscuits between meals, and became quite strict about only eating those for dessert.

Around the end of 2017 I had once again started to become quite serious about losing weight. This was partially brought on by the fact I came to terms with myself as transgender, which helped put into perspective my history of self-hatred and disregard for my body. I started to use that as one of my main sources of motivation, and at the beginning of 2018 to the end of 2018 began to visit the gym almost daily. I started to take progress photos every 4 weeks, and even bought a pair of bathroom scales once I had lost enough to not actually exceed the weight limit. Family and friends I hadn’t seen for a long time would tell me they barely recognized me, and strangers at the gym also began to complement my weight loss. Soon my BMI classified me as ‘healthy’, and I could hardly even believe I wasn’t fat for the first time in memory.

Unfortunately, December was extremely difficult for me. Because of my aforementioned gender transition, I was disowned by my mum and her side of the family. I was briefly homeless for a few days, as I’d been staying with her while finishing my university studies. Thankfully my dad and step mum were more than happy to accept me, and I’ve been living there since the start of 2019. This does however mean I’m no longer able to visit my gym, since it’s quite a distance away. I’m looking at joining another local gym, though in the meanwhile have been keeping up regular exercise through walking and using my dad’s elliptical trainer.

A few days ago, I reached 74kg. I also saw myself in a recent photo at a party, and was genuinely shocked at how skinny I looked. While I had initially planned on getting to 70kg, I feel comfortable with my current weight, and don’t feel I need to lose anymore. So I guess for the first time ever I am now a weight maintainer! For those interested, the progress photos are at the top of the post. I hope you enjoyed reading this, and thank you to everyone who posts on r/loseit. I check here every day for motivation, and have received some very kind words in the previous posts I’ve made. Thank you so much to everyone in this community for helping me to achieve my goal!

submitted by /u/mecoptera2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Sunday, 20 January 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

So far I've lost about 20 lbs. Will my body look ok after all this weight loss? I am nervous.

So I am 5'2" and have lost about 20 lbs. But my weight can shift sometimes and makes me extremely nervous. I will be going to grad school in September and have never truly dated or been in a relationship ( I am almost 22) and I need to be in the best shape of my life as this is a fresh start and I need to look good. That is the main reason why I am losing weight. Not only do you feel better, but you can get a man easier! That is the #1 motivation. Not health at all. that comes with it, like a gift with purchase. Anyways, I am afraid my body will look like shit after I lose weight. I do weight workouts almost everyday when I can, and besides 7 hrs on my feet at retail that is my only exercise. Will my body look decent after the weight loss? here is a before and after of the results so far. thank you.

Also, what would you say my body type is? Apple shape? Inverted triangle? I have no idea, any guess is a good one

submitted by /u/luxorcairo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling w/ loss (13/F)

So at the beginning of last year, I had begun my road to weight loss. I started with cutting out soda and snacks, but it was harder to eat healthier, since I can't buy my own food and decide what I want to eat- my parents do that. I started out at approximately 196 lbs and even in the first week I lost three pounds, which was super motivating. Up till summer of last year I had gone down to 160 lbs, but then I just hit a road block. I've remained in a range of 164-159 ever since. Often at the end of the night I find myself looking up ways to stay motivated or other foods to eat, but by the next morning I struggle to keep to my diet. Throughout December I felt myself splurging and so I told myself in 2019 I'll restart and go back to how I was at the beginning of last year, but I can barely stick to it.

It's so frustrating because I struggle with self control and so if I have ice cream or chips in the house I eat it more likely than not. However, if I don't have ice cream or chips in the house I don't even think about it. But my parents always buy food that makes me give in despite my wishes to them not to buy the junk food. Plus, we dine out or get fast food so much more often than I'd like to admit. But its hard for me to change my ways since I've asked them to buy healthier items and I've told them about my diet and they don't do anything. My mom wants to lose weight too and she'll tell me that once a week but she doesn't do anything to lose.

I'm also an extremely picky eater which doesn't help much either. I can't stand the textures of many fruits or vegetables and if I can deal with the texture I can't stand the taste. I don't even like most meats. I want to eat better but everything makes me gag. If anyone can suggest foods or ways to prepare healthy things that can remove the texture factor (I was thinking about trying smoothies?), that would be pretty nice.

Finally, exercise. I definitely don't enjoy exercising but I try to do it, but I just struggle with motivation for anything really. I'm really passionate about things for one week and then the next week I just start to give up. My one friend set up an entire fitness schedule for me and made sure I was filling them in every day that I completed the activity, but then we started drifting apart and I tried to keep doing it but I just slowly forgot about it. I try to do things and I put reminders in my phone but I can barely stick to them. I'm planning on trying harder and really all the motivation I need is to see a change and I'll keep doing it. I've already seen changes but since I've been stuck for so long all of my motivation kind of just dies out.

I really just feel like I've hit a wall with my journey and I don't know how to pass it.

submitted by /u/cloudyromxnce-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I found out hiding veggies or tofu in dishes can really help bring down the calories/make a dish healthier!

So I’ve lost 35lbs so far doing CICO and it’s been good but I’ve plateaued lately for a couple of reasons! Main reason is I’ve basically been sick or injured since the end of October so I’ve been way less active and couldn’t really cook a lot for my self. And the second reason is my calories needed for weight loss have dropped from 1500 to 1200 and I’ve had trouble making the transition to eating less. So I’ve been trying to get back on the wagon and find new lower calorie recipes!

So fast forward to the other day when I wanted to make chicken lettuce wraps cause I thought they would be a good low calorie lunch. Well I’m in the middle of making them and I’m grabbing the chicken when I notice a block of tofu and a bag of riced cauliflower that my brother left after visiting me last week! So I’m like I should just toss those in to the chicken so I can use them before they go bad! So I toss them in and recalculate the calories for the recipe in my fitness pal and it drastically drops the amount of calories per ounce! And low and behold not only was it less calories and healthier but it also tasted the same as a normal chicken lettuce wrap!

So I tried it again with some ground beef tacos I made tonight! I added diced mushrooms, rice cauliflower, and more tofu to the beef! And low and behold it tastes exactly the same as my old tacos but at almost half the calories! My old taco recipe was almost 90 calories an ounce and now it’s 49 calories an ounce and the ounce size is way bigger!

Anyway I just wanted to share my newest trick to making things lower calorie and also more nutritious!

submitted by /u/neuronerd88
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I have a possibly annoying question/vent about how to handle significant others.

Okay, I’ll state that my vent feels absolutely ridiculous because I’m about to complain essentially about how much my boyfriend loves me.

I’m sorry, I know, but stay with me.

As context to why I’m in this sub, I have stopped and started my weight loss journey about three times in the last six months. I’m 5’10” and currently 189 lbs and absolutely hate the way I look. I used to have an athletic build and be fit and not skip out on social situations because I’m self conscious. I know how critical it is for myself to lose weight, especially because I miss being more physically fit. I have three mountains I want to visit and hike this year and don’t want to struggle and would like to take photos while doing it.

Anyway, my partner is incredible and doesn’t think twice about my weight. He is constantly telling me I’m sexy, he loves my body, etc. While it is obviously so nice, it lulls me into this false sense of security. I forget what I look like to myself because of the way I apparently look to him. It’s impacting my ability to focus on the weight loss the way I need to. And I don’t really know how to deal with it.

Has anyone else come across something like this, where an external factor is impacting your internal resolve? What did you do?

And I’m sorry if this was annoying.

submitted by /u/chy7784
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Keep it up "losers" 🙂

Hello good people! Just felt compelled to post on here. I've struggled with my weight since my accident a couple years ago & have put on a significant amount. About five years before my accident I was even larger than I am now by a lot. I got very motivated and lost almost 150lbs but tbh I wasn't happy I was obsessed. I thought the weight loss would make my body dismorphia less impactful in my life but it did just the opposite. Hours in the gym every day, obsessively weighing food & timing my fasts to the second. It was exhausting and I pushed away a lot of if not all the great people in my circle that had started off cheering me on. A few months ago I decided to do something about my weight. I want to lose it but I have completely different goals in mind now. I do t want to be "sexy" or a "beast" I want to be strong, healthy and in good enough shape to chase my two year old and not be out of breath lol. I joined some healthy bootcamp classes that I attend twice a week (which is about all my legs can handle) and go to the gym a few times other than that a week to lift or maybe bike. I eat smarter, I give myself a cheat day & refuse to make losing weight be miserable like it was the first time. I believe in all of you & I hope you all reach your goals but more importantly I hope you all will be happy with yourselves and the progress you make. 🙂

submitted by /u/Andre504
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from loseit - Lose the Fat