Saturday, January 19, 2019

Keep it up "losers" 🙂

Hello good people! Just felt compelled to post on here. I've struggled with my weight since my accident a couple years ago & have put on a significant amount. About five years before my accident I was even larger than I am now by a lot. I got very motivated and lost almost 150lbs but tbh I wasn't happy I was obsessed. I thought the weight loss would make my body dismorphia less impactful in my life but it did just the opposite. Hours in the gym every day, obsessively weighing food & timing my fasts to the second. It was exhausting and I pushed away a lot of if not all the great people in my circle that had started off cheering me on. A few months ago I decided to do something about my weight. I want to lose it but I have completely different goals in mind now. I do t want to be "sexy" or a "beast" I want to be strong, healthy and in good enough shape to chase my two year old and not be out of breath lol. I joined some healthy bootcamp classes that I attend twice a week (which is about all my legs can handle) and go to the gym a few times other than that a week to lift or maybe bike. I eat smarter, I give myself a cheat day & refuse to make losing weight be miserable like it was the first time. I believe in all of you & I hope you all reach your goals but more importantly I hope you all will be happy with yourselves and the progress you make. 🙂

submitted by /u/Andre504
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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