Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Body chemistry is a sloppy little shit.

Even when you are strictly adhering to a calorie count significantly below your TDEE, weight loss is one hell of a ride. A roller coaster with some ups as well as (the far preferred) downs.

On the microscale (if I was going the route of daily measurements....which I am not), I can only imagine how rough the graph of my journey would look. Even on the weekly weigh in scale, I oscillate up and down (last week I gained 3 pounds, and I fully expect to drop 5 or 6 in the next week).

Overall progress, taking the long view, I am doing quite well. Any of those ups is followed by reclaiming that increase and (usually but not always) losing another pound or two besides.

Which brings us to the topic of this post. Body chemistry is a sloppy little shit. So do not be hard on yourself when on the journey if your weight does a quick aeronautical stunt, looping up a bit for a time. Stay the course and keep your eye on the long view, not the short term (what happened since last weigh in).

Of course if you are seemingly on a rocket heading towards heavier weight for a significant period of time, it is time to reexamine what you are eating (and more importantly how much). What is a significant period of time? For me, weighing in weekly, I would say if I got a measurable increase three weeks in a row (when I am trying to lose 1.5 pounds a week on my present caloric input), then I would be concerned.

What to take away from this? Do not be discouraged by the little Nazi (you step on the scale and it snaps to attention... the description is particularly valid for those scales at the doctor's office. HEIL!) on the week to week basis. Keep it up, you can do this, and remember the long view!

submitted by /u/ArenYashar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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