Monday, January 28, 2019

For my Child, for my Wife, and for Me... I'm back again.

Hey LoseIt... Several years ago I started a weight loss journey on this subreddit, and ended up losing 60 lbs... before then, I was a heavy drinker, smoker, and didn't watch my diet at all. I went from 270 to 210, and was feeling great! Then laziness set in. I stopped working out, was still smoking casually, and got in a relationship so I wasn't as concerned with my appearance (stupid, I know). Well obviously the weight started coming back. I didn't think much of it though. As long as I didn't get back to my highest weight, I was content to just let things slide. Well, I think you all know where this is going...

Since then, I've gotten married, and have a wonderful wife. Bought a home, and things have been going great. Then, I found out a couple of months ago that I'm going to be a father. I was so excited, and decided it was time to make some good life choices and change some habits for my son/daughter (not sure which yet). So I started with smoking. I smoked my last cigarette on Dec 31st and haven't touched nicotine since. In the past week or so, I decided to start getting my weight under control so I went to the doctor's office and stepped on a scale for the first time in over a year... 278... I couldn't believe my eyes. How did I get back to this point?! I drink 1/10th of what I used to, I walk during my lunch breaks, I thought I was doing enough to keep things under control. But I clearly didn't. Then came the blood work. My bad cholesterol is high and my good cholesterol is low. Oh yeah, and I'm already on meds for my high blood pressure. So here I am.

I am a 35 year old man, 6'0, and 278lbs. Hoping to get back to where I was before, and a little more. I want to hit 200 lbs. Given my body type/frame, I don't think I should go much lower than that, but I NEED to get to at least 200. I want to live as long as possible with my wife and child, and don't want all this extra weight holding me back. Looking forward to starting this journey again with all of you!

TL;DR: Lost 60 lbs 3 years ago, gained all of it plus some back. Wife and I are expecting a child in July and I need to get healthy again.

submitted by /u/StormFreak
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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