Wednesday, January 30, 2019

What made the difference in my weight loss journey....

Hi all, maybe it does help you in your journey as well. I went keto 3 years ago, tried IF, have a good exercise regime, but I was still not able to maintain my weight. I was always pretty good in losing it if needed, but then I always gained it all back. What I always despised was to track calories. Since I did keto, I was encouraged by others that keto does not require tracking calories as long as you keep an eye on your macros.

The last time I lost weight was about 6 months ago. It was easier this time because for the first time I had tracked my calories. I logged in all my food for the day first thing in the morning. If I like something I eat it every day. So the tracking was actually not too difficult. And I always added one evening treat in my food plan for the day, mostly a nice protein bar and 2 pieces of dark chocolate - those calories were part of my daily calorie budget.

This was a game cahnger. There was always a great treat waiting for me at the end of the day that I could look forward to and enjoy guilt free. That made it really easy to stay within my food plan for the day. I never felt deprived.

Once I reached my goal weight, I continued with this method. I am still tracking everything and always build in my daily evening treat.

I am travelling quite a bit for work, so tracking everything in advance is not always an option. But I am still adding my evening treats first thing every morning so that I know how much calories I have left for the day.

Downside of this approach is that I am afraid I might be trapped in the tracking for life. But at least I found a way to maintain my weight. That is a price I am happy to pay. These ups and downs in my weight were awful and caused ups and downs in my moods as well.

What I also learned over the years: your diet is something deeply personal. What works for others might not work for you. For example, IF really did not work for me. It backfired big time - after not having breakfast I always ate way too much for lunch. And in the evening I ate too much because I knew that there would be no breakfast. I found out that I do best when eating 3 meals and two snacks a day. This eating schedule is being criticised by everyone as it is so against the IF trend. But I am happy with it, never need to wait too long for the next meal, plus it helps me with the portion control.

So I would encourage you to try different ways of eating and nutrition to find your way. There is no one size fits all in dieting. Don't trust those that promise you the golden key to success.

Hope these thoughts help someone out there :) great community here, thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/karena15
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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