Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Please Help Doctor Throwing Me Curve Balls!! KETO vs CICO

Some back ground – I have been heavy for most of my life, always being the fat kid growing up being high 200's at age of 12. Best I ever weighed was in High School at around age 16-18 I was 250-275lbs and maintained about 275 to age of 21. I was happy at this range and that is my ultimate goal. I was very active back then with heavy job in grocery business then went to flooring. Around 21 I changed careers and got into insurance which that put me into a sedentary position. Once in sedentary position I slowly but surely packed the weight on. In my local area drinking is the norm(if not required) and a lot of it has to do with beer for I do love to have a cold one or 12 but it also has to do with inactivity and food as well.(Small town 4 pizza parlors and 10 bars and the next small town over has the same)

At the beginning of December I found this subreddit r/Loseit and it was very inspiring. I started researching CICO and came across a gentlemen on youtube, Layne Norton(biolayne) and the way he explained was straightforward and easy to understand. When I started CICO I weighed in at 350. I have been very diligent in counting calories as many of us do. I use Cronometer to track. I normally have 500 cal by lunch and that seems to leave me room for drinks after work and sensible dinner. I have CICO set for 2lb loss a week so try to stay within 1900 cals a day, but dont stress if go over. This has been working thus far with current weight at 331.9 total loss of 18.1lbs in almost 2 months.

Now the curve ball!! Went for 6 month check up at doctor office(seen every 6 months due to MS/Lyme Disease) and he is encouraging me to do the no carb/KETO. Way he explains is calorie count is not as important as cutting out the carbs. He wants me to switch from beer to whiskey and diet ginger ale and no carbs. I tried this yesterday without a problem but my calorie count was increased from the food. Instead of having my fit and active whole wheat bread with light butter spread total 160 cal and a smart one micro meal at 280 cal I had eggs, slice of ham and cheese total 370 cal and cheeseburger no bread, mayo ketchup total 535 cal. That is way over my normal cal of 500 by end of lunch!!!

This great increase in cal goes against everything I have learned about CICO and I am very confused here. I weighed in this morn and lost weight so not sure if there is some validity to the no carb KETO way. I am willing to try anything to cut the weight at this point but don't want to go down wrong path!!

I am looking for some input and guidance from those that have done both KETO and CICO. Thank you for your time.

Edit: I started doing my own research yesterday and found Dom D'Agostino who is pro KETO and friends with Layne Norton who is CICO and what he was discussing was that the KETO diet helps people with Neurological disorders Ie Brain fog from MS/Lyme disease and I am wondering if that is the Primary Care motives for me doing KETO. I have a follow up with Neurologist in June so will get his opinion as well. I am here now for the real second opinion from all of you that may have tried both and results for my concern at this time is weight loss not brain fog. Cheers!

submitted by /u/MrDee88
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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