Sunday, January 27, 2019

Scared of the scales...

So I started weight watchers in November and weighed myself weekly, I did well for around a month, then completely fell off the wagon (usual reasons, personal issues, work was rubbish and I didn’t deal with any of it particularly well.) I put my big girl pants on (lol) and started again the beginning of January, cliche I know. However I have been getting on great, I’m making changes and choices because I want to and not because I feel I have to, and I’m feeling really positive about it. My jeans are looser and I’m a chin down. BUT because I knew I had eaten so terribly, binge doesn’t cover it, in December I didn’t weigh myself when I started again, I just couldn’t face that little line on my chart going up. I decided I would leave it a few weeks and weigh myself again when I thought I might like the number a bit more. I just left the same weight on my app to work out my points. But now the app is harassing me to weigh myself and I just don’t want to do it. I think I am doing the whole weight loss thing so much more positively this time because I’m not weighing myself, I tend to get obsessed with the scales and put way too much emphasis on the number on there rather than how I feel. But I know that I need to put in my weight to work out my points to get the best out of ww. So I’m at a loss really and not sure what to do. I don’t want to loose my momentum but know I need to weigh myself at some point. Help!

TLDR- chronic over-thinker. I don’t want to weigh myself but know I should. Advice sought.

submitted by /u/rachelizand
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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